1、极化码(Polar codes),达到信道容量的编码方案,黄志亮,讨论组安排,赵頔汪宇左德遥张施怡,基本要求:做ppt外行也能明白讨论前一到两天把ppt发给所有人,讨论内容:内容不限可以是自己所做的工作可以是阅读某篇或几篇文章的心得可以近期所看书籍的心得可以是近期碰到的问题,?戚河平?姚松林?俞泓帆,分组待定,分组和顺序,The Road to Channel Capacity,信道极化和极化码,代表文章: Erdal Arikan, Channel Polarization: A Method for Constructing Capacity-Achieving Codes for Sym
2、metric Binary-Input Memoryless Channels, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 3051-3073, July 2009. 由于这篇文章获得的奖励:The 2010 IEEE Information Theory Paper award is presented to Erdal Arikan.Kadir Has Outstanding Achievement Award is presented to Erdal Arikan for an invention that answe
3、rs 60-year-old unsolved problem in information theory and communication engineering. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has named Prof. Erdal Arkan an IEEE Fellow for his extraordinary work in contributions to coding theory. We congratulate Prof. Erdal Arkan who received th
4、e prestigious 2013 IEEE W.R.G. Baker Award for his contribution to information theory.,Erdal Arikan,Born in Ankara, Turkey, in 1958. B. S. degree from California Institute of Technology.S.M. and Ph.d. degrees from the Massachusetts Insititute of Technology.,极化码意义,极化码(Polar Codes),信息论和编码领域顶级期刊(IEEE T
5、rans on IT)2010的最佳论文奖,某种程度上说,完成了自信息论提出60年来信道编码理论家们的梦想,Erdal Arikan和我,信道:概率模型 - 达到容量一,信道:信道举例 - 达到容量二,信道编码定理 - 达到容量三,码率:R = K/N,误码率:Pe,信道容量:C=maxp(x)I(X;Y)(bits per transmission)(二进制输入)信道编码定理: 无差错传输条件下(Pe=0),最大可达码率为C,Eb/N0=0.188dB,C=0.5:Eb/N0=0.188dB的BiAWGN信道,无差错传输条件下,无论如何设计编码器和译码器, R最大只能到0.5。,汉明码LDP
6、C码极化码,LDPC码性能展示- 达到容量四,From paper: Yu Kou, Shu Lin, “Low-Density Parity-Check Codes Based on finite geometries: A Rediscovery and New Results”, IEEE Trans. Infor. Theory, Vol 47, No 7, Nov 2001,极化码- 达到容量五,From paper: Erdal Arikan, Channel Polarization: A Method for Constructing Capacity-Achieving Co
7、des for Symmetric Binary-Input Memoryless Channels, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 3051-3073, July 2009.,Erdal Arikan利用信道极化现象,从理论上严格证明了如下结论: 对于任意的二进制离散无记忆对称(B-DMS)信道,当码长趋向于无穷时,极化码可以达到信道容量(也即误码率趋向于零时,其码率R可以任意接近信道容量C),并且有着低的编译码复杂度。,State of the art (polar codes),极化码和当前的最先进的技术有着
8、相当或更好的性能。,From paper: Ido Tal and Alexander Vardy, “List Decoding of Polar codes”, IEEE Trans. Infor. Theory, Vol 61, No 5, May 2015.,极化码研究现状:国内研究,(1)北京邮电大学K. Chen, K. Niu, and J. R. Lin, “List successive cancellation decoding of polar codes,” Electron. Lett., vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 695-697, Apr. 2012.
9、K. Niu and K. Chen, “Stack decoding of polar codes,” Electron. Lett., vol. 48, no. 12, pp. 500-501, Jun. 2012.K. Niu and K. Chen, “CRC-aided decoding of polar codes,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 1668-1671, Oct. 2012.K. Chen, K. Niu, and J. R. Lin, “Improved successive cancellation decod
10、ing of polar codes,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 3100-3106, Aug. 2013.“Beyond turbo codes: Rate-compatible puntured polar codes.” ICC 2013国家自然科学基金面上项目:信道极化码设计与优化研究 2012.1-2015.12,极化码研究现状:国内研究,(2)南京邮电大学Polar lattices: where Arikan meets Forney. ISIT 2013On the analysis of multiplicative-
11、repetition codes and polar codes over binary erasure channels. WCSP 2012Cooperative coding scheme using polar codes. 2012 ICCSNTPerformance of polar codes on wireless communication channels. ICCT 2012Polar codes and its application in speech communications. WCSP 2011Encrypted polar codes for wiretap
12、 channel. 2012 ICCSNTDesigns of Bhattacharyya parameter in the construction of polar codes. 2011 WiCOM,极化码研究现状:国内研究,(3)中南大学A novel channel polarization on binary discrete memoryless channels. 2010 ICCS,(4)北京航空航天大学A novel rate-adaptive distributed source coding scheme using polar codes. 2013, Communi
13、cations Letters, IEEE,(5)浙江大学On the polar codes for MIMO. WCSP 2013Polar code with Block-length N=3n . WCSP 2012,(6)华为公司An adaptive successive cancellation list decoder for polar codes with cyclic redundancy check. 2012, Communications Letters, IEEE,极化码研究现状:国内研究,(7)浙江师范大学Z.L. Huang, C.J. Diao and M.
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