1、A perfect day?,A perfect day?,机关党办20XX年上半年工作总结报告20XX年上半年,机关党办在局党组的领导和主管局长的具体指导下,在有关部门的大力支持配合下,主要做了以下工作:一、把握重点,扎实推进先进性教育活动根据省局和江门市委的部署安排,党办作为局先进性教育活动的负责单位,成立了教育活动的组织机构,将工作分工落实到人,将工作责任落实到岗,制定了详细的工作方案,明确了先进性教育活动的指导思想、目标任务、方法和步骤,扎扎实实做好先进性教育活动的各阶段工作。(一)学习动员:创新形式,提高认识学习动员阶段主要是进行思想动员,学理论,学典型。针对这次先进性教育活动要求严
2、、标准高、任务重的特点,我办坚持把思想发动、统一思想作为先进性教育活动的切实入点来抓,主要抓好以下几点:1、深入抓好动员教育。省局和江门市委召开动员大会后,2月22日,我办召开了全系统先进性教育活动动员大会,及时传达上级精神。2月23日下午,我们又组织召开了机关各支部书记学习会议,对各支部书记、先进性教育活动办公室工作人员进行理论培训,进一步明确先进性教育活动的意义和要求,做到有针对性、广泛性、深入性,消除了错误思想,端正了态度,提高了认识,为,Key words :,1 What are your favourite kinds of TV programme? Tell the class
3、. use the key words to help you .,Do you ever watch too much time do you spend watching TV every day ?,Sports programmes, the news ,TV series, cartoons ,games shows ,films, talk shows, music programmes,机关党办20XX年上半年工作总结报告Key words :1,music programmes,music programmes,cartoons,sports programmes,cartoo
4、nssports programmes,films,TV series,filmsTV series,the news,game shows,talk shows,the newsgame showstalk shows,What kind of lifestyles do you think the men in the pictures have ? Use the Key words on page 7 to help you .,2,What kind of lifestyles do you,boring, busy, dangerous, active, easy, lazy, e
5、xciting, free, interesting, peaceful, relaxing, stressful,boring, busy, dangerous, activ,3 Read the two texts quickly and :,Read to learn,1 underline the TV programmes that Brain usually watches .2 underline the kinds of work Bob does every day .,3 Read the two texts quickly,4 Read the two texts aga
6、in and answer these questions,Is Brain a lazy person ? Can you find two examples of his lazy behaviour ?2 What do you think “Youve got the world at your feet ” means ?3 How does Bob spend his morning and evening ?,4 Read the two texts again and,4. Why does Bobs family complain ?5. Why does Bob work
7、so hard ?,4. Why does Bobs family compl,Voice your opinion,Are Brian and Bobs lifestyles healthy? What can they do to improve their lifestyles?Talk in pairs . Is your partner a “couch potato ”, a “workaholic” or neither ? Ask questions like these : what do you do at weekends ? Do you often study at
8、weekends ?,Voice your opinionAre Brian an,What does a couch potato refer to?,A couch potato is someone who watches lots (some would say too much! ) of television.,“沙发马铃薯”。它不是马铃薯的变种,而是现代社会里的产物,指浪费太多时间看电视的人。,What does a couch potato refer,organization,Choose the most suitable main idea from A-I for ea
9、ch paragraph. There are two extra main ideas that you do not need.,organizationChoose the most su,What is workaholic?,What is different between a workaholic and a couch potato?,What is workaholic?What is dif,A. Mr. Brain almost does nothing but watch TV.B. Bob is very busy with his work in the dayti
10、me.C. Brain can watch much TV because he has a good family, especially a good wife.D. Brain likes doing exercise very much.E. Brain is fond of watching TV. Even so during a walk.F. It tells us why Bob works so crazily.G. It shows us what Bob does before going to work in the morning.H. Bob is tired o
11、f his work.I. Bob is also busy at night.,A. Mr. Brain almost does nothi,1. A Couch Potato,2. A Workaholic,Par1.A Par2.EPar3.C,Par1. GPar2. BPar3. IPar4. F,Suggested answers,1. A Couch Potato2. A Workahol,Use the following phrasal verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences below.,switch on,
12、switch off, switch over, take up, fill with, complain about, bring back,As the mother of four children, my days are _ coking and cleaning!,filled with,Use the following phrasal verb,2. Doing research and writing reports _ a large part of my day.3. I dont enjoy watching TV with my brother as he alway
13、s _ to the programmes that he wants to watch.4. Please _ the TV when you go to bed.,take up,switches over,switch off,2. Doing research and writing,5. _ the light. Its really dark in here!6. I try to do the homework that I _ from school as soon as I get home.7. Mona is never happy. Listen, shes now _
14、 her lunch!,Switch on,bring back,complaining about,5. _ the light. Its re,Match the sentences with the rules. Find more examples in the texts for each use.,For lunch, I have biscuits and a glass of milk.I like the main news at six oclock.,The Present Simple tense describes:a) an activity that is rep
15、eated regularly.b) a present state, a feeling or opinion.,a),b),Match the sentences with the r,What tense is used in the following sentences? Complete the rule.,Brian Blakey is sitting on his sofa.Brians wife is working as a secretary.,The Present _ describes:a) an activity happening now.b) a presen
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