1、文学翻译与鉴赏第1讲,阿Q正传翻译与鉴赏 13637402667 88821092(O),第二章 优胜记略Chapter Two A Brief Account of Ah-Qs Victories,阿不独是姓名籍贯有些渺茫,连他先前的“行状”也渺茫。因为未庄的人们之于阿,只要他帮忙,只拿他玩笑,从来没有留心他的“行状”的。而阿自己也不说,独有和别人口角的时候,间或瞪着眼睛道:“我们先前比你阔的多啦!你算是什么东西!”,Yangs version,In addition to the uncertainty regarding Ah Qs surname, personal name, and
2、 place of origin, there is even some uncertainty regarding his “background.” This is because the people of Weichuang only made use of his services or treated him as a laughing-stock, without ever paying the slightest attention to his “background.” Ah Q himself remained silent on this subject, except
3、 that when quarrelling with someone he might glance at him and say, “We used to be much better off than you! Who do you think you are anyway?”,Original,阿没有家,住在未庄的土谷祠里;也没有固定的职业,只给人家做短工,割麦便割麦,舂米便舂米,撑船便撑船。 工作略长久时,他也或住在临时主人的家里,但一完就走了。 所以,人们忙碌的时候,也还记起阿来,然而记起的是做工,并不是“行状”;一闲空,连阿都早忘却,更不必说“行状”了。只是有一回,有一个老头子颂
4、扬说:“阿真能做!” 这时阿赤着膊,懒洋洋的瘦伶仃的正在他面前,别人也摸不着这话是真心还是讥笑,然而阿很喜欢。,Questions,Q1:翻译前要多读几遍,找到感觉,体会作者说话的语气,即把握原文的风格,包括用词(大还是小?)、句式(长还是短?完整还是省略?是否有异常的句式?)、节奏(快还是慢?急还是缓?)。A:随意,口语化(句式短,用词小,有不完整句),但节奏感强,但语速慢而缓。因此,译文也应尽量体现这种风格。Q2:以段为整体进行翻译,分析该段各句之间的关系,看是否需要分段?是否需要合句或分句?A: 该段句与句之间比较独立,可不分句。,Questions for Sentence ,A)阿没
5、有家,住在未庄的土谷祠里;B)也没有固定的职业,只给人家做短工,割麦便割麦,舂米便舂米,撑船便撑船。Q: 该句由2部分构成,由分号分开,二者是什么关系?是否需要合译?A: 两部分属并列关系,说了两件事:一是“没家”,一是“没职业”,点明了阿Q的身份。可译成两句。,A)阿没有家,住在未庄的土谷祠里。,Q1: 由两部分构成,二者是什么关系?要用什么关联词?或是否要译成两句?A: 因果关系,不需分句。但要搞清孰主孰次。Q2: “家”怎么译?“没有家”怎么译?“土谷祠”怎么译?A: “家”应译为family,不译home,“没有家”也不能译为homeless,其实他有home(土谷祠)。土谷祠土地庙。
6、“土”指土地的神,“谷”指五谷的神。 Tugu Ancestral Hall(比Temple应该更能体现中国文化特色)(文化专项词的翻译:归化/异化),补充例子,一九一一年,在一个小县城里边,我生在一个小地主家里。(萧红:永久的憧憬和追求)误译:In the year of 1911,I was born in the home of a petty landlord in a small county town.正译:In the year of 1911, I was born into the family of a petty landlord in a small county to
7、wn.,A)阿没有家,住在未庄的土谷祠里。,参考译文1:Ah Q had no family but lived in the Tutelary Gods Temple at Weichuang. (杨译)参考译文2:Having (太正式) no family, Ah Q lived at the local Land-and-Grain Temple, and . (Lyell译),a)也没有固定的职业,/b)只给人家做短工,/c)割麦便割麦,/d)舂米便舂米,/e)撑船便撑船。,Q: 该句由五个小句构成,彼此是什么关系?是否需要分句?需要用什么关联词?A: 该句含两个层次。a和bcde之
8、间是第一层,是因果关系;b和cde之间是第二层,是总分关系;cde之间是第三层,是并列关系。“割麦”、“舂米”和“撑船”是“做短工”的例子。因此,可用冒号“:”连接。,“职业”:occupation? job? work? vocation? profession?,occupation: 1)an activity that serves as ones regular source of livelihood; a vocation.(用以成为某个正常的生活来源的一项活动) 2)an activity engaged in especially as a means of passing
9、time; an avocation.(尤指以此来消耗时间的一项活动;副业, 兼差)profession: an occupation requiring considerable training and specialized study(需要大量训练和专门学习的行业)vocation: a regular occupation, especially one for which a person is particularly suited or qualified.(正规的工作,尤指一个人特别适合或尤其有资格胜任的职业),做短工do odd jobs割麦harvest或reap,不用c
10、ut或mow(因强调具体的动作),此处应虚化。mow: to cut down (grass or grain) with a scythe or a mechanical device(刈:用长柄镰或机械装置割倒草或谷物),“舂米”的翻译,舂:把东西放在石臼或钵里捣去皮壳或捣碎 pestle: to pound, grind, or mash with a pestle (捣,研碎:用杵磨碎、研磨或捣碎)pound: to beat to a powder or pulp; pulverize or crush (捣碎,碾碎,舂烂:打碎成粉末或浆;磨碎或压碎)grind:to crush,
11、pulverize, or reduce to powder by friction, especially by rubbing between two hard surfaces (碾碎:压碎,挤碎或通过摩擦使其变成粉末,尤指在两个坚硬表面磨碎)husk: to remove shell or outer covering from(去壳) hull: to remove the dry outer covering of (fruit or seeds) (去掉果皮,去壳),撑船punt: to propel (a boat) with a pole (用篙撑)pole: to prop
12、el a boat or raft with a pole (以竿撑船:用杆或篙推动船或筏),割麦便割麦,舂米便舂米,撑船便撑船 Asked to reap wheat, he would reap wheat; asked to pound/husk rice, he would pound/husk rice; and asked to punt/pole boat, he would punt/pole boat.,也没有固定的职业,只给人家做短工,割麦便割麦,舂米便舂米,撑船便撑船。,参考译文1:He had no regular work either, simply doing o
13、dd jobs for others: were there wheat to be cut he would cut it, were there rice to be ground he would grind it, were there a boat to be punted he would punt it. (杨译)参考译文2:.and having no fixed occupation, he did odd jobs. When there was wheat to be harvested, he harvested it; when there was rice to b
14、e hulled, he did that; and if there was a boat to be poled, hed turn his hand to that too. (Lyell译),工作略长久时,他也或住在临时主人的家里,但一完就走了。,“工作略长久”怎么译?The work/job lasted a considerable period“或”怎么理解?或=或许/可能: might, would“住”怎么理解?住短暂停留,译为stay或put up at(在住宿), 不译live“一完就走” When a job lasted a considerable period,
15、he might/would temporarily put up at the home of his employer, but once the work was done, hed move out.,工作略长久时,他也或住在临时主人的家里,但一完就走了。,参考译文1:If the work lasted for a considerable period he might stay in the house of his temporary employer, but as soon as it was finished he would leave. (以下未分段)(杨译)参考译文
16、2:When a job lasted a bit longer than the usual, he might temporarily put up at the home of his employer, but once the work was done, hed move out.(此处分段)(Lyell译),所以,人们忙碌的时候,也还记起阿来,/然而记起的是做工,/并不是“行状”;/一闲空,连阿都早忘却,更不必说“行状”了。,“人们忙碌的时候”和“一闲空”怎么理解?可否译为when the people are busy和when they are at their spare/
17、free time? 为什么?“也还记起阿来” 怎么理解?“记起的是做工,并不是行状”怎么理解?行状:一生经历的记载 行状:汉朝称“状”,元代以后称之“行状”或“行述”(也称“事略”)。叙述死者世系、生平、生卒年月、籍贯、事迹的文章,常由死者门生故吏或亲友撰述,留作撰写墓志或史官提供立传的依据。,所以,人们忙碌的时候,也还记起阿来,/然而记起的是做工,/并不是“行状”;/一闲空,连阿都早忘却,更不必说“行状”了。,参考译文1:Thus whenever people had work to be done they would remember Ah Q, but what they reme
18、mbered was his service and not his background; and by the time the job was done even Ah Q himself was forgotten, to say nothing of his background. (杨译)参考译文2:When the busy season came, to be sure, peoples minds would turn to Ah Q, but what they would think about was his ability to work and not the pa
19、rticulars of his “resum”.(Lyell译),只是有一回,有一个老头子颂扬说:“阿真能做!” 这时阿赤着膊,懒洋洋的瘦伶仃的正在他面前,别人也摸不着这话是真心还是讥笑,然而阿很喜欢。,Q: 怎样理解该句中几个小句的关系?是否需要调整语序?如何调整? “只是有一回”怎么译才能把原文的语气译出来?Q: “阿真能做!”怎么译出语气?Q:几个修饰词“赤着膊”、“懒洋洋的”、“瘦伶仃的”该如何处理?在译句中的位置该如何摆放?各词该如何表达?,只是有一回,有一个老头子颂扬说:“阿真能做!” 这时阿赤着膊,懒洋洋的瘦伶仃的正在他面前,别人也摸不着这话是真心还是讥笑,然而阿很喜欢。,参考
20、译文1:Once indeed an old man remarked, What a good worker Ah Q is! At that time Ah Q, stripped to the waist, listless and lean, was standing before him, and other people did not know whether the remark was meant seriously or derisively, but Ah Q was overjoyed.(杨译)参考译文2:There was only a single instance
21、 when anyone had ever praised him, and that was when an old man had said, “That Ah Qs some worker!” Bare-chested at the time and standing right in front of the old man, Ah Q looked so scrawny and worn-out that one couldnt tell whether the old fellow had really meant it or was simply making fun of hi
22、m. Nonetheless, Ah Q had been pleased as punch.(Lyell译),Yangs Version (1),Ah Q had no family but lived in the Tutelary Gods Temple at Weichuang. He had no regular work either, simply doing (but simply did) odd jobs for others: were there wheat to be cut he would cut it, were there rice to be ground
23、he would grind it, were there a boat to be punted he would punt it. If the work lasted for a considerable period he might stay in the house of his temporary employer, but as soon as it was finished he would leave.,Yangs Version (2),Thus whenever people had work to be done they would remember Ah Q, b
24、ut what they remembered was his service and (but) not his “background”; and by the time the job was done even Ah Q himself was forgotten, to say nothing of his “background.” Once indeed an old man remarked, “What a good worker (labourer) Ah Q is!” At that time Ah Q, stripped to the waist, listless a
25、nd lean, was standing before him, and other people did not know whether the remark was meant seriously or derisively, but Ah Q was overjoyed.,Lyells Version (1),Having (太正式)no family, Ah Q lived at the local Land-and-Grain Temple, and having (太正式) no fixed occupation, he did odd jobs. When there was
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