1、围手术期肺部并发症及ARDS预防策略,中山大学附属第一医院 SICU陈娟,围手术期肺部并发症及ARDS预防策略中山大学附属第一医院,2,内容提要,ARDS及柏林标准Berlin Definition标准之后围术期预防ARDS应该关注什么?,2内容提要ARDS及柏林标准,诊断标准,Acute respiratory distress in adults. Ashbaugh DG,Lancet.1967 Aug 12;2(7511):319-23,诊断标准Acute respiratory distress,ARDS诊断的历史演变,1988年-Murray肺损伤评分标准1994年-欧美联席会议诊断
2、标准(AECC) 2005年-Delphi标准,ARDS诊断的历史演变1988年-Murray肺损伤评分标,ARDS与ALI,急性呼吸窘迫综合症 acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS急性肺损伤 acute lung injury,ALI,ARDS与ALI急性呼吸窘迫综合症,AECC标准,AECC标准,Berlin Definition,*通过专业影像学培训,不能被胸腔积液,结节,肿块,肺叶塌陷所完全解释*如果没有危险因素,需要客观指标的评估 VE Corr = VE PaCO2/40 VE 呼出潮气量,CRS 呼吸系统顺应性如果海拔高于1,000
3、m校正因子应计算为PaO2/FIO2(大气压力/760),柏林标准ARDS轻度中度重度起病时间一周之内急性起病的已知损,急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS),一种急性弥漫性肺部炎性反应可导致肺血管通透性升高,肺重量增加,可通气的肺组织减少临床特征:低氧血症,双肺透光度降低,肺内分流和生理无效腔增加,肺顺应性降低急性期病理学特征:弥漫性肺泡损伤(即水肿,炎性反应,透明膜或出血),急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)一种急性弥漫性肺部炎性反应,ARDS病理生理,ARDS病理生理,10,内容提要,ARDS及柏林标准Berlin Definition标准之后围术期预防ARDS应该关注什么?,10内容提要ARDS及
4、柏林标准,ARDS路在何方?,ARDS路在何方?,杜斌教授:柏林定义改变了什么?,杜斌教授:柏林定义改变了什么?,柏林标准:解惑,确定了发病时间强调ARDS与心源性肺水肿可以并存改良氧合指数(PaO2/FiO2)联合PEEP,柏林标准:解惑确定了发病时间,柏林标准:存疑,临床医生对胸片解读的差异较大 联合委员会建立了12张胸片数据库,即使经过培训,临床医生判断12张胸片结果的准确性仅为3580%改良氧合指数(PaO2/FiO2)影响因素多,柏林标准:存疑临床医生对胸片解读的差异较大,What is the future of ARDS after the Berlin definition?,
5、血管外肺水指数EVLWi 10 ml/kg以上,符合柏林诊断标准严重程度相关:轻 16.1,中 17.2,重 19.1 P0.05肺血管渗透性指数PVPI:轻 2.7,中 3.0,重 3.2 P0.05,Kushimoto S, Endo T, Yamanouchi S, et al., the PiCCO Pulmonary Edema Study Group. Relationship between extravascular lung water and severity categories of acute respiratory distress syndrome by the
6、Berlin definition. Crit Care 2013; 17:R132. Epub ahead of print,What is the future of ARDS aft,What is the future of ARDS after the Berlin definition?,Thille AW, Esteban A, Fernandez-Segoviano P, et al. Corte s-Puch I,Cardinal-Fernandez P, Lorente JA, Frutos-Vivar F. Comparison of the Berlin definit
7、ion for acute respiratory distress syndrome with autopsy. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013; 187:761767.,19912010,356/712,弥漫性肺泡损伤DAD 159/356 (45%)DAD发生率:轻12%,中40%,重58%,What is the future of ARDS aft,What is the future of ARDS after the Berlin definition?,高危因素:急性呼吸增快、急促,脉搏氧饱和度下降,需提高氧供,pH降低,酸中毒,动脉氧分压下降避免
8、二次打击如输注血制品,给予过量液体,有潜在毒性作用的药物,大潮气量通气,胃酸吸入,呼吸机相关性肺炎,Gajic O, Dabbagh O, Park PK, et al. Early identification of patients at risk of acute lung injury: evaluation of lung injury prediction score in a multicenter cohort study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011; 183:462470.,What is the future of ARDS aft,Wh
9、at is the future of ARDS after the Berlin definition?,PaO2/FIO2 影响因素:FIO2, PEEP,潮气量,气道压力,呼吸频率,肺复张手法,病人体位及体外循环支持,Carmen S.V. Barbasa, Alexandre M. Isolab, and Eliana B. Caser. What is the future of acute respiratory distress syndrome after the Berlin definition? Curr Opin Crit Care 2014, 20:1016,What
10、 is the future of ARDS aft,What is the future of ARDS after the Berlin definition?,Carmen S.V. Barbasa, Alexandre M. Isolab, and Eliana B. Caser. What is the future of acute respiratory distress syndrome after the Berlin definition? Curr Opin Crit Care 2014, 20:1016,CT血管外肺水及肺血管渗透性指数右心室功能氧合参数,What is
11、 the future of ARDS aft,20,内容提要,ARDS及柏林标准Berlin Definition标准之后围术期预防ARDS应该关注什么?,20内容提要ARDS及柏林标准,ARDS发病率,严重感染:2550大量输血:40多发性创伤:1125严重误吸:926,ARDS发病率严重感染:2550,Curr Opin Crit Care 2014, 20:39,Curr Opin Crit Care 2014, 20:3,The acute respiratory distress syndrome: incidence and mortality, has it changed?,
12、It is expected that broad application of lung protectiveventilation, appropriate setting of PEEP, restricting blood transfusion and rapid management of sepsis would decrease incidence and mortality of hospitalacquired ARDS.,Curr Opin Crit Care 2014, 20:39,The acute respiratory distress,关注之一:术后呼吸生理改变
14、脉搏氧饱和度下降,需提高氧供,pH降低,酸中毒,动脉氧分压下降二次打击因素输注血制品,给予过量液体,有潜在毒性作用的药物,大潮气量通气,胃酸吸入,呼吸机相关性肺炎,Gajic O, Dabbagh O, Park PK, et al. Early identification of patients at risk of acute lung injury: evaluation of lung injury prediction score in a multicenter cohort study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011; 183:462470.,关
15、注之四:ARDS高危因素,多次输血、创伤、脓毒症或者高危手术,F Lellouche, J Lipes. Prophylactic protective ventilation: lower tidal volumes for all critically ill patients?Intensive Care Med. 2013 Jan;39(1):6-15,高危因素Gajic O, Dabbagh O, Park P,应对策略之一:合适的氧疗,鼻导管吸氧面罩吸氧氧流量湿化温化,应对策略之一:合适的氧疗鼻导管吸氧,气道防护机制,生理状态的粘液纤毛转运系统(电镜下),Courtesy of S
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