1、会计学,1,Quality System Auditing质量体系审核,会计学1Quality System Auditing质量体,2,Outline,Basic conceptions of quality system AuditingPreparation of auditingOn-site auditingAuditing report and follow-up actions,第1页/共65页,2OutlineBasic conceptions of q,3,What is quality audit?,A quality audit is a systematic, inde
2、pendent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which agreed criteria are fulfilled,第2页/共65页,3What is quality audit? A qu,4,Audit criteria,Evidence,Compare,Audit finding,conclusion,How many?,Yes/No?,第3页/共65页,4Audit criteria Evidenc
3、e Compa,5,Three Key Words,EvidenceCriteriaIndependent,第4页/共65页,5Three Key WordsEvidence第4页/共6,6,Distinction of system audits by parties,1st party audits(Internal Audits) Organization audits its own QMS according to a quality standard2nd party audits(Supplier Audits) Customer audits the suppliers qua
4、lity system3rd party auditsExternal certification audits by an independent institution in order to certify the QMS,第5页/共65页,6Distinction of system audits,7,Internal Audit,An independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and approve an organizations operations. It hel
5、ps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. -Institute of Internal Auditors,第6页/共65页,7Internal Audit An independent,8,Question:What is the difference betwe
6、en third part audit and first part audit (internal audit),第7页/共65页,8Question:第7页/共65页,9,Why Audit?,To determine whether the quality system conforms to specified requirementsTo determine the effectiveness of the implemented systemTo initiate improvements in the system,第8页/共65页,9Why Audit?To determine
7、 whethe,10,3 types of audits,Process auditsProduct auditsSystem audits,第9页/共65页,103 types of auditsProcess au,11,PROCESS AUDITS,Evaluation of the contents and effectiveness of specific processes & work activities:To confirm process parameters and improve capability of the processTo ensure the realiz
8、ation the process quality characteristics.To ensure improvement of process control during service provision,第10页/共65页,11PROCESS AUDITSEvaluation of,12,Product Audits,Investigation of product conformance to specified characteristics:To obtain additional neutral assessment of products level of quality
9、To obtain additional assurance that specified quality requirements are met,第11页/共65页,12Product AuditsInvestigation,13,Product audits,To identify opportunities for improvement.To establish the quality level of units after final inspection and testingTo establish the capability of the inspection funct
10、ionTo determine the usefulness of inspections & tests,第12页/共65页,13Product auditsTo identify o,14,System audits,Evaluation of all the elements of the quality system in order to:Verify usefulness, suitability and effectivenessVerify adequate documentationVerify compliance with requirements.Determine w
11、eak points,第13页/共65页,14System auditsEvaluation of a,15,Who is an auditor?,A person who has the qualification to perform quality auditsCriteria for quality auditorsEducationTrainingExperiencePersonal Attributes,第14页/共65页,15Who is an auditor?A person,16,Attributes of an auditor,A AnalyticalU Unassumin
12、g/unbiasedD DiplomaticI Inquisitive/independentT ThoroughO ObjectiveR - Reliable,第15页/共65页,16Attributes of an auditorA,17,The Audit Process,Plan and prepare the audit50%Carry out the audit30%Reporting and follow-up20%,第16页/共65页,17The Audit ProcessPlan and pr,18,OVERVIEW OF AUDIT ACTIVITES,Planning a
13、nd scheduling audit,Conducting document review,Conducting audit,Prepare audit report,Conducting follow-up,Preparing for on-site activities,第17页/共65页,18OVERVIEW OF AUDIT ACTIVITESP,19,Forming an audit team and assign roles and responsibility and agreed on the scopeConducting document review Preparing
14、 for the on-site audit activities,Review documents (SOPs, audit findings, corrective action/preventive action, etc.), check the integrity of the quality system and various controls are effective,Preparing audit plan Assigning work to the audit team Preparing work documents (eg. audit checklists, sam
15、pling plans, forms for recording information; questionnaires),AUDIT ACTIVITIES,第18页/共65页,19Forming an audit team and as,20,AUDIT DOCUMENTATION,Audit report is anofficial document to report the audit findings,Audit planshould be sent to auditee prior to audit activityfindings from the last audit shou
16、ld be also mentioned,Audit note should includean audit questionnaireall records and comments during the audit,第19页/共65页,20AUDIT DOCUMENTATION Audit,21,AUDIT PREPARATION,Establish audit type and scopeEstablish audit basis it is the standard, manual, procedures or combination of themEstablish audit pe
17、rsonnel size is dependent on the type, purpose and scope of audit. Audit team may include specialists, trainee auditors, observers acceptable to audited and audit team,第20页/共65页,21AUDIT PREPARATIONEstablish a,22,AUDIT PREPARATION,Read basis documentation as well as previous audit reports and determi
18、ne what records shall be pulled in advancePrepare process model identifying the expected results of the process to be auditedPrepare an audit plan (or schedule),第21页/共65页,22AUDIT PREPARATIONRead basis,23,AUDIT PREPARATION,Notify the auditee in advance of: time, date, the scope, the basis, timetable
19、of the auditPrepare checklists use open ended questions what? Why? Who? How? Which?,第22页/共65页,23AUDIT PREPARATIONNotify the,24,The Consideration of the Auditing Schedule,1. Auditing Scope2. Operational performance (KPI)3. Customers feedbacks ( e.g complains );4. NCR in last auditing;5. Auditing reso
20、urces,第23页/共65页,24The Consideration of the Aud,25,An Example of Auditing Schedule,第24页/共65页,25An Example of Auditing Sched,26,Auditing Plan,Based on auditing schedule;Consider the specific scope and purposes;Consider the auditing resources;An daily work assignment;Worked out by leading auditor,第25页/
21、共65页,26Auditing PlanBased on auditi,27,STC/JZ02A 4-1,第26页/共65页,27STC/JZ02A 4-1第26页/共65页,28,Case Study,第27页/共65页,28Case Study第27页/共65页,29,Checklist,Cover all the requirements of the auditing plan;Worked out by each auditor;Road map of the checkout;Focus on the key points,第28页/共65页,29ChecklistCover al
22、l the requi,30,Audit Approach & RouteApproach: Based on dep. Based on processRoute: Forward trace Backward trace,第29页/共65页,30Audit Approach & RouteBased,31,Auditing based on department,Responsibilities,Resourses,6.2 6.3 6.4,Quality objectives,Communications,Process in charge,Clause,Data analysis,8.4
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