1、Chapter 3Anatomy and Kinesiology解剖学和人体运动学,Ch 3 - 1/2010,1,Chapter 3Anatomy and Kinesiol,Anatomical Position解剖学位置,Ch 3 - 1/2010,2,Anatomical Position解剖学位置Ch 3,矢状面 Sagittal 冠状面 Frontal 水平面 Horizontal,Ch 3 - 1/2010,3,矢状面 Sagittal 冠状面 Frontal,General Joint Action Terms常用关节动作术语,屈曲关节角度变小 (多数屈曲动作是向前的 除了膝关节
2、) Flexioncharacterized by the joint angle diminishing (most flexion movements are forwards, except for the knee joint)伸展屈曲的相反动作; 关节角度增大 Extensionreturn from flexion; joint angle increases外展远离身体中心线的运动 Abductionmovement away from the midline of the body内收接近身体中心线的运动 Adductionmovement toward the midline
3、 of the body旋转绕轴的运动 Rotationmovement around an axis环旋环绕 360的运动 Circumductionmovement in a 360 circle,Ch 3 - 1/2010,4,General Joint Action Terms常用关,Shoulder (Gleno-humeral) Joint Actions肩关节动作(浅窝肱骨),1. 肩屈曲 Shoulder Flexion2. 肩伸展 Shoulder Extension3. 肩外展 Shoulder Abduction4. 肩内收 Shoulder Adduction5. 肩水
4、平内收 (或屈曲) Shoulder Horizontal Adduction (or Flexion)6. 肩水平外展 (或伸展) Shoulder Horizontal Abduction (or Extension)7. 肩内旋 Shoulder Internal Rotation8. 肩外旋 Shoulder External Rotation9. 肩环旋 Shoulder Circumduction,Ch 3 - 1/2010,5,Shoulder (Gleno-humeral) Join,Shoulder Girdle (Scapular) Actions肩胛动作,肩胛上提 Sca
5、pular Elevation肩胛下压 Scapular Depression肩胛缩回 Scapular Retraction (内收) (Adduction)肩胛前引 Scapular Protraction (外展) (Abduction)肩胛上旋 Scapular Upward Rotation肩胛下旋 Scapular DownwardRotation肩胛上斜 Scapular Upward Tilt肩胛下斜 Scapular Reduction ofUpward Tilt,Ch 3 - 1/2010,6,Shoulder Girdle (Scapular) Act,PT入职培训3解剖
6、学与人体运动学课件,PT入职培训3解剖学与人体运动学课件,The Spine脊柱,Flexion屈曲Extension伸展Rotation旋转Lateral Flexion侧屈Cervical 颈椎Thoracic 胸椎Lumba 腰椎Sacrum 骶骨;荐骨Coccyx 尾骨,Ch 3 - 1/2010,9,The Spine脊柱Flexion屈曲Ch 3,Pelvis骨盆* Anterior pelvic tilt骨盆前倾* Posterior pelvic tilt骨盆后倾* Lateral pelvic tilt骨盆侧倾,Hip Joint髋关节1. Hip flexion髋屈曲2.
7、Hip extension髋伸展3. Hip abduction髋外展4. Hip adduction款内收5. Hip horizontal adduction(flexion) 髋水平内收(屈曲)6. Hip horizontal abduction(extension) 髋水平外展(伸展)7. Hip internal rotation 髋内旋8. Hip external rotation髋外旋9. Hip circumduction髋环旋,Ch 3 - 1/2010,10,Pelvis骨盆* Anterior pelvic ti,Knee Joint膝关节* Flexion屈曲* E
8、xtension伸展,Ch 3 - 1/2010,11,Knee Joint膝关节* Flexion屈曲*,Ankle Joint踝关节,Dorsiflexion 足背屈Plantarflexion 足跖屈Eversion 外翻Inversion 内翻,Ch 3 - 1/2010,12,Ankle Joint踝关节DorsiflexionCh,Six (6) Major Upper Body Muscle Groups:6组上身主要的肌肉群:1. Bicepselbow flexion肱二头肌:肘屈曲2. Tricepselbow extension肱三头肌:肘伸展,Ch 3 - 1/2010
9、,13,Six (6) Major Upper Body Musc,Biceps Brachii肱二头肌 * elbow flexion肘屈曲,Ch 3 - 1/2010,14,Biceps Brachii肱二头肌 * elbow,Triceps Brachii肱三头肌 * elbow extension肘伸展,Ch 3 - 1/2010,15,Triceps Brachii肱三头肌 * elbo,Upper Body Muscle Groups, contd上半身肌肉群,三角肌:肩屈曲, 肩外展 (前和中间部分) Deltoids: shoulder flexion, shoulder ab
10、duction (anterior and medial portions)阔背肌: 肩伸展肩内收 Latissimus Dorsi: shoulder extension, shoulder adduction,Ch 3 - 1/2010,16,Upper Body Muscle Groups, cont,Deltoids三角肌(前和中) (anterior and medial) * 肩屈曲 Shoulder Flexion * 肩外展 Shoulder Abduction,Ch 3 - 1/2010,17,Deltoids三角肌(前和中) (anterior an,Latissimus
11、Dorsi阔背肌 * 肩伸展 Shoulder Extension * 肩内收 Shoulder Adduction,Ch 3 - 1/2010,18,Latissimus Dorsi阔背肌 * 肩伸展,Upper Body Muscle Groups, contd,胸大肌: 肩水平内收, 肩屈曲 (锁骨的), 肩内收和伸展 (胸骨的) Pectoralis Major: shoulder horizontal adduction, shoulder flexion (clavicular), shoulder adduction and extension (sternal)中斜方肌,菱形肌
12、,后三角肌:肩胛缩回,肩胛水平外展 Mid-Trapezius, Rhomboids, and Posterior Deltoid: scapular retraction, shoulder horizontal abduction,Ch 3 - 1/2010,19,Upper Body Muscle Groups, cont,Pectoralis Major 胸大肌 * 肩水平内收 Shoulder Horizontal Adduction * 锁骨部分: 肩屈曲 Clavicular Portion: shoulder flexion * 胸骨部分: 肩内收和肩伸展 Sternal Po
13、rtion: shoulder adduction and shoulder extension,Ch 3 - 1/2010,20,Pectoralis Major 胸大肌 * 肩水平内收,中斜方肌 和菱形肌 * 肩胛 缩回,Posterior Deltoid,后三角肌*肩水平外展,Rhomboids,Mid-Trapezius,Ch 3 - 1/2010,21,中斜方肌 和菱形肌 Posterior Deltoid后三角,Upper Body Muscle Groups, contd,Scapular protractors:肩胛前引Serratus Anterior前锯肌Pectorali
14、s Minor (also responsible for scapular depression胸小肌(肩胛下压),Ch 3 - 1/2010,22,Upper Body Muscle Groups, cont,Serratus Anterior Pectoralis Minor前锯肌 胸小肌 * scapular protraction * scapular protraction肩胛前引 肩胛前引 * scapular depression 肩胛下压,Ch 3 - 1/2010,23,Serratus Anterior,Other Upper Body Muscles其他上半身肌肉群,R
15、otator Cuff Muscles:肩袖肌群(肌腱套肌肉群) : * Subscapularis肩胛下肌: shoulder internal rotation肩内旋 * Infraspinatus and Teres Minor冈下肌和小圆肌: shoulder external rotation肩外旋 * Supraspinatus冈上肌: shoulder abduction肩外展,Ch 3 - 1/2010,24,Other Upper Body Muscles其他上半身,Rotator Cuff Muscles肩袖肌群,Infraspinatus冈下肌shoulder exter
16、nal rotation肩外旋,Teres Minor小圆肌shoulder external rotation肩外旋,Supraspinatus冈上肌shoulder abduction肩外展,Subscapularis肩胛下肌shoulder internal rotation肩内旋,25 Ch 3 1/2010,Rotator Cuff Muscles肩袖肌群Infra,Torso Muscles and Their Joint Actions躯干肌肉及关节动作,Rectus Abdominis腹直肌: 脊柱屈曲External and Internal Obliques 腹内外斜肌:
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- PT 培训 解剖学 人体 运动学 课件
