1、感染诊治中难点与困惑,是不是感染?部分患者临床病情隐匿或不典型,并且受到医生个体临床思维和经验局限的影响,判断困难。是什么病原体?临床微生物学发展与临床需要不适应,实验室建设落后,无菌标本难以获得,新病原体的出现,病原学诊断非常困难!抗生素耐药不断增加,而新抗生素开发愈益困难!经验性治疗:缺少教育和培训。行政干预违背科学!卫计委:2014年继续抗菌药物临床使用的专项整治,同时要求“科学管理”,能做到吗 !?,1,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,感染诊治中难点与困惑是不是感染?部分患者临床病情隐匿或不典型,传统感染诊断技术的局限性,2,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,传统
2、感染诊断技术的局限性感染标志物局限性血常规白细胞严重感染,常见感染标志物的局限性及特点,Bloos F, Reinhart K. Rapid diagnosis of sepsis.Virulence. 2014 Jan 1;5(1):154-60.Simon L, et al. Serum procalcitonin and C-reactive protein levels as markers of bacterial infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Infect Dis 2004; 39 : 206 -17
3、; Sakr Y, et al. Lipopolysaccharide binding protein in a surgical intensive care unit: a marker of sepsis? Crit Care Med 2008; 36: 2014 -22;Wu Y, et al. Accuracy of plasma sTREM-1 for sepsis diagnosis in systemic inflammatory patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care 2012 ; 16 : R22
4、9; Koch A , et al. Circulating soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor is stably elevated during the first week of treatment in the intensive care unit and predicts mortality in critically ill patients. Crit Care 2011 ; 15 : R63 ;,3,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,常见感染标志物的局限性及特点感染标志物来源敏感度特异度AUC,PCT优点
5、:在一次内毒素刺激的人体试验中不同的标志物的动力学变化,Reinhart K, et al. Crit Care Clin 2006;22;503-519,快速、高特异性的增长 在脓毒症情况下,3-6小时即可检测到其水平的增长出现时间合适,易于捕 捉快速衰减 半衰期约25-30 小时 ,可以快速反映治疗效果,4,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,PCT优点:在一次内毒素刺激的人体试验中不同的标志物的动力学,PCT, CRP: which one is better?(A systematic review and meta-analysis),Overall accuracy of
6、PCT markers is higher than that of CRP markers both to differentiate bacterial infections from viral infections and to differentiate bacterialinfections from other noninfective causes of systemic inflammation,13 studies N=1497,Simon L,et al. CID 2004,5,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,PCT, CRP: which one is be
7、tter?,PCT:鉴别急诊细菌性感染引起的发热,急诊细菌性感染发热患者血浆PCT值升高明显而病毒、寄生虫等其他感染引起的发热PCT值显著低于细菌感染,急诊细菌性感染发热患者血浆PCT值升高,Hausfater P. et al, Serum procalcitonin measurement as diagnostic and prognostic marker in febrile adult patients presenting to the emergencydepartment.Critical Care 2007, 11:R60,6,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,P
8、CT:鉴别急诊细菌性感染引起的发热血浆PCT浓度(g/L,病毒感染时诱导产生IFN,抑制降钙素(CT)mRNA的表达,因此,没有PCT产生,所以血液中检测不到PCT。,7,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,病毒感染时诱导产生IFN,抑制降钙素(CT)mRNA的表达,PCT30 ng/ml,经验性选用抗生素时偏重考虑G-菌感染。,Hettwer S, et al. Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed. 2012;107(1):53-62.,LnPCT,G-菌感染PCT最高,平均25;其次是G+菌,平均15.9;然后是厌氧菌,平均10。 G-菌释放内毒素,刺激机体使
9、PCT升高。,PCT鉴别G+菌或G-菌感染,8,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,PCT30 ng/ml,经验性选用抗生素时偏重考虑G-菌感,PCT辅助诊断价值,9,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,PCT辅助诊断价值9PCT检测和其临床意义10/2/2022,10,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,10PCT检测和其临床意义10/2/2022,PCT用于病情和预后评估,11,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,PCT用于病情和预后评估11PCT检测和其临床意义10/2/,12,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,12PCT检测和其临床意义10/2
10、/2022,Procalcitonin (PCT) vs C-reactive protein (CRP) for guiding duration of antibiotic therapy in ICU pts with sepsis,2-centre, open-label RCT (Brasil; 2009-2012): N=94 pts with severe sepsis or septic shock (mean age: 59.8 yr), with 48h antibiotic therapy, Pts randomised to PCT (N=49) or CRP (N=4
11、5) as a marker to discontinue antibiotic therapy (Tx):Primary endpoint: Duration of antibiotic therapy for 1st episode of infection,1 of 2,Oliveira CF et al. Crit Care Med 2013;41:2336-43,13,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,Procalcitonin (PCT) vs C-react,PCT与阳性血培养的关联,研究设计:回顾性分析1331名可疑血流感染患者的病史(年龄18岁)及其生化值和血培养样
12、本研究结果:血培养阳性患者的PCT水平显著升高,且与菌血症患者的存活率显著相关。PCT预测血培养阳性的最佳临界值为0.9ng/ml,但该值可随eGFR降低而升高。研究结论:PCT可有效排除菌血症诊断,且可预测严重菌血症,但不应忽视肾功能对此的影响。,根据血培养结果分层的PCT及CRP水平。图中可见G+、G-、真菌及多菌种感染的患者的PCT水平显著升高,但培养样本污染组未升高。而培养污染组患者的CRP水平亦升高。 *P0.01 vs 血培养阴性者,Hattori T, et al. Clinical value of procalcitonin for patients with suspect
13、ed bloodstream infection. Am J Clin Pathol. 2014 Jan;141(1):43-51.,阴性,阴性,革兰氏阳性菌,革兰氏阴性菌,革兰氏阳性菌,革兰氏阴性菌,污染,多菌种感染,真菌,多菌种感染,污染,真菌,14,PCT检测和其临床意义,11/4/2022,PCT与阳性血培养的关联研究设计:回顾性分析1331名可疑血,PCT辅助血培养指征选择,Of the 939 blood culture sets, 816 (87%) were true negatives and generated annualized costs of approximate
14、ly 750,000 dollars. Although only 56 (6%) of the blood culture sets were false positives, they resulted in annualized costs of 1.4-1.8 million dollars and added an estimated 1450-2200 extra hospital days/year. If blood culture collection were limited to patients with CAP and an initial PCT level of
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