1、MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能2022/10/9MPA公共管理学,政府支出情况,2003年国家财政支出结构表 单位:亿元,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,政府支出情况支出结构总支出经济建设社会保障抚恤救济教育医疗卫,中美两国公共服务程度比较,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,中美两国公共服务程度比较项目中国美国行政公务37.612,“一杯茶一枝烟,一张报纸看半天”的往日光景,已不能用来形容今天的机关干部和公务员了。近年来有人考上公务员后因为不适应而提出辞职。这些不适应主要包括:对严格的纪律和要
2、求不适应,觉得不自由;对“刻板”的工作环境不适应,觉得不宽松;对加班加点不适应,觉得和过去以为的“朝九晚五”工作状况不符合。,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,“一杯茶一枝烟,一张报纸看半天”的往日光景,已不能用来形容今,河北医科大学第一医院体检中心不久前对河北省6700多名省直机关干部和公务员进行了体检。该中心主任董明广对记者说,在已经进行体检的公务员中,有近60的公务员属非健康群体。此外,由于长期伏案或操作电脑,颈椎病和眼病患者也为数不少。 据了解,河北省省直机关及其所属事业单位共有453个单位5万余人,今年在河北省9家大医院进行了体检,体检结果令人堪忧:在干部和公务员中,有
5、什么,它能做什么和不能做什么,以及如何最好地做这些事情。More control over less,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,世界银行1997年世界发展报告:变革世界中的政府在世界各地,保护性职能,保护个人自由防止外部威胁The best government is the least government,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,保护性职能2022/10/9MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,政策选择,干预,不干预,保留权力,下放权力,直接由公共部门提供,付费,管制,具有特殊目的的实体,地方政府,政策选择,接受委托或独立的公共服务机构,国有企业,政府部
6、门,其它提供者,消费者,地方政府,非营利组织,营利性私人企业,收入支持,专用券,第一层次,第二层次,第三层次,第四层次,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,政策选择干预不干预保留权力下放权力直接由公共付费管制具有特殊,第一层次的决策公共服务提供的特殊性质政府干预的理由,一些公共服务具有较强的外部性一些公共服务具有公共物品的性质一些公共服务的提供者之间只能展开有限的竞争很大一部分公共服务具有严重的信息不对称问题,其数量、质量的“可度量性”较低必须同时追求效率和公平两个目标,ExternalityPublic goodsPure public goodsCommon pool reso
7、urces (non-exclusiveness, competitiveness)Club goods (exclusiveness, competitiveness)Natural monopolyInformation asymmetry,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,第一层次的决策公共服务提供的特殊性质政府干预的理由一些,外部性,If someone purchases shoes, for example, the shoes affect only the feet of the purchaser. In contrast, the purchase of a
8、dog which barks constantly affects the peace and quiet of neighbors. Producers and consumers generally do not take these kinds of negative externalities into account when engaging in market exchanges. In effect, since the costs to the producers and consumers are less than the overall costs to societ
9、y, this means that the goods involved are overproduced.正外部性负外部性,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,外部性If someone purchases shoes,如果大多数公民没有一个最低限度的文化和知识,也不广泛地接受一些共同的价值准则,稳定而民主的社会不可能存在。教育对文化知识和价值准则这两个方面均会作出贡献。结果,儿童受到的教育不仅有利于儿童自己或者家长,而且,社会上其它成员也会从中得到好处。我的孩子受到的教育由于能够促进一个稳定和民主的社会而有助于你的福利。由于无法识别受到利益的具体个人(家庭),所以不能向他们索
10、取劳务的报酬。 (弗里德曼)高等教育呢?,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,如果大多数公民没有一个最低限度的文化和知识,也不广泛地接受一,公共物品,A defense establishment provides everyone in a country with national security and not just the citizens who pay taxes. Other public goods include clean air, clean water and public broadcasting. Citizens have an incentiv
11、e not to pay for such a good since they can consume it even if they do not pay for it. Since those producing the public goods are not completely compensated for their production, the goods are underproduced. As a result, governments are often called upon to provide these public goods.,2022/11/4,MPA公
12、共管理学第二讲职能,公共物品A defense establishment pr,纯粹的公共物品一个人的消费量就是所有人的消费量每增加一个单位的供给,不需要增加额外的成本。搭便车:Free ride让別人付出,自己袖手旁观、采取坐享其成的态度。称为搭便车(free-riding)或吃白食个人会隐藏自己的真实偏好,不愿意支付成本。,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,纯粹的公共物品2022/10/9MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,公共物品,Market failure occurs when consumption of a common resource affects others
13、who use the resource. This social dilemma, known as the tragedy of the commons, derives from the example given by Hardin of a village with a common green fro grazing cattle. Each herdsman has an incentive to graze as many cattle as possible, but over time the grass on the green is ruined, hurting al
14、l the herdsmen. To avoid this kind of dilemma, governments often establish public agencies to regulate use of the commons.,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,公共物品Market failure occurs when,公共物品,If each street in a city were privately owned, travelers would need to pay a toll at many different intersections. Th
15、e solution to this problem is for one firm to own all the streets ,or for the government to own them. Such centralized authority would eliminate the transaction costs involved in traveling across the city.,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,公共物品If each street in a city w,自然垄断,垄断:排他性控制由于资源的天赋特性带来的产品(服务)的独特性发明的专
17、经济成为其他企业进入该产业的壁垒。铁路、航空、邮电、煤气、供电供水等公用事业大多具有自然垄断的特征。,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,自然垄断的基本特征2022/10/9MPA公共管理学第二讲职,自然垄断,Market failure occurs when one firm monopolizes an industry. In such a situation, the monopolist can engage in predatory pricing or use other practices that prevent competitors from enterin
18、g the market. Because the monopolist can raise prices to increase profits, this reduces the amount of the good that would otherwise be consumed, thereby causing market inefficiency. Government regulation of monopoly production offers the possibility of avoiding underproduction and overpricing of the
19、 good.,2022/11/4,MPA公共管理学第二讲职能,自然垄断Market failure occurs when,信息不对称,共享的、公开的信息Information asymmetries in transactions can also lead to market failure. Because consumers often have limited information when making a purchase, consumers will not know whether the price charged for a product reflects the
20、products true value to them. Hence, sellers can take advantage of the consumers ignorance by overcharging for the quality of the product sold. This problem especially occurs in the purchase of expert services, such as medical care, but can occur even in less technical markets as well, such as the ma
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