1、Lecturer: Peng Xiaoling (彭晓玲),Mythology,Roman,Classical Greek and,Lecturer: Peng Xiaoling (彭晓玲)M,3. Final exam: 50%,participation: 40%,2. Class,10%,1. Class attendance:,Evaluation:,Requirement and Evaluation,after class,3. Extensive reading,class,participation in the,2. Active,attendance,1. Punctual
2、,Requirement:,3. Final exam: 50%particip,About the Course,Course Description Recommended Reading,About the Course Course Descri,Course Description,Greek and Roman mythology one of the three origins of western culturehaving enormous influence upon western literature, arts, astronomy, social lifeThere
3、fore, there is some truth in the saying that without certain knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology, one can never fully understand and appreciate western culture. (eg. literature, arts, character),Significance of the Course,Course DescriptionGreek and Ro,Language,chaoticmartialPrometheanunder the a
4、egis ofJupiter laughs at lovers perjuries.Far from Jupiter, far from thunder.Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus grows cold.,Languagechaotic,Literature,Shakespeare (1564-1616)Troilus and Cressida (tragedy)Venus and Adonis (poem),LiteratureShakespeare (1564-16,Literature,Shelley (1792-1822)Prometheus Un
5、boundHymn of ApolloHymn of PanAdonis,LiteratureShelley (1792-1822),KeatsEndymionOde to Psyche,James JoyceUlysses(Odyssey),B. ONeillMourning Becomes Electra(Oresteia),Literature,George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion,KeatsJames JoyceB. ONeillLite,原型理论(Myth Archetype Theory )Plato (427-347 BCE) discussed his F
6、orms, postulating that all objects have an ideal form or structure. In particular, he taught that these Forms werepure or perfect objects of mathematical or other conceptual knowledge.He felt that these pure forms existed only in the realm of knowledge and never in the reality of human everyday exis
7、tence.Individual things in the realm of appearance arebeautifulonly insofar as they participate in, correlate with, or approach in structure theseuniversal Forms of Beauty.,原型理论(Myth Archetype Theory ),原型理论(Myth Archetype Theory )Karl Jung (1875-1961) took the concept of Platos Forms further andpres
8、ented his ownTheory of Archetypes.In Jungian Psychology an Archetype is an unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., inherited from the ancestors of the race and universally present in individual psyches.In simpler terms we could basically refer to an archetype as an instinct.That is, in es
9、sence, an instinctual idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., inherited from the ancestors of the race and universally present in individual psyches.We now believe that the image of the ideal human faceis indeed an Archetype; asubconscious imagewhich we are born with and carry throughoutour lives.,原型
10、理论(Myth Archetype Theory ),This archetype has evolved in order to help us identify members of our own species and further sort members of our species according to their relative health and ability to successfully reproduce and to provide other resources to us and those who are close to us. So they t
11、hink the structural element of literature is myth, and it is myth that forms the archetype symbol of different literature types.,This archetype has evolved i,1、女性神话原型,前俄林波斯神系 2、男性神话原型俄林波斯神系,1、女性神话原型前俄林波斯神系,3、英雄原型,希腊神话以很大篇幅讲述英雄的故事。形成西方文学史的英雄主题: 希腊神话英雄中世纪骑士英雄文艺复兴贵族英雄17世纪古典英雄19世纪前期平民英雄19世纪后期心理实验英雄20世纪现
12、代反英雄,3、英雄原型希腊神话以很大篇幅讲述英雄的故事。,4、漂流原型,奥德修斯的故事开创西方文学的旅程文学传统。 奥德赛埃涅阿斯纪中世纪骑士的旅程传奇神曲旅程小说堂吉诃德鲁滨逊漂流记巨人传哈克贝利芬历险记20世纪漫游小说,4、漂流原型奥德修斯的故事,5、寻找原型,伊阿宋寻找金羊毛 古希腊神话寻找金羊毛中世纪骑士传奇寻找圣杯文艺复兴时期巨人传寻找神瓶,流浪汉小说寻找父亲和争取生存权利19世纪俄国文学探求真理,寻找出路,托尔斯泰战争与和平安娜卡列尼娜复活20世纪文学寻找自我和寻找精神理想(美)索尔贝娄 雨王亨德森,5、寻找原型伊阿宋寻找金羊毛,6、父子冲突原型,俄狄浦斯王杀父娶母 父子冲突原型构
14、狄亚对丈夫伊阿宋的报复两性冲突原型形成西方文学史上的弃妇主题和平权主题。古希腊神话两大神系矛盾文艺复兴女性智慧的故事 薄伽丘十日谈18世纪英国笛福摩尔弗兰德斯19世纪傲慢与偏见简爱娜娜安娜卡列尼娜玩偶之家20世纪英国劳伦斯小说美狄亚复仇.asx,8、两性冲突原型美狄亚对丈夫伊阿宋的报复,二 希腊神话原型,神话原型内容性质女性神话原型前俄林波斯神话女性在审美层面和,Saturn: God of agriculture and father of Jupiter,Astronomy,Saturn: God of agriculture and,Ursa Major,Constellation,Ur
15、sa MajorConstellation,Ursa Minor,Constellation,Ursa MinorConstellation,Lyra,Constellation,LyraConstellation,Hercules,Constellation,HerculesConstellation,Orion,Constellation,Orion Constellation,Arts,Da Vinci, 1506,a 16 C. copy after a lost painting by Michelangelo, 1530 (National Gallery, London),Led
16、a and the Swan,ArtsDa Vinci, 1506a 16 C. copy,Arts,Jacopo Carucci Pontormo 1512-13 意大利佛罗伦萨乌斐兹美术馆.jpg,大理石雕塑 希腊古典时期,ArtsJacopo Carucci Pontormo 15,Apollo ProgramPoseidon SubmarineTrident I & II missile,Other Aspects,Apollo ProgramOther Aspects,Recommended Reading,希腊罗马神话一百篇(英汉对照)陶洁等选译,中国对外翻译出版公司 1989古希
17、腊神话(英汉对照)折鸿雁译,西北工业大学出版社 1999希腊罗马神话(英文)常耀信编注,外语教学与研究出版社 1981古希腊罗马神话(中英文)托马斯布尔芬奇著;贾雪译,中国书籍出版社 2013希腊神话中的主神 (英文)毛立群,黎凡编著,复旦大学出版社 2009希腊古典神话(中文)(德)古斯塔夫施瓦布著;曹乃云译,译林出版社,1995,Recommended Reading希腊罗马神话一百篇(英,Introduction to Mythology,Introduction to Mythology,What is Mythology,MythsFairy TalesFables,后羿射日,黄帝的
18、故事,大禹治水,What is MythologyMyths后羿射日黄帝的故,Commonplace Definition,stories of a particular culture that it believes to be true and that feature a specific religious or belief systema collection of stories belonging to a group of people, which addresses their origin, history and heroesthe projection of hu
19、man images into the infinite unknown; or, the expression of religious meaning through stories and symbols,Commonplace Definitionstories,Basic Points,Mythology is the primitives childish understanding of the world and life.Mythology is the combination of primitive life and primitive religion.Mytholog
20、y is handed down orally from generation to generation.,Basic PointsMythology is the p,ZeusHeraAthenaApolloArtemisAphroditeAresHephaestusHermesDemeterDionysusPoseidonHadesPersephoneEros,JupiterJunoMinerva ApolloDianaVenusMarsVulcanMercuryCeresBacchusNeptunePlutoProserpinaCupid,宙斯赫拉雅典娜阿波罗阿耳特弥斯阿弗洛迪特阿瑞斯
21、赫菲斯托斯赫尔墨斯德墨特耳狄俄尼索斯波塞冬哈得斯珀耳塞福涅厄洛斯,朱庇特朱诺密涅瓦阿波罗迪安娜维纳斯马尔斯伏尔甘墨丘利克瑞斯巴克斯涅普顿普路同普洛塞庇娜丘比特,ZeusJupiter宙斯朱庇特,The Olympians,The Olympians,Zeus zju:sHera hirAthena i:nApollo pluArtemis :timisAphrodite .frdaitiAres ri:zHephaestus hifi:stsHermes h:mi:zDemeter dimi:tDionysus .dainaissPoseidon psaidnHades heidi:zPers
22、ephone p:sefniEros ers,Jupiter du:pitJuno du:nuMinerva min:vApollo pluDiana dainVenus vi:nsMars m:zVulcan vlknMercury m:kjuriCeres siri:z Bacchus bksNeptune neptju:nPluto plu:tuProserpina prs:pinCupid kju:pid,Zeus zju:sJupiter du:pit,Teaching Plan,Final Exam: in Week 16 (not finally decided),of Odys
23、seus (3 classes),Part IV: The Adventures,classes),Part III: The Trojan War (3,mythology (5 classes),Part II: Heroes in,mythology (3 classes),Part I: The gods in,Teaching PlanFinal Exam: in,坦巨神与其他次要神祗),gods and goddesses (提,3. The Titans and other,林匹斯诸神),2. The Olympian Gods (奥,wars in the heaven,(众神
24、的起源) and the two,1. The origin of the gods,mythology (众神),Part I: The gods in,The 1st Lecture,坦巨神与其他次要神祗)gods and goddes,混沌(男神)黑夜之神(女神)大地女神(女神)库克罗普斯独眼十,The origin of the gods,called the Titans. (提坦巨神),producing children who were,Gaea mated with Uranus,and heaven. (天神乌拉诺斯),who became king of the sky,
25、to Caelus (Uranus/Ouranos),Gaea immediately gave birth,(Gaea), the earth. (地母该亚),From Chaos came Terra,all things (混沌之神),the god Chaos: the source of,The origin of the gods cal,(天王星, 太阳系第七大行星),Caelus (Uranus),Terra (Gaea),Chaos,The origin of the gods,(天王星, 太阳系第七大行星)Caelus (Uranus),was born.,love, be
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