1、托福听力哪些词汇总是听错听漏 托福听力哪些词汇总是听错听漏?这3类难词请提前做好准备。今天给大家带来了托福听力哪些词汇总是听错听漏,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力哪些词汇总是听错听漏?这3类难词请提前做好准备托福听力难点词汇讲解:生词在听的过程中,影响学生理解语篇和判断的主要障碍就是生词。学生常常因为个别关键的生词而影响对整段甚至整篇听力材料的理解。因此,在不断扩大词汇量的同时要学会在听的过程中猜测词义,根据上下文、语法结构、构词方法、语言环境等作出符合逻辑的猜测,以达到排除听力障碍、准确理解语篇的目的。例如:In contrast to the love of
2、pets is the fact that blood sports still exist in most countries. People go hunting foxes, elephants, pandas, ducks, rabbits, pheasants and other animals, or go fishing not because they need the meat to eat, but just for pleasure.这段短文中的“blood sports”可能是一个新的名词短语,尽管考生都认识“blood”和“sports”这两个单词,但合在一起构成一个
3、名词短语,一些考生就会感到迷惑。在这种情况下考生可从两方面进行猜测:第一,根据后面的举例:“hunting foxes, elephants”;第二,将“blood sports”与“love of pets”进行对比,两个短语的词义正好相反,从而得知:“blood sports” refers to a sport that involves the killing of game。托福听力难点词汇讲解:英语习语由于习语比较形象、生动、贴近生活,因此,不但在日常生活的对话中经常出现,在许多英语短文、故事中也常见到。不掌握一定量的常用习语,在听力过程中就会出现似乎对听到的词句都懂,却不懂说话人
4、的意图,从而导致听力失分的现象。例如:W: How did Rosa do on her English exam?M: She passed with flying colors.在上面这个例子中,“with flying colors”就是一个习语,单从字面上不能理解其含义,它们都有其固定的、搭配起来的意义。“with flying colors”的意思是“出色地、成功地”,因此M的意思是“She did very well on the exam.”可见,英语习语的运用非常普遍,不熟悉常用的习惯用语,就会在语言交际中误解说话人的意思和意图。托福听力难点词汇讲解:缩略语缩略语就是缩写词(如
5、“Mr.”即“Mister”)和首字母缩略词(如“CPPCC”即“Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference”)。由于缩略语简单、方便、易读、易记,常用于新闻、报刊及日常生活对话中。在英语缩略语中还有一些是可以拼读的,例如NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)读作/neit?u /。这些缩略语可以帮助考生提高记笔记的速度。因此考生在平时复习过程中要注意总结,做到在考试中能够熟练地使用。以上这3类词汇就是大家需要在托福听力备考中需要了解和学会应对方法的词汇。只有掌握了这些词汇,考生才能在考试中避免词
6、汇干扰,顺利解答听力难题,拿到理想的成绩。托福听力素材:30个美国校园场景托福听力考试中最为常见的是场景对话内容的词句,记住这些词句有助于你对对话内容和场景的判断,从而正确地答案。即使你没有完全听懂对话,你也可能根据判断得出的对话场景正确地答题。1.东西丢了:lost the key,cant found the note2.剃头:hardly bald, hairstyle change for not covering the eyes, cut curl hair3.搭车:pick up the third one at the airline, give me a ride to th
7、e office4.穿衣: a jean and T-shirt for interview is casual, clothes is wet before the concert5.花需要光: put the flower to the window, the bookcase will prevent the sunlight, need the fresh6.忘了: slip my mind, forgot to give the note to someone7.图书馆: spend the whole day in the library, make the photocopy a
8、t library, meet at the library, return the books to the library, library is a better place to study8.室友: looking for a roommate, roommate should apologize, roommate is too noisy,9.吃的:fish cant be eat, berry is a bush even for a bird, bread is over toasted, vegetables are over cooked, bread may be in
9、 the refrigerator,10.借东西: lend me calculus book(calculator), borrow the money from check, borrow car for shopping11.天气:clean up for picnic, cold enough for skating, snowing too much to fly, so hot that we need an air conditioner,12.作业能否完成:wait till the last minute, chemistry test without time for re
10、ading, fill out the financial aid form without the priority, paper extended to the next week13.第三者: have done it for me14.排队: magazine to kill the time, read the magazine twice, go early for not queue15.得病看医生: need another doctor, it is open till 10 at the health center, take the pill the doctor ass
11、igned,16.没空帮忙: cant give you a ride due to the meeting tomorrow morning,17.锻炼减肥: lost weight, two blue clothes but one with the large size18.电影或音乐会: see the concert twice make sense again, sell ticket to you so that you come with me, lectured by some professor is worth watching,19.还书: return so as n
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