1、O型转子式翻车机摘 要翻车机是一种大型的高效率机械化卸车设备,适用于冶金厂、火力发电厂、烧结厂、化工厂、洗煤厂、水泥厂、港口等大中型企业翻卸铁路敞车所装载的矿石、精矿、煤炭、粮食等散状物料。翻车机按翻卸方式可分为侧倾式和转子式两类。其中转子式翻车机又分为“O型转子式翻车机和“C型转子式翻车机两种;转子式翻车机主要由驱动机构、靠压机构、托辊及压紧机构等局部组成。工作原理是将载货敞车推入形似转筒的金属构架夹紧后,由驱动装置使端环旋转140170,车的散状物料在自重作用下卸入地下料仓。翻车机的工作状态是由左、右端环同时做旋转运动从而带动整个架体及车厢转动来实现物料的翻卸。其驱动装置是采用双电机驱动,
2、经二级圆柱直齿轮减速器减速,通过联轴器与小齿轮连接,由小齿轮与固定在端环上的大齿轮的啮合带动整体的旋转实现翻车。其靠压机构主要由靠板、液压缸、摇臂组成;而压紧机构主要由压板和液压缸组成。本次设计主要对翻车机的传动方案,左、右端环构造、前、后梁构造、平台、托辊等构造进展了设计;对翻车机的动力学分析及动力学参数进展了计算;对主传动的电机及各主要零部件进展设计并校核;对设备的经济性及环保等各方面也进展了分析。关键词:转子式翻车机;托辊;靠压机构;驱动装置O-Rotary DumperAbstractTipper is a highly efficient large-scale mechanizat
3、ion and Unloading equipment for metallurgical plants, coal-fired power plants, sintering plants, chemical plants, coal washing plant, a cement plant, port and other large and medium-sized enterprises over the railway unloading the gondola car loaded with ore, concentrate , coal, grain and other bulk
4、 materials. Tipper unloading by means turn and roll can be divided into two types of rotor. Rotary Car Dumper which is divided into O-type rotor-type roll-over and C-type rotor two tipper; rotor driven mainly by the tipper body, pressure on agencies, and compacting roller and some other group of ins
5、titutions into.Theworking principle is to open freight car laden drum into the shape of the metal framework after clamping, so that by the end of Central Drive Rotation 140 170 , the bulk material inside the vehicle under the self-dumping hopper into the ground. Tipper is the work of the state of th
6、e left and the right end of the ring rotation at the same time to do so bring the whole body and the inside rotation planes to achieve over the dumping of materials. The driver device is a dual-motor drive, the two speed gear reducer cylindrical straight through coupling with the small gear connecte
7、d with the small gear ring fi*ed in the side of the meshing gear drive to achieve the rotation of the overall roll-over. By the pressure of its body mainly by the on board, hydraulic cylinders, rocker components; and pressed mainly by the plate and hydraulic cylinder components. The design of the ma
8、in drive of the roll-over machine program, the left and the right end of the ring structure, the former, Later Liang structure, platforms, roller structure design, etc.; the dynamics of the tipper and kinetic parameters were calculated; on the main drive The main components of the motor and the desi
9、gn and verification; the economy of equipment and environmental protection are also analyzed. Key words: rotor-type roll-over machine; idler; pressure on institutions; drive目 录1绪论11.1 课题的选择11.2 翻车机的类型及原理11.2.1 转子式翻车机21.2.2 侧卸式翻车机41.3翻车机设计的容62 设计方案的选择及评定72.1 传动方案的设计72.2 设计方案的评定72.3 设计参数83传动装置的设计93.1
10、选择电动机93.1.1驱动功率计算9选择电机的型号133.2传动装置传动比的分配144 主要零件的设计和校核164.1齿轮的设计计算164.1.1 选定齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数164.1.2 按齿面接触强度设计164.1.3 按齿根弯曲强度设计194.1.4 齿轮几何尺寸计算204.2液压缸的设计214.2.1 液压缸的选用214.2.2液压缸的校核224.3 轴的设计234.3.1 轴的构造设计234.3.2 轴的计算254.4轴承的选择和校核284.4.1 轴承的选择284.4.2轴承寿命的验算294.5键的强度校核305联轴器的选择316托辊与端环之间接触强度校核327润滑与密封3
11、48经济性分析358.1传动方案经济性分析358.2 构造经济性分析358.3 环保经济性分析36完毕语37致谢38参考文献391 绪论1.1 课题的选择翻车机是一种大型的高效率机械化卸车设备,适用于冶金厂、火力发电厂、烧结厂、化工厂、洗煤厂、水泥厂、港口等大中型企业翻卸铁路敞车所装载的矿石、精矿、煤炭、粮食等散状物料。它具有卸车能力高,设备简单,维修方便,工作可靠,节约能源,无损车辆和减轻劳动强度等优点,为实现卸车机械化和自动化提供了条件。目前,大量使用的是一次翻卸一辆或两辆敞车的单车和双车翻车机。三车翻车机的翻卸是采用拔车机从进车方向每次送进三节重车。翻车机为“O型端环构造。因此拨车机不能
13、理论知识应用到实际生产中去,为今后的理论学习及应用翻车机工作积累更多的知识,使自己各方面得到全面提高。1.2 翻车机的类型及原理翻车机按翻卸方式可分为侧倾式和转子式两类。转子式翻车机的回转中心与车辆中心根本重合,车辆同翻车机一起回转175,将物料卸于下面的料斗里。侧倾式翻车机的回转中心位于车辆的侧面,不与车辆中心重合,翻车时,物料翻卸到另一侧的料斗里。翻车机的分类如下:各种翻车机都由金属构架、驱动装置和夹车机构组成,用交流电机驱动。1.2.1 转子式翻车机转子式翻车机主要由转子、平台、压车机构、承载托辊及及传动装置等局部组成。工作原理是将载货敞车推入形似转筒的金属构架(图1.1)夹紧后,由驱动
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