1、雅思口语考试的注意事项 当你参加雅思口语考试时,你应该特别注意什么?今天给大家带来雅思口语考试的注意事,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考试的注意事项 来啦雅思口语考试注意事项一、手势方面:手势属于不错可以吸引关注度的一种方式,同时还可以更好的增进谈话时的理解度。但有的身体动作一定要在考试时做哦。用手指着对方是非常不礼貌的事情,不断的挥舞双臂亦或是抖动双腿都是非常没有礼貌的表现。抓耳朵摸鼻子的动作会使考官认为你在撒谎,咬手指亦或是挠头皮的动作也一定别做,否则有洁癖的考官肯定会对你个人印象非常差。雅思口语考试注意事项二、目光接触方面:目光接触要有,但一定不能够直直的盯
2、着考官,要不然考官会认为很尴尬。此外有的人讲话在加重语气时喜欢瞪大眼睛,但是在西方人眼里,眼睛瞪大是十分的礼貌的,多有怒目的感觉。事实上在西方电影里的是很容易发现,西方人表示惊讶时一般是吐舌头或微微耸肩,很少有人瞪大眼睛的。雅思口语考试注意事项三、咬笔头:第三点,一定别习惯性咬笔头!在雅思考试topic2时,考官会拿出一支铅笔给你,让你写点什么。在平日里有咬笔头习惯的考生一定要注意了,别去咬这只笔的笔头啊,后面的考生还要用这只笔,考官看到你咬它会觉得很不卫生,对你的印象也会大大打折扣。雅思口语part1新题范文:Watch1.How often do you wear a watch?I we
3、ar a watch every day2.What was your first watch like?The first watch I ever had was very small, and had a pink strap. I loved it, and felt so grown up wearing it!3.What kinds of watches do you like to wear?I like to wear fairly simple watches, with a silver colored metal strap. Sometimes I wear a wa
4、tch necklace, as I do not always like to have something around my wrist.4.Do people still wear watches in your country?Yes, people do still wear watches, although we also have our mobile phones that have the time as well. I think they are a fashion item, as well as being practical.雅思口语part1话题范文:Visi
5、tors1.Do you often invite friends to visit your home?Yes, all the time. Im a pretty sociable kind of person and I love to entertain, so I often invite friends around for dinner at the weekend.2.Do you prefer to have friends visit you or relatives?Friends, definitely! You can choose your friends afte
6、r all but you cant choose your family! My friends know exactly what to expect when they come for dinner. They always bring a bottle of wine or a dessert or something they make some kind of contribution to the meal and they know that Ill make an effort to put on a good spread, even if its just someth
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