1、托福口语TASK3综合口语常用句型模板注意事项汇总 托福口语的TASK3属于综合口语的第一题,需要考生结合阅读和听力之后再进行回答,今天给大家带来了托福口语TASK3综合口语常用句型模板注意事项汇总,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语TASK3综合口语常用句型模板注意事项汇总托福口语Task3常用句型结构介绍要回答好TASK3这个话题,我们还要多熟悉一些常用口语句型。1. 话题通常在首句陈述阅读材料的话题。常见的表达方式如下:A. The notice/announcement isaboutB. The topic is thenotice/announcement
2、 isC. The main point of thenotice/announcement is2. 看法在转述阅读材料中一个学生的看法时,可以使用下列表达方式:A. The woman agrees withB. The man approves ofC. The woman is upset aboutD. The man thinks thatis unfair.E. The Universitys plan tomakesthe woman angry.3. 对比公告中的信息与学生的看法可能形成对比。对话中的两个学生之间的看法也可能形成对比,可以用but, however, on t
3、he contrary等词或词组。A. The university believesthatHowever, the man feelsB. The man thinks that the newpolicy about is, but the woman thinks thatC. The announcement asks On thecontrary, the students discuss ways of4. 引用就像答其他综合任务题一样,需要指出观点的*,是来自公告本身还是来自哪个学生。表示引用的表达方式主要有according to和say。A. According to th
4、e announcement, B. According to the woman, C. The man says that托福口语Task3高分模板分享模板一般包含以下内容:1. 公告话题2. 公告要点3. 学生看法4. 持此看法的两大理由根据前面提到的一些常用句型,以下给出一个模版供大家参考。The notice tells about_. It says that_. (The announcement also lists)The man says that he agrees with_. The first reason is that_. The second reasonis
5、 that_.大家要根据具体情况做调整,比如有时阅读是一封信,所以首句可以改为“ a student wrote a letter to suggest that”;有时主要讲话人为女性;另外阅读中的要点可根据个人语速,有时间就提,没时间就重点复述听力部分。托福口语TASK3答题注意事项一览最后要提醒考生一些回答的注意事项:1. 第一句话就交代阅读小段落的话题。(阅读小段落是背景,不交代会导致后面不知所云)2. 尽可能参考自己记录的阅读与听力部分的笔记。(可以使回答完整准确)3. 陈述学生的意见并阐述持此意见的两大理由。(一般都是两大理由)4. 使用引用语言和表示阅读与听力关系的语言。(给评分
6、老师减轻负担)5. 不要发表自己的看法。(只能总结,转述,综合阅读与听力部分的内容)托福口语黄金80题分类:Describe a person/people1, 描述一个好老师的特征A good teacher should have the following characteristics. First of all, he should be knowledgeable and good at teaching. He knows how to attract students attention and make them active. Second, a good teacher
7、is supposed to be patient and responsible to students. No matter what kind of students he is dealing with, he should treat them equally and whole-heartedly. Finally, a good teacher should be a good listener. He will always be willing to sit down to share his thoughts with us.2,描述一个朋友的性格特征A good frie
8、nd should have the following personalities. First, a trustworthy person is someone I can rely on him especially when I am in difficulty, he will be just a phone-call away to get me out of trouble. Secondly, he is someone who can give me some suggestions when I lose my heart. I clearly remember last
9、time I had a bad experience on my job, I was so sad during those period of time and my friend Nana just sat besides me and was such a good listener to support me and inspire me by saying that I was deserved the second chance and never pushing myself too hard would be a better choice. After the nice
10、conversation, I happened to realize that I overcome those dark days with the encouragement she had given to me. Last, a good friend is someone who is positive. Though we always say that prepare for the worst and hope for the best, we seldomdo it when we face up the worse situation. At this time, a p
11、ositive friend has this power to make us believe that it is absolutely right to obey the rule. In the end, I would like to quote a famous saying by Aristotle to end up my response.”What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.”3,最敬佩的一个人是谁?The person I admire most is my mother. First, she is well ed
12、ucated and has a passion to learn. Since she is very fond of reading, I got a habit of reading when I was little. Thus, I obtained lots of knowledge from reading. Second, she keeps an open mind. There seems to be no generation gap between us. She is always willing to sit down to share her thoughtswi
13、th me. Finally, my mother is loyal to her friends. I guess thats why she has so many friends around her. How I wish to be such a wonderful person like her.4,好领导最重要的特征是什么?A good leader is supposed to have a vision. Effective leaders and their organizations have an agenda. A vision is a direction, an
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