1、题 目 F125曲轴左部零件的机加工艺及铣夹具设计 英文并列题目 F125 crankshaft left parts machining and milling fixture design 摘 要轴类零件是机器中经常遇到的典型零件之一。它主要用来支承传动零部件,传递扭矩和承受载荷。轴类零件是旋转体零件,其长度大于直径,一般由同心轴的外圆柱面、圆锥面、内孔和螺纹及相应的端面所组成。根据结构形状的不同,轴类零件可分为光轴、阶梯轴、空心轴和曲轴等。轴的长径比小于5mm的称为短轴,大于20mm的称为细长轴,大多数轴介于两者之间。轴用轴承支承,与轴承配合的轴段称为轴颈。轴颈是轴的装配基准,它们的精度
3、设计基准或装配基准作为定位基准。符合基准统一原那么。尽可能在多数工序中用同一个定位基准。尽可能使定位基准与测量基准重合。选择精度高、安装稳定可靠外表为精基准。关键词:?轴类零件、机械加工工艺分析、铣工夹具ABSTRACTThe axis class components are one which of typical components in the machine meets frequently. It mainly uses for the supporting transmission spare part, the transmission torque and the abso
4、rbing load. The axis class components are the solid of revolution components, its length is bigger than the diameter, generally by with spindles outer annulus cylinder, the circular conical surface, in the hole and the thread and the corresponding end surface is composed. According to the structure
5、shapes difference, the axis class components may divide into the optical axis, the steps and ladders axis, the canon and the crank and so on. the axiss length to diameter ratio is smaller than 5mm is called the minor axis, is bigger than 20mm is called the thin major axis, mostly the number axis is
6、situated between both. the axis with the bearing supporting, is called the journal with the bearing coordinations axis section. The journal is the axis assembly datum, their precision and the surface quality general request are high, its specification acts according to the axis generally the main fu
7、nction and the working condition formulation, usually has the following several items: (1) Size precision Plays the supporting role the journal for the true dead axles position, usually is high to its size accuracy requirement (IT5IT7). The assembly passes on the moving parts the journal size precis
8、ion general request to be low (IT6IT9). (2) Geometrical shape precision The axis class components geometrical shape precision is mainly refers to the journal, the male cone, the Morse awl hole and so on roundness, the cylindricity and so on, generally should limit its common difference in the size t
9、olerance interval. To the accuracy requirement high in outer annulus surface, should label its allowable deviation on the blueprint. (3) Mutual position precision The axis class components position accuracy requirement is mainly decides by the axis in machinery position and the function. Usually sho
10、uld guarantee that the assembly passes on the moving parts the journal to supporting journals proper alignment request, will otherwise affect will pass on the moving parts (gear and so on) the transmission precision, and will have the noise. General precisions axis, its coordinate axis section to su
11、pporting journals radial direction beat is generally 0.010.03mm, the high accuracy axis (for example main axle) usually is 0.0010.005mm.(4) Surface roughness Generally with passes on the axle diameter surface roughness which the moving parts coordinate for Ra2.50.63m, coordinates the supporting axle
12、 diameters surface roughness with the bearing for Ra0.630.16m. In axis class components technological process making, direct relation work piece quality, labor productivity and economic efficiency. Components may have several different processing methods, but only then one kind reasonable, in the ma
13、king machine-finishing technological process, must pay attention to the following several spots. 1. Detail drawing process study, must understand components specifications and so on unique feature, precision, material quality, heat treatment, and must study the product assembly drawing, part assembl
14、y drawing and inspection standard. 2. Thick datum choice: Has the non-processing surface, the elected non-processing surface takes the thick datum. Casting axis which must process to all surfaces, adjusts according to the machining allowance smallest surface. And chooses the smooth smooth surface, m
15、akes way the runner place. Chooses the reliable reliable surface is the thick datum, simultaneously, the thick datum cannot duplicate uses. 3. Fine datum choice: Must conform to the datum superposition principle, chooses the design datum or the assembly datum as far as possible takes the localizatio
16、n datum. Conforms to the datum uniform principles. Uses the identical localization datum as far as possible in the most working procedures. Causes the localization datum and the measuring basis superposition as far as possible. The choice precision is high, the installment stable reliable surface is
17、 the fine datum.Keywords: Single-chip microcomputer control, NC, Fair incision machine, Design目 录第1章 零件分析11.1 零件作用11.2 零件的工艺分析1第2章 零件工艺规程编制72.1 确定毛坯制造形式7 2.1.1 材料的选择7 2.1.2 锻造方法82.2 基准面的选择12 2.2.1 粗基准的选择12 2.2.2 精基准的选择142.3 确定外表加工方法152.4 拟定工艺过程16 2.4.1 加工阶段划分16 2.4.2 加工工序确定172.5 工艺分析计算21 2.5.1 余量、工序
18、尺寸确实定21 2.5.2 确定切削用量22第3章 夹具设计233.1 机床夹具的根本概念及分类23 3.1.1 定义23 3.1.2 机床夹具分类23 3.1.3 夹具的组成元件233.2 研究原始资料,明确设计任务243.3 定位方案253.4 定位基准和定为元件的选择25 3.4.1 定位基准的选择25 3.4.2 定为元件的选择253.5 夹具的结构设计273.6 工件的夹紧283.7 定位误差的分析和计算293.8 夹具使用和维护考前须知29结论30参考文献31 第1章 零件分析1.1 零件作用题目所给定的零件是F125摩托车发动机上曲轴左部,它与曲轴右部、曲轴销、连杆大头滚针轴承组
19、成曲轴连杆机构。连杆将活塞承受的气体力传给曲轴,使活塞的往复运动变为曲轴的旋转运动。曲轴左部将发动机产生的动力传至主动皮带及V型皮带离心式自动变速机构。曲轴左部1:5的锥面供安磁电机的飞轮转子用,当发动机处于膨胀作功过程时,飞轮转子将功能吸收,当发动机在非作功过程时,飞轮转子那么将能量释放,使曲轴工作时平稳旋转。1.2 零件工艺分析基于零件的用途,该回转面除了对定位的精度有很高的要求外,对零件的强度、结构和尺寸的稳定性要求也很高。具体分析如下:图2如图2所示,由于零件该轴颈局部要保证基准A,要求加工精度高,故其加工经济精度为IT6级。采用高频淬火。具体尺寸为外表粗糙度为Ra=0.4m,距离齿轮
22、很高。且用机床比拟难加工,用加工中心加工那么本钱太高,所以在锻造毛坯时,直接将该外表的的形状直接锻造出来。图10如图10所示,该中心孔是基准C,孔内壁的外表粗糙度Ra=1.6m,孔径分别为mm、mm,孔的张开角度分别为600、1200。图11如图11所示,直径为mm的回转面两端面与角向定位K的垂直度为0.03mm,两端面与基准B和基准C的垂直度为100:0.02,平面度为0.02mm,外表粗糙度为Ra=1.6mm,故加工精度为IT7级。该回转面的宽度为mm。参考于?几何量公差与检测?、?机械设计手册单行本?第2章 零件的工艺规程设计2.1 确定毛坯制造形式2.1.1 材料的选择 曲轴左部工作时
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- 关 键 词:
- F125 曲轴 零件 工艺 夹具 设计
