1、雅思阅读高分必备技之同义词替换原则妙用 同义词替换原则妙用, 雅思阅读高分必备技。给大家带来了雅思阅读正确答题顺序,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。同义词替换原则妙用 雅思阅读高分必备技雅思阅读同义替换都有哪些形式?1. 同义词/近义词替换同义词替换是指考题与原文中的关键内容用同义词进行一种互换。比如:lead to - result in, reason- factor, effect - impact, army - military等等。这种替换最为直接, 也是最容易识别的。然后, 许多考生头脑里的词汇往往都是独立存在, 没有进行任何的归类总结, 即使是最容易识别的替
2、换, 往往也会与之失之交臂。因此, 每当我在带来考生做阅读题时, 我都会让他们把每一道题答案的出处标记出来, 仔细对比题目和原文之间的替换,把同义词近义词整理在一起, 便于复习记忆。 见得多了, 考生就会掌握这种“雅思风”的替换原则, 形成高效的题感。2. 词性发生改变。词性替换主要是指题目中的关键信息与原文中的内容词性发生了变化。这样的替换相对来说,难度系数偏低,只需要考生能够识别出相同的词根即可。如剑桥4中有一道段落小标题配对中, 出现了形容词和名词之间的转换。3. 同类词替换。同类词替换是指,原文和题目中出现的替换词, 不属于同义词, 但是彼此是包含关系。 比如military这个词出现
3、的频率非常高, 经常被替换成battlefield, weapon,war,这些词和military意思并不相近,但都跟军事有关,他们属于同一范畴,有包含关系。4.主动转被动。主动语态转被动语, 这种替换其实特别容易识别,建议考生但凡看到题目中出现了被动语态, 马上就要条件反射预想到*中会出现主动语态。 比如剑桥4中的一道summary:题目:In the experiment described in Part 2, a set of word 33 was used to investigate whether.原文:We gave a list of twenty pairs of wo
4、rds to .这里原文提到的我们给出的东西其实就是题目中所说的被用来做调查的东西, 只是在甄选填写哪个单词时要留意list=set, pair of words=word pairs, 因此答案就是pairs。5. 上下义词的替换。所谓上下义,是指替换的词语之间通常有一种总分关系。上义词表示该词是一种概括,下义词则是将该词具体化。这类替换出现在段落配对题较多,小标题里给的是一个较大范围概括类的词语,而原文中出现的却是具体或者细节的信息,考察考生对这两者之间从属关系的配对。例如剑桥4中Volcano这篇*, 有一个标题选项是Volcanoes and the features of our p
5、lanet. 其对应的段落中则出现了made stable atmosphere, provided water for the oceans, rivers and ice-caps, rifted continents, raised mountain chains, constructed island and shaped the topography of the earth. 此处our planet就是earth, features指的就是大气,大洲, 岛屿等等。很显然这个段落讲述的就是火山与地球的特点之间的关系。如何妙用雅思阅读同义替换原则?虽然同义替换在阅读中给考生设置了许多
6、障碍,但是倘若考生能够用心观察积累这些同义替换, 反而可以充分利用雅思的这一“替换”原则,在*并非完全看懂的情况下,仍然高效率的找出答案。比如:在填空类的题目中考生只要能够识别空格前后实词的同义替换,往往就可以轻松找到答案。此处可见, 题目和原文几乎是一一对应的替换, 因此, 即使有不认识的单词也没有关系。所以想做好雅思阅读就要做大量积累。做过的阅读题,一定要把题目和原文之间的对应关系划出,仔细比对归类,标出替换类型,读题时可以对于替换方式做一些预判。雅思阅读小范围预测题目:the treetop research题材:科技类题型:段落匹配5+人名配对5+填空2*大意:类似原文及题目仅供参考W
7、hat is the TreeTop Barbie project?TreeTop Barbie was designed to inspire youth - especially young girls - to become aware of the field of the forest canopy. She is a real Barbie doll, but wears hand-tailored clothes that are modeled on real field clothes and climbing gear, including a field guide to
8、 canopy plants and animals (both Barbie- and human-sized). The TreeTop Barbie package includes the doll and a personal letter from Barbie about forests and their importance to people.What issues does this project address?TreeTop Barbie can serve as a role model to encourage young girls in directions
9、 that are alternatives to the mainstream Barbie doll and what she represents in our society. TreeTop Barbie and her accompanying educational materials also provide a link between youth and an exciting part of the natural world in tropical and temperate ecosystems.How can I get a TreeTop Barbie?TreeT
10、op Barbie is distributed by The International Canopy Network (ICAN)? a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting forest canopy conservation through research and education. Funds generated will support this and other outreach activities.Exploration of forest canopies is no easy tasksince res
11、earchers cant cross betweentree-tops? they have to clamber up trunks, explore, descend, and then climb the next. Or they did, until the advent of the Sol Vin Bretzel Canopy Raft.A canopy raft is, basically, an inflatable PVC pontoon frame with high-tension netting spread between. Theyre pre-inflated
12、 and lifted into positioned via airship, dirigible, or helicopter. Once in position, the rafts are set down among the tree-tops, allowing researchers unfettered access to the uppermost reaches of the forest ecosystem. Scientists can observe from the raft? rappel from it toothey can even live on its
13、temporary floor for several days at a time.The pretzel shape of the raft in the top image is known as a Sol Vin Bretzel, created by architect Gilles Ebersolt (yes,like Pretzel but in German),a recent design that replaced the previous, octagonal raft shape. Its unique 400m2 area offers numerous advan
14、tages over its predecessors. Itrs a more structurally sound platform that maximizes surface area, preventing any outlying section from folding or collapsing. Its also extremely lightweightmeaning it doesnt crush the new growth of the canopy upon which it rests.部分答案:14. E opinion of experts on a cert
15、ain access method have changed15. D a desc ription of physical limitation of a certain access17. A the details of ecological and environmental of canory18. B a desc ription of lack of cooperation and research19. c20. e21. a22. d23. b24. asserts25. ballon题目:Leister Curve题材:人文类题型:单选3+判断5+配对5*大意英国莱斯特剧院
16、的设计部分答案:1-3 MULTIPLE CHOICE1. The first paragraph has referred the purpose Challenge the traditional architecture2. The desc ription of the theatre which is the correct one aptly named3. make the building process completed4-8 YES/NO/NG4问是否有其他建筑物与其相比YES5有个建筑开建之前已经获得认可had a permit-NO6这间音乐厅建成之后其他的儿就要关门
17、了-NG7设计师RV的目的是符合表演家将来的风格-YES8这一音乐厅是复制了其他家的风格-NO9-14 SUMMARY临街的人能看到 people on-viewLarge vehicles题目:Coyote内容:研究丛林狼-数量的变化、人类舌动对丛林狼的影响、未来丛林狼的生存问题题型:段落细节匹配5+填空4+选择 4*大意这是一篇关于coyote郊狼从野外到城市里生存的*,郊狼转战城市的原因是森林面积减 少,此狼食肉动物,而且适应能力极强,而且在狼逐步灭绝的过程中,郊狼已成为顶端动物,虽天生具有攻击性,但其实即使居住在城市里对于人类也不会具有攻击性。往往郊狼最终攻击了人类的事情,其原因也是源
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 雅思 阅读 高分 必备 同义词 替换 原则 妙用
