1、雅思阅读冲刺之4步提升雅思阅读正确率 如何省时省力地提高雅思阅读level?今天给大家带来了雅思阅读冲刺之4步提升雅思阅读正确率,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读冲刺 | 多快好省,4步提升雅思阅读正确率雅思阅读入门知识:A类和G类雅思阅读不一样学术类适用于:出国留学申请本科,研究生及以上学位,或获得专业资质。其阅读*类型*于杂志、期刊、书籍和报纸等。考试内容:? 3段*及相应问题? *类型包括从描述性到阐明事实性,从散漫性到分析性? 也包含非文字性内容,例如图表、曲线或插图? *取自真实出版物培训类适用于:英语国家移民申请(如澳大利亚,加拿大,新西兰及英国)或申请
2、培训及非文凭类课程。其阅读*类型*于官方通知文件、广告、时间表、公司手册以及报纸、小说等。考试内容:? 3段*及相应问题? 第一篇包含2或3个事实性小短文? 第二篇包含2个短小的,工作相关的事实性短文? 第三篇是一段关于某话题的长*? *取自真实出版物难度由浅而深,阅读考试时间60分钟,共有40道题。对同学们的阅读速度、理解能力都是非常严峻的考验。为大家多番探索,找来一些雅思阅读考试备考攻略。希望能对马上面临或者即将面临雅思考试的同学们有一定帮助!反复做真题熟悉题型,学会总结适合自己的学习方法,这样才能提高自己的成绩。雅思阅读备考攻略不管是学术类还是培训类的雅思阅读,都有10-14种考试题型,
5、题意图,会让你的成绩唰唰的往上涨哦整理阅读中同义替换词汇其实雅思考试中有非常多的同义替换词,不管是阅读还是听力、写作、口语中都会有很多这样类型的词汇。我们可以好好将这类词整理出来,成为我们通过雅思考试的致胜法宝。因为选项或者题目中出现的词汇不一定就是阅读*出现的词,我们要在平时多注意同义替换的词,同时注意词形变化。要培养自己对同义替换词的敏锐度。雅思考试阅读练习及答案详解1.雅思阅读材料Study Finds Web Antifraud Measure IneffectiveFebruary 5, 20XX New York1. Internet security experts have l
6、ong known that simple passwords do not fully defend online bank accounts from determined fraud artists. Now a study suggests that a popular secondary security measure provides little additional protection.2.The study, produced jointly by researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
7、nology, looked at a technology called site-authentication images. In the system, currently used by financial institutions like Bank of America, ING Direct and Vanguard, online banking customers are asked to select an image, like a dog or chess piece, that they will see every time they log in to thei
8、r account.3.The idea is that if customers do not see their image, they could be at a fraudulent Web site, dummied up to look like their banks, and should not enter their passwords.4.The Harvard and M.I.T. researchers tested that hypothesis. In October, they brought 67 Bank of America customers in th
9、e Boston area into a controlled environment and asked them to conduct routine online banking activities, like looking up account balances. But the researchers had secretly withdrawn the images.5.Of 60 participants who got that far into the study and whose results could be verified, 58 entered passwo
10、rds anyway. Only two chose not to log on, citing security concerns.6.“The premise is that site-authentication images increase security because customers will not enter their passwords if they do not see the correct image,” said Stuart Schechter, a computer scientist at the M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory.
11、 “From the study we learned that the premise is right less than 10 percent of the time.”7.He added: “If a bank were to ask me if they should deploy it, I would say no, wait for something better,” he said.8.The system has some high-power supporters in the financial services world, many trying to comp
12、ly with new online banking regulations. In 2005, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, an interagency body of federal banking regulators, determined that passwords alone did not effectively thwart intruders like identity thieves.9.It issued new guidelines, asking financial Web site
13、s to find better ways for banks and customers to identify each other online. January 20XX was set as the compliance date, though the council has yet to begin enforcing the mandate.10.Banks immediately knew what they did not want to do: ask customers to download new security software, or carry around
14、 hardware devices that feed them PIN codes they can use to authenticate their identities. Both solutions would add an extra layer of security but, the banks believed, detract from the convenience of online banking.11.The image system, introduced in 2004 by a Silicon Valley firm called PassMark Secur
15、ity, offered banks a pain-free addition to their security arsenals. Bank of America was among the first to adopt it, in June 2005, under the brand name SiteKey, asking its 21 million Web site users to select an image from thousands of possible choices and to choose a unique phrase they would see eve
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