1、雅思写作如何拿高分 雅思写作考试固然很重要,我们在备考的时候千万要注意一些误区。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作想要拿高分 这些误区要不得雅思写作考试误区1:写够字数很重要,否则没机会通过事实:字数是雅思写作要求之一,但是这只是很多量分因素的一个,如果你写的作文其他方面好,譬如说用词和内容,即便字数不够,拿7分也是可能的。以往有太多的学生是字数不够,最后也通过的。雅思写作考试误区2:字数越多,分数越高事实:雅思没有安慰分和奖励分一说。*的质量决定分数(而不是字数)。如果字数越多分数越高,那你下一次背好两个*,直接写上去,写800单词,看看几分。雅思写作考试误区3:换词可以加分事实:考官
2、会看学生是否能够用不同方式去表达一个事情,也就是表达的变化是写作能力的一个体现。但是前提是你的表达变化是准确的,地道的。否则,考官只会扣分。譬如说“receive treatment”有些同学觉得receive太简单,写成“acquire treatment”。这个学生就是5.5分级别的学生,为什么?因为英文很烂,烂到不知道acquire和treatment不能连用。雅思写作考试误区4:写复杂句和分词结构可以加分事实:句子变化是体现一个人的写作能力,但是如果你的复杂句错误,考官会扣分,而不是加分。使用不恰当,譬如说套句,不该用的地方粗暴出现,那么也会扣分。譬如说很多同学喜欢用定语从句,“whe
3、re have”这就是5.5分因为where引导的定语从句后面是独立的句子,不可能缺乏主语。考官不是因为你用了where就给分,而是看你用的对不对,恰当不恰当。雅思写作考试误区5:语法不重要,关键是单词和内容够牛事实:句子结构不对,语法错误一多,哪怕是你用多高端的词,多好的内容都是5.5分。道理很简单,哪怕中文也是。如果通篇白字,写的句法不通,你用唐诗宋词,旁征博引,你的读者觉得你连基本的文化都没有,更不要说水平多高了。雅思写作考试误区6:词伙和大词多用可以加分事实:作文不是单词比赛。作文的目的是交流。我们中文那些著名的小说,著名的诗歌,著名的议论文,哪一篇里面是一堆大词?一堆词伙?一堆成语?
4、好的*是内容的充实,句子的流畅,用词的恰当。考官永远不是看着单词的“出现”而给分,是看着单词的“使用”而给分。雅思大作文:the best way to reduce crime雅思大作文题目:.The best way to reduce crime committed by young adultsis to teach parents parenting skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Givereasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from you
5、r own knowledge or experience.作文范文:The relationship between home education and juvenile delinquency has always been a topic that concerned by crime academia. Thus, an idea has been proposed as a prime one that parenting concepts and skills should be further implanted and acquired for the sake of low
6、er rate of teenager crimes.One of the greatest advantages of this proposal is that good parenting goes right to the core of the matter. This is because children make most of their interpersonal contact with their family members before kindergarten and primary school and these members, especially par
7、ents, conveys the sense of being loved, if only, during this formative years. Without this, the youth when coming at the age of reason may be in difference and show no affection to others, which in the long run, leads to committing crimes.Another positive effect of concentrating on family issues lie
8、s in the contribution in the future. A valid childhood education establishes a solid and just foundation of views and values. Although this sort of approach may not as immediate as the trials and penalty in deterring crimes, this effort devoted may take effects as a psychological disincentive rather
9、 than a cruel deterrent, to say the least, inthe next few decades.Any method that claims to be the best, however, is both too absolute and unilateral. As for this one, there is one premise not to be neglected which involves the performance of parents during and after the instruction of such techniqu
10、es as all the efforts are but in vain if the subjects taught spare no efforts in implementing these conceptsand theories. Moreover, schooling and social factor should be included in crime prevention in search of a so-called best solution.雅思大作文:the difference in age between parents and children雅思大作文题
11、目:In some countries, the difference in age between parents and children is generally greater than it was in the past. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.作文范文:Youn
12、g couples in the global context are adopting a more self-oriented lifestyle in which many choose to postpone the age of having their first baby, and this happens more specifically in the middle and upper class in developed worlds, bringing benefits and drawbacks on each family member affected.The ad

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