1、雅思小白和老手的雅思写作提高方法 写给雅思小白和老手的雅思写作提高方法,一起来学习一下吧。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。写给雅思小白和老手的雅思写作提高方法雅思作文提高方法:(针对基础不太好和时间不够充足的烤鸭)1、对于语感很差的烤鸭,雅思战线也比较长的,我建议把剑桥雅思4-9书后的考官写的范文做精读并且背诵下来。在背的过程中,就会形成一种雅思写作的语感,范文中用词也十分正式精确,对以后写专业论文打下很好的基础。2、果战线很短,我推荐用十天突破6-9,这里面有所以话题的材料。写作最重要的就是思路,打开了思路,有了语料,即便用简单句式描述好也可以拿到不错的分数。而6-9就是积累思路的书。不过也
4、的背景。作文的首段通常包含以下几个方面:1. 场景或背景信息,即题目中出现的phenomenon。2. 一些人的观点(some peoples opinion),这部分在改写*首段时可要可不要,考生可按照自己的情况来安排。3. 个人观点,这一部分在有些*的开首段中也可以不要。在写作中考虑到字数的合理安排,第一段最好写3-5句话,大约40字左右,并且切忌在第一段就掏心掏肺把什么话都说完。三、雅思写作的套路和辞藻并不是词汇量少就一定写不出高分*。考试时不要刻意的去追求词汇多样化,熟练准确的运用单词比生拼硬凑好单词更重要。雅思作文的评分标准里有一项是关于词汇要求的。这一点不仅包括词汇多样性,更包括词
5、汇的准确使用。所以对于平时花了大把时间去背单词的同学来说,不但要能认识,而且关于它的用法,词性和拼写也需要熟练掌握,这是雅思写作中必备的条件之一。雅思作文更重要的是你有没有切题的观点,有没有清晰的*结构(这反映了你的思路是否清晰),在保证这两点的基础上再去思考词汇的出色应用才是正确的选择。没有这两点词汇再好也白搭.这就象建房子, 如果你压根不知道要建一座什么样的房子(观点是什么),不知道房子的结构应该怎么搭建(结构怎么安排), 你手中有再多的砖块(词汇)也没用以上就是写给雅思小白和老手的雅思写作提高方法的全部内容,我们可以看出对于雅思小白,写作提高主要是指能写出一篇合格的雅思作文,条理清楚。对
6、于基础较好同学,写作提高主要指写出一篇出彩的雅思作文,言简意赅,逻辑清晰,行文流畅且语言丰富。雅思小作文之某市温度与降水The chart compares average figures for temperature and precipitation over the course of a calendar year in Kolkata.(1句做介绍导入)It is noticeable that monthly figures for precipitation in Kolkata vary considerably, whereas monthly temperatures r
7、emain relatively stable. Rainfall is highest from July to August, while temperatures are highest in April and May.(2句做图表概述)Between the months of January and May, average temperatures in Kolkata rise from their lowest point at around 20C to a peak of just over 30C. Average rainfall in the city also r
8、ises over the same period, from approximately 20mm of rain in January to 100mm in May.(3句的细节段1)While temperatures stay roughly the same for the next four months, the amount of rainfall more than doubles between May and June. Figures for precipitation remain above 250mm from June to September, peakin
9、g at around 330mm in July. The final three months of the year see a dramatic fall in precipitation, to a low of about 10mm in December, and a steady drop in temperatures back to the January average.(3句的细节段2)(173 words, band 9)雅思小作文之成人教育现状The summary of a survey on adult education is presented in the
10、 2 charts. The bar chart summarizes the factors that caused adults to continue their education, while the pie chart shows the public opinion regarding the funding of adult education.(简要概括导入)According to the bar chart, 40% of the respondents mentioned “interest in the subject” as the reason they deci
11、ded to go back to school. This factor was followed closely by the aim to gain qualification at 38%. On the other hand, only 9% of the survey participants said that they went to school in order to meet more people. This is the least popular reason among the 7 given.(细节段1,分析图表1)Among all the people su
12、rveyed regarding the funding, 40% of them felt that this adult education should be the responsibility of the individual. Although 35% of them thought that the employers should lend the helping hand, only 25% agreed that the taxpayers should share the burden.(细节段2,分析图表2)In summary, the survey showed
13、a mixed opinion regarding the reasons and the funding for adults education.雅思小作文表格题范文之家庭贫困率The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.该表格1999年澳大利亚不同类型的家庭的贫困率。请作答。雅思图表小作文表格题型9分范文:The table gives information about poverty rates among
14、 six types of household in Australia in the year 1999.It is noticeable that levels of poverty were higher for single people than for couples, and people with children were more likely to be poor than those without. Poverty rates were considerably lower among elderly people.Overall, 11% of Australian
15、s, or 1,837,000 people, were living in poverty in 1999. Aged people were the least likely to be poor, with poverty levels of 6% and 4% for single aged people and aged couples respectively.Just over one fifth of single parents were living in poverty, whereas only 12% of parents living with a partner were classed as poor. The same pattern can be seen for people with no children: while 19% of single people in this group were living below the poverty line, the figure for couples was much lower, at only 7%.(150 words, band 9)