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    BEC中级情景口语大全 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了商务英语中级情景口语,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。商务英语中级情景口语:卖点Dialogue 1F: What kind of car is best for me?M: For you, I would recommend this one here.F: The compact, why do you think that one is better than the others?M: This automobile is just right for your needs because not only is the compact for easen city driving, but also it has many safety features, I know that as a parent you are concerned about safeties in driving your kids to and from school.F: Thats true, what kind of safety features are we talking about?M: This model features an tyre lock brakes, air bags on both driver and passengers sides, and impact collision design, but thats not all, this car isnt only safe but also is very economical,F: You mean it has a cheaper price than the similar models?M: Yes, this price is very affordable, but driving this car youll also noticed a significant annual saving in gas consumption, the main attraction for this model is a few economy.F: With the cost of gasoline these days, that is a big plus, I think this model may be just what Im looking for.M: Why dont you take if for a test drive and think it over.Dialogue 2M: The products sell points is its advanced technoledge.F: Unfortunately, its just too expensive for majority of consumer to afford.M: Why is the price so high?F: Its not just that the price is high, its that the over head to update and entire computer system to be compatable is costly.M: Model of computers are compatable?F: Most current computer systems simply cant handle it, because this model truly has extradinarily capabilities.M: May be after next generation of technology comes out, the price of this model will become more affordable.F: But by then, the technology will be out dated.M: True, but our focus has never been affordability anyway, costwize, we may not be very competitive, but qualitywize, we definately have an edge.F: Thats right, no one else has a product on the market now that is comparible.M: This model has advanced technoledge, superior components, it is compact, and its top quality product.F: I guess you get what you pay for.商务英语中级情景口语:贸易展示会Dialogue 1M: Did you send our order to printers for more companys literature? Im worried we wont get in in time.F: In time for what? I send the order out two days ago, they promised to have them ready by friday, I dont see why we need two thousand corps brochures, we certainly dont hand out that many day by day in the office.M: Its not for handing out in the office, we have trade show to do in lasvegus next weekend, everything has been prepared for our boost, but we dont have enough of flies and hand out pass out in HND.F: Thats right, I forgot we were going to participate int the show this year. Who will be going for our company to man the boost?M: There ll be a team four of us going, our marketing directors going early to participate the conference beforehand, and rest of us will leave thursday to set up, the show opens on friday, the expositon will last three days, so sunday is closing.F: Have you gone in past years? Ive heard this expo is the largest in our industry, it must be pretty exciting to see so many exhibitors from all over nations.M: I went last year, it is great orportunaty to see what the trends are in this industry, also, it is an important event for ourvmarketing and sales department, the leads we get for this expo will count about 20% for our annual sales.Dialogue 2M: Is there anything particular you are intersted in? Can I answer any questions for you about this display?F: Yes, could you tell me more about your services?M: we represent pharmaceutical company that produces genery brand prescription paying medications, we supply products to over twenty countries and were also deeply involved in medical research and development, are you interested in any particular area of medical services?F: Im looking for information about current drugs or pees, do you have recent reports or information you can give me?M: Certainly, we have by monthly journal which detaied in current project. If you leave your information on our mainly list, I can send you a free copy in the mail, may I have your card?F: Oh, Ive just run out of the name cards, but I can write my information down for you, do you have a business card you can give me?M: Yes, here is my card, let me also give you a copy of our latest catalogue, the catalogue contains a extensive list of our current products and services, and also details many of our recent projects, if you have any questions and specifics, I can help you answer them now, or I can have our office contact to you later.F: That would be fine, thank you.年商务英语中级情景口语:销售审查Dialogue 1M: Did you see the information on sales for last year? The sales review was made up at our last board meeting, theres a great news for our shareholders.F: Yeah, I went for this figures this morning, were finally making money again.M: Weve never solved this much before, our growth this year has been phenomenal, we have captured 80% of this market, up for last year by 120%, our strategy is working.F: not only our annual sales brake the record, but our month by month earning exceeded our forecast as well. After a two years slum, we finally back in the black.M: The companys performance has improved since Voller became president. Hes made our little business into a real lucrative operation, products selling like hot case.F: I think our success is partly because Wallets contribution, and partly because our new marketing strategy, because the new advertise campaign, we have became the top sellers in the field.M: Lets hope this stroke of good luck last, I hope we are over are financial difficulties for good, but its still too soon to know if our sales success is on long term trend.F: Lets hope it is.Dialogue 2M: Give these sales figures a look, its pretty depressing, were away in this year, we cant afford to keep going like this for much longer.F: Youre right, we need to start making money soon or at least manage to brake even, but I think that the market is slowly begining to heat up, sales are bound to pake up any time now.M: Deman is droping, the problem is our competition, they are monoplizing the market.F: Maybe we should rethink our marketing stategy to enclose the possibility that our new line of cosmetic could be a good seller.M: Its really too early to tell, but a lot writing on the new products, if we dont do better after the products lunch, we may have to go bankrupt.F: Do you think is that serious?M: Look at this numbers and see for yourself, read them rip.F: My goodnees, I didnt realize it was that bad.商务英语中级情景口语:产品展示Dialogue 1F: Excuse me, can you please show me how to make this contrumption work? Im having a hunger of time trying to figure it out.M: Its very easy really. Here, let me show you.F: Thank you.M: Sure, no problem, first of all, you are holding it upsight down, the red areao must point upword.F: Oh boy! My dump.M: Dont worry about it, it can be a little confusing of your first time, once you got it upright, point the nozzle to direction that you want to spray, then press the red button here.F: Is that all there is to it? That seems really easy, I dont know why I didnt figure it out myself. Oh, but that only working for forward motion, how do I make it work in reverse?M: See this lever here, if you switch it slightly to the left, it will cause the motor to move in reverse, see it now, it going backward now, if you want it to go forward again, simply switch the lever back to the right side, watch this.F: Thats seems like a real piece of cake! How do I clean up the dust trap when its full?M: In the back of machine here, see this panel, if you open up this flap, you will see a small srew holding the dust trap in place, you can use a regular screw driver to open it up with a few simple movements, then you can MD the trap, here, Ill show you.Dialogue 2M: Do you have a minute? Id like to give a demonstration of our latest and best selling products, the dust eleminator 2000 proffesional vaccum cleaner.F: Yeah, I guess I have a little time, what did you say it was? a vaccum cleaner?M: Yes, but the dust eleminator is much more than the normal vaccum cleaner, you wont find anything else like this on the market, here, let me demonstrate.F: Ok.M: Do you see what I have here, this is the bottle, soil dust that Im going to pull on the carpet of floor here, while Im adding, Im going to add some paint, some smashed crackers, and a couple of thread enge nails, now Im going to rob it deeply the fibres in the carpet, its real mess, do you agree?F: Youp,sure it is, youve got a big mess on you hands.M: Now, watch, I simply turn on the dust eleminator with a flip of this switch, wola! the dust elemintor is powerful enough to pull out the pins from the carpet of fibres, it also can hanlde the heavy way of nails, and have no problem with the volume of soil dust, truly remarkable, dont you agree?F: Wowh, it really cleaned up that mess, it looks just the same before you dumped all the stuff on there, thats really amazing.M: I know youve been impressed, now, all I take this to make this dust eleminator yours is three monthly installments of 1995.


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