雅思口语考试谣言系列之:雅思考官打分 关于雅思的各路留言传说,雅思考官会压分?没出考场就看见雅思考官就在低头写写画画,他究竟在干什么?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考试谣言系列之:雅思考官打分有考鸭反映,在考试进行过程中,他看到雅思雅思考官低头写写画画,考试还没结束,但这位雅思考官已经打分了?想多了吧,其实,在雅思口语考试中,雅思考官是在记录你们的答题时间,以便于控制整场考试每一部分的节奏,让每位考生都拥有同样的时间作答每部分内容,以确保考试公正性。说到时间,大家都知道雅思口语考试分为3部分,总共11-14分钟,那么大家清楚这三部分的具体时长以及具体考察的方向吗?不清楚的话,可要好好反省下啦,不然你怎能有勇气走进考场呢?雅思口语考试的Part1是daily conversation日常对话。雅思考官需要把烤鸭们的回答时间控制在4-5分钟。这部分雅思考官会引导你们从自我介绍开始对话,而后主要围绕大伙儿熟悉的话题如朋友,兴趣爱好等展开。这部分主要考察大家就日常性的观点和信息、常见的生活经历等进行交流的能力。雅思口语part2,雅思考官会根据随机选择试题卡上的问题提问。大家有1分钟的准备时间,可用笔纸稍作整理回答要点,然后根据要求对话题进行2分钟的个人观点阐述。雅思考官会在2分钟后打断考生,并在最后提问一两个问题作为结束语。这部分大家可以结合自己的经历完成这部分内容,主要考察在没有任何其它提示的情况下就一个特定的话题进行较长时间的陈述的能力,是否能恰当地运用语言、是否能连贯地组织自己的观点。雅思口语考试的part3是双向讨论,雅思考官与考生会就雅思口语part2所提及的话题进行更深入的讨论。这一阶段讨论内容往往灵活不定,同时也加重了与雅思考官的互动,主要注重考察你们分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力的英文沟通和应变能力。part3雅思考官会将时间控制在4-5分钟。考试的时间很短暂,但是内心非常煎熬。很多人感叹,我花了2000块钱,结果口语10分钟就结束了?要不您多问两题?考官都是很有时间观念的,很抱歉,您的雅思口语尬聊时间已经用完,乖乖离开考场,等候出分吧。为什么有些考生的口语考试时间很短呢?可能仅是因为在这段时间内,雅思考官已经从你的回答中得到足够的信息来评定你的雅思口语水平,无需再继续进行剩余三四分钟的考试。只要大家以正常语速回答问题,雅思考官就能最短在11分钟内评定你的英语雅思口语水平。因此,多数烤鸭们的雅思口语测试时间大约为11到12分钟。 但有时,雅思考官也会对考生进行14分钟的最长时间的测试。另一方面,考试时间较长也可能是因为正面的因素:例如,水平很高的考生在回答第3部分问题时往往会给出比较详细的答案,这样就会需要更多时间。而且,如果雅思考官很赞赏你的回答,考试时间也会在允许的范围内较长。最重要的一点是考生不会在11分钟之前结束雅思口语测试。反之也是一样,我们的雅思考官最多也只可以利用14分钟的时间对考生的雅思口语能力作出合理的评定。也就是说,11到14分钟之间的额外时间是用来确定以下几点:? 在第1、3部分应该提问足够多的问题;? 考生有机会陈述观点;? 对考生作出的评定确认是准确的。因此,雅思口语考试时,雅思考官不仅需要对你的英语沟通和表达能力做出评判,他们还是一个严格的time keeper,既要控制整体的考试时长,更要对雅思口语考试的每一部分所花费的时间进行记录以便严格把控,所以大家无需担心,也不必紧张。以上就是雅思口语考试中,一位合格的雅思考官在考场上做的事,雅思口语考试的时间对每个人来说都非常宝贵,作为考官,他不能无故拖延考试时间而影响其他的考官。各位考鸭不要想太多,好好参与口语尬聊,考完试和考官说个再见。友情提示:关于雅思压分的流言抛在脑后,夯实自己的口语基础,打磨自己的口语话题技巧和答题思路,这才是一个高质量的雅思考生需要具备的素质哦。另外,雅思口语考试只是短短的一个人生经历,在今后的留学生活中,你需要运用口语的机会还很多,相比于异国他乡的蜜汁口音的英语,雅思口语考官是不是一下就变得善良很多呢?雅思口语话题part2参考范文:有趣的场所Describe an interesting place in publicYou should say:what it ishow you can go therewhat people do thereand explain why you think it is an interesting place.雅思口语高分范文示例:1.适用考生:全适用2.主题:家乡的火车站3.故事线:我将永远记住我度过我的童年和少年的日子和地方,我生命中的黄金岁月。我的家乡有很多有趣的地方,位于我们城市南角的火车站就是我要谈论的地方。For my job I currently live in the capital city of our country which is . (say the name of the capital city in your country.). It has been more than 5 years since I left my hometown and yet this is the town where my heart belongs to. I will always remember the days and places where I spent my childhood and teenage, the golden years of my life. The name of my hometown is (.say the name of your hometown.) and it is located in the northern part of the (. say the city/ district name where this town belongs to.). This town will always be special to me, no matter where I go, how far I go. There are many interesting places if I consider from different perspectives in my hometown that I can recall now. Out of these places, the rail station, which is located at the southern corner of our city is the one I would like to talk about.In my childhood, the rail station in my hometown was the most mysterious and interesting place for us. We, as children, were not allowed to enter the main premises where the train stopped and this prohibition made us more curious about this place. This is still a place which is quite interesting for me. This is possibly because this rail station is the entry and exit point for me- to and from my hometown. When the train drops me in this station, I feel a sensation of being home. On the contrary, during the time of my departure, I feel an acute melancholy that I wont be able to express in words. This place has always been a mystery to me and it is still a place full of happiness, sadness and enigma.From two other perspectives, this place is quite interesting to me. One- the surrounding view of this station is quite spectacular and would give someone an impression that he is standing on a tall mountain and can see the green fields below all around him. The view gives the first impression of the natural beauty this area has. In fact, I have never seen any other train station which is located in such a higher place and gives such a beautiful view. Second- the different types of people who come here each day is an interesting thing to observe. Some people come here to sell numerous products, some wait for their relatives or family members to arrive, some to see off their relatives or friends, and finally, some are part of the administrative office of the rail authority. In my opinion, this is an interesting hub for people of different ages, places and purposes.If I am to suggest a foreign tourist about the interesting places of my hometown, I would suggest him to start with this rail station. This rail station will give a very good idea of our town, people and places to be there. To me, this is the gateway to a beautiful town where my heart belongs to.雅思口语话题part2参考范文:一首怀旧老歌Describe a song that reminds you of a particular stage in lifeYou should say:what is it aboutwho is the singer of this songwhen you first heard itand explain why this song has a special meaning to you.1.适用考生:全适用2.主题:晚安曲3.故事线:我妈妈经常给我唱一首催眠曲,我小时候听过这么多次,至今记忆犹新。这首歌通常在我国农村地区很有名,母亲经常用它来安抚婴儿并让他们入睡。雅思口语高分范文示例:My mother often sang me a lullaby titled "Oh my sweet angel look the Moon has come to play with you” in my bedtime and I have heard it so many times in my childhood that I can still remember it very vividly. This was a song usually famous in the rural area of our country that mothers often use to soothe the baby and to send them to sleep. It was an 8-10 lines song with great harmony and the way my mother sand it was extraordinary. It still echoes in my head and I miss those days.I can remember my mother often sand this song till I got admitted in the school and I heard it from my father as well in my bedtime. I was pretty touched by the lyrics and in my childhood, I often imagined that the verses used in this song were true and would happen to me as well.We often remember things from childhood especially the stories or songs we hear with great enthusiasm. This song was no exceptions. I heard it hundreds of times and as a child I fanaticized those things to be true. Thais is the main reason I still remember it. Maybe, someday when I will become a father/ mother, I will sing thins song to my children as well. This has in fact become a permanent memory and I still love the great and calming piece of music.雅思口语考试谣言系列之:雅思考官打分