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    雅思口语话题最新预测范文 为了让大家更好的备考雅思口语考试,为大家整理了雅思口语Part 1新题范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。5月雅思口语话题最新预测范文p1:Bicycle(自行车)5-8月雅思口语话题预测之Bicycle(自行车)1. How popular are bicycles in your hometown?你家乡自行车流行么If I talk about the time when I was a child, the bicycle was the primary mean of travelling for people in my hometown. However, this is not the case and motorised vehicles have replaced the bicycle. Around 5-8 percentage people, these days in my hometown use this environment-friendly vehicle while it was more than 80% at a time.2. How often do you ride a bicycle?你多久骑一次单车Honestly, these days I scarcely ride a bicycle and mostly use my car. I used to be very fond of riding a bicycle in my teenage, but after I started working in a different city, I had been forced to buy a car.3. Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages?骑车适合所有年龄么Yes, this is a suitable vehicle for all ages. The physical activity that a cyclist do is great for his health and this is perhaps the most environmentally friendly ride in the world. There is no age restriction to do commute using a bicycle, I believe.4.What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car?自行车相较与轿车有什么优势Well, first of all, a bicycle is eco-friendly and does not harm the environment the way motorised vehicles do. Further, it is cheap and does not require a high maintenance cost. Moreover, bicycle riding involves physical movement and help maintain us healthy. Finally, this type of transport does not cause traffic congestion, unlike motor cars.5.Did you learn to ride a bicycle in your childhood?你小时候学过骑单车么Yes, I did. My father taught me how to ride a bicycle when I was in the 4th standard. I used to cycle to my school which was about 2 kilometers from my home. I also used to cycle to the market.6.Is it easy to ride a bicycle in your country?在中国容易骑单车么It is easier in smaller towns and villages because there the roads arent very busy. Cycling is a bit difficult in big Indian cities because in most of them there are no dedicated lanes for cyclists. I really feel that this should change.7.What are the benefits of riding a bicycle for a child?对小孩子来说,骑自行车有什么益处Cycling is a healthy exercise. It is also an exercise that most children enjoy. Cycling is good for strengthening the muscles in the calves and thighs. I have also heard that it helps children grow taller.8.Is it safe to ride a bicycle on busy roads?在繁忙的路上骑车安全么Well, I am against cycling on busy roads such as the ones in Shanghai. I used to cycle when I was in Wuhan. I almost stopped that habit after I moved to Mumbai to pursue higher studies.雅思口语新题预测p1:Social network(社交)5-8月雅思口语话题预测之Social network(社交)1.What kinds of social networking website do you like to use?你喜欢使用什么社交网站when it comes to the social networking, i used to log in the weibo constantly, where i could conduct effectively communication with friends. in addition, i also got the latest news about about their current lives or studies2.Are you a social person?你是一个喜欢社交的人么to give a definition of social is not an easy thing. personally speaking, i dont think that i am a person that belongs to social type. for the majority of the time, id rather to stay alone and concentrate on the study that i am into.3.What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?在这些社交网站上,你喜欢和哪种人成朋友to tell the truth, most of the people on those websites are my classmates. but the people that i want to be friends with, are those i guess i have to say, probably at least we share a lot in common. for instance, we are the huge fan of same rock star, or probably we are fond of the same sports types.4.Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking websites?在这种网站上容易交到真朋友么i dont agree with that saying that it is not easy to make real friend on social networking websites. based on my own experience, i made some close friends from the social networking network by taking part in some activities, organized by some clubs.5.What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese people like to use?中国人喜欢用什么聊天app或网站呢it depends. for the most of young people, like me, prefer to use a instant messenger called Wechat. but for the elder, as i know, they seldom use the chatting app or software. theyd rather to make phones or pay a visit if it is necessary.雅思口语新题预测范文:Sunshine(阳光)5-8月雅思口语话题预测之Sunshine(阳光)1. Do you like sunshine? Why?喜欢阳光么I like sunshine, definitely. In fact, summer is my favorite season of the year when we can get more sunshine than in the other seasons. There are just so many things that I can do when its sunny.2. Do you prefer to live in a place where theres more sunshine or less?你喜欢生活在阳光充沛还是稀少的地方I would obviously choose to live in a place with a lot of sunshine. Its not to say that I dont like places where its dark or gloomy most of the time. I wouldnt mind visiting them for a change but to live in those places, I dont think so.3.Do you think there are any dangers from sunshine?晒太阳会有啥危害性Well, as far as Im aware, too much exposure to the sun can do some certain damage to the skin and it can even cause skin cancer. And also, even though I love sunshine, I try to avoid being in direct sunlight for too long, otherwise Ill feel dizzy or dehydrated.4. What benefits can we get from the sun?晒太阳有啥好处There are lots of benefits we can get from the sun. The most obvious benefit is life itself. Without sunshine, there would be no life on Earth. There are also several health benefits of getting enough natural sunlight on a regular basis. Its believed to promote both your well-being and your level of happiness.5. Do you like going outside on sunny days?晴天喜欢外出么I love hanging out in parks and other open spaces when its sunny. This kind of weather is ideal for outdoor activities so I rarely stay inside on sunny days. If I do, Ill feel like Im missing out on something.6. What things are hard to do in sunshine?太阳下有啥事难做Well, there are not many things that I can think of that you cant do in sunshine. I mean, if youre into something like dancing or taking a walk in the rain, no, you cant do it on sunny days but apart from those things, you can do literally anything else in sunshine.7. Does sunshine change your mood ?阳光能改变你的心情么I do think that theres a relation between the weather and how I feel. On sunny days I tend to feel energetic and active while on cloudy or rainy days I usually feel rather moody and frustrated. In general, I feel better and get more things done on the days when theres lots of sunshine.


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