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    IEC 61375-2-3 Edition 1.0 2015-07 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Electronic railway equipment Train communication network(TCN)Part 2-3:TCN communication profile IEC 61375-2-3:2015-07(en)colourinsideInternational Electrotechnical CommissionProvided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Chongqing Institute of quality and Standardization 5990390Not for Resale,2015/10/13 06:30:41 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright 2015 IEC,Geneva,Switzerland All rights reserved.Unless otherwise specified,no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical,including photocopying and microfilm,without permission in writing from either IEC or IECs member National Committee in the country of the requester.If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication,please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information.IEC Central Office Tel.:+41 22 919 02 11 3,rue de Varemb Fax:+41 22 919 03 00 CH-1211 Geneva 20 infoiec.ch Switzerland www.iec.ch About the IEC The International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical,electronic and related technologies.About IEC publications The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC.Please make sure that you have the latest edition,a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published.IEC Catalogue-webstore.iec.ch/catalogue The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards,Technical Specifications,Technical Reports and other documents.Available for PC,Mac OS,Android Tablets and iPad.IEC publications search-www.iec.ch/searchpub The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria(reference 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further assistance,please contact the Customer Service Centre:csciec.ch.International Electrotechnical CommissionProvided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Chongqing Institute of quality and Standardization 5990390Not for Resale,2015/10/13 06:30:41 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IEC 61375-2-3 Edition 1.0 2015-07 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Electronic railway equipment Train communication network(TCN)Part 2-3:TCN communication profile INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 45.060 ISBN 978-2-8322-2775-6 Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Warning!Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor.colourinsideInternational Electrotechnical CommissionProvided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Chongqing Institute of quality and Standardization 5990390Not for Resale,2015/10/13 06:30:41 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2 IEC 61375-2-3:2015 IEC 2015 CONTENTS FOREWORD.13 INTRODUCTION.15 1 Scope.16 2 Normative references.17 3 Terms,definitions,abbreviations,acronyms,and conventions.18 3.1 Terms and definitions.18 3.2 Abbreviations and acronyms.26 3.3 Conventions.28 3.3.1 Base of numeric values.28 3.3.2 Character strings and citations.28 3.3.3 Naming conventions.29 3.3.4 Diagram conventions.29 3.3.5 Annotation of data structures.29 4 Architecture.30 4.1 General.30 4.2 Physical train architecture(system breakdown).31 4.2.1 General.31 4.2.2 Train network architectures.31 4.2.3 Closed Trains.34 4.2.4 Directions.36 4.2.5 Consist and vehicle basic properties.37 4.3 Logical Train Architecture(Functional Breakdown).38 4.3.1 General.38 4.3.2 Service classification.38 4.3.3 Operational Services Overview.39 4.3.4 Service Provider.39 5 Common ETB framework.39 5.1 General.39 5.1.1 Overview.39 5.1.2 Interoperability.40 5.2 CSTINFO telegram.40 5.2.1 General.40 5.2.2 Closed train support(Option).40 5.2.3 Protocol.40 5.2.4 CSTINFO classes.40 5.2.5 CSTINFO Notification Message.41 5.2.6 CSTINFO Request.42 5.3 Train topology database.44 5.3.1 General.44 5.3.2 Computation of the TTDB.46 5.3.3 Data structure.50 5.3.4 Train Topology Database for multiple ETBs(Option).59 5.4 Service Addressing.61 5.4.1 General.61 5.4.2 TCN Domain Name System(TCN-DNS).61 5.4.3 TCN Domain Names.62 International Electrotechnical CommissionProvided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Chongqing Institute of quality and Standardization 5990390Not for Resale,2015/10/13 06:30:41 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IEC 61375-2-3:2015 IEC 2015 3 5.4.4 TCN-URI Scheme.63 5.4.5 Mapping TCN-URI to IP address.69 5.4.6 Support of other URI schemas.73 5.5 TCN-DNS Server.73 5.5.1 General.73 5.5.2 Architecture.73 5.5.3 Functional address resolution.73 5.5.4 Protocol.76 5.5.5 Multiple ETBs.77 5.6 Data exchange.77 5.6.1 General.77 5.6.2 Operational network communication.77 5.6.3 OMTS network communication.78 5.6.4 Quality of Service(QoS).78 5.7 Service discovery.78 5.8 Train Info Service.78 6 Services of the communication profile ETB Control Service.78 6.1 General.78 6.2 Communication model.79 6.3 ECSP Supervision.79 6.4 ECSP Interconnection.79 6.4.1 General.79 6.4.2 ETBCTRL telegram exchange selection.80 6.4.3 ETBCTRL telegram transmission.80 6.4.4 Structure of the ETBCTRL telegram.80 6.4.5 Operational train directory computation process.83 6.5 Function“Leading”.86 6.5.1 General.86 6.5.2 Function primitives.86 6.5.3 ECSP to ECSP protocol.88 6.6 Function Confirmation/Correction.92 6.6.1 General.92 6.6.2 Function primitives.92 6.6.3 ECSP to ECSP protocol.94 6.6.4 State diagram.97 6.6.5 ECSC Failure.99 6.7 Computation of the operational train directory.99 6.7.1 General.99 6.7.2 Action setCorrInfo.100 6.7.3 Action computeOpTrnDir.103 6.8 Function Sleep Mode(Option).106 6.8.1 General.106 6.8.2 Sleep Mode Use Case(informal).106 6.8.3 Exclusivity.108 6.8.4 Function primitives.108 6.8.5 ECSP to ECSP protocol.110 Annex A(normative)Train Real-Time Data Protocol(TRDP).114 A.1 General.114 A.2 Lower Layers.114 International Electrotechnical CommissionProvided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Chongqing Institute of quality and Standardization 5990390Not for Resale,2015/10/13 06:30:41 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 IEC 61375-2-3:2015 IEC 2015 A.2.1 Data link layer.114 A.2.2 Network Layer.114 A.2.3 Transport Layer.115 A.3 TRDP FCS Computation.116 A.4 Interaction between TRDP user and TRDP Layer.118 A.5 Communication Identifier(ComId).118 A.6 Process Data.120 A.6.1 Communication model.120 A.6.2 Roles.120 A.6.3 Communication pattern.120 A.6.4 Addressing.125 A.6.5 PD-PDU.125 A.6.6 Interaction between application and TRDP protocol layer.128 A.6.7 Topography counter check.135 A.6.8 State Machine.136 A.7 Message Data.140 A.7.1 Communication model.140 A.7.2 Roles.141 A.7.3 Communication pattern.141 A.7.4 Addressing.142 A.7.5 MD-PDU.142 A.7.6 Interaction between application and TRDP layer.145 A.7.7 Topography counter check.150 A.7.8 MD protocol state machine.151 A.7.9 TCP Connection Handling.160 A.8 Message data echo server(option).161 Annex B(normative)Safe Data Transmission(SDTv2).162 B.1 General.162 B.2 Overview of SDTv2(informal).162 B.3 Safety functional requirements.163 B.4 Safety measures.163 B.5 Operational states of the SDTv2 channel.164 B.6 Data presentation.165 B.7 SC-32.165 B.8 SID.168 B.9 Vital Data Packet.169 B.10 Exclusivity.170 B.11 Configuration time parameters.170 B.12 Safe data source(SDSRC).170 B.12.1 General.170 B.12.2 Safe Data Preparation(Application).170 B.12.3 Safe data sending.171 B.13 Safe data sink(SDSINK).172 B.13.1 General.172 B.13.2 Definitions.173 B.13.3 SDSINK States.174 B.13.4 VDP Sampling.175 B.13.5 VDP Integrity Check.176 B.13.6 Sink time supervision.177 International Electrotechnical CommissionProvided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Chongqing Institute of quality and Standardization 5990390Not for Resale,2015/10/13 06:30:41 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IEC 61375-2-3:2015 IEC 2015 5 B.13.7 Guard time check.177 B.13.8 Latency monitoring.178 B.13.9 Channel monitoring.180 B.13.10 SDTv2 Application Interface.182 B.13.11 Change of operational train composition.182 B.14 Diagnosis and statistics.182 B.15 Safe data transmission over MVB(informative).183 B.15.1 General.183 B.15.2 MVB-VDP.183 B.15.3 SDTV2 protocol deviations for MVB.184 B.16 SDTv2 with TRDP message data.184 Annex C(informative)Train Real-Time Data Protocol Configuration(TRDP).185 C.1 General.185 C.2 Device Parameters.186 C.3 Device Configuration Parameters.187 C.4 Bus Interface List.187 C.4.1 General.187 C.4.2 Bus Interface Configuration.188 C.5 Mapped Device Parameters.199 C.5.1 General.199 C.5.2 Mapped Bus Interface Parameters.200 C.6 Communication Parameters(ComPar).202 C.6.1 General.202 C.6.2 Default Communication Parameters.203 C.7 DataSet Parameters.203 C.7.1 General.203 C.7.2 DataSet Element.205 C.7.3 Examples of DataSets.207 Annex D(informative)Access to End Device(ED)statistics.211 D.1 General.211 D.2 Structures.211 D.2.1 General.211 D.2.2 tlc_getSubsStatistics.213 D.2.3 tlc_getPubStatistics.213 D.2.4 tlc_getUdpListStatistics,tlc_getTcpListStatistics.213 D.2.5 tlc_getRedStatistics.214 D.3 ED interface for statistic data access.214 D.3.1 General.214 D.3.2 TRDP interface.214 Annex E(informative)Service interface.216 E.1 General.216 E.2 Service provider.217 E.2.1 Proxies.217 E.2.2 Performance.217 E.3 ECSP interface.217 E.3.1 General.217 E.3.2 ECSP control telegram.217 E.3.3 ECSP status telegram.219 E.3.4 ECSP Confirmation/Correction Request.221 International Electrotechnical CommissionProvided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Chongqing Institute of quality and Standardization 5990390Not for Resale,2015/10/13 06:30:41 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6 IEC 61375-2-3:2015 IEC 2015 E.4 TTDB manager interface.224 E.4.1 General.224 E.4.2 TTDB status information.224 E.4.3 TTDB notification.225 E.4.4 TTDB information train directory.225 E.4.5 TTDB information static consist information.226 E.4.6 TTDB information train network directory information.227 E.4.7 Operational train directory information.228 E.4.8 Read TTDB.229 E.5 DNS server interface.230 E.5.1 DNS standard interface.230 E.5.2 DNS TCN interface.230 E.6 ETBN control interface.234 E.6.1 General.234 E.6.2 ETBN control and status data.235 E.6.3 ETBN train network directory.238 Annex F(normative)Communication profile conformance test guideline.240 F.1 General.240 F.2 Scope of conformance test.240 F.3 Conformance test overview.241 F.4 Test laboratory.241 F.4.1 General.241 F.4.2 Tasks.241 F.5 Guideline for writing conformance test specifications.242 F.5.1 Overview of the main components.242 F.5.2 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement(PICS).242 F.5.3 Abstract test architecture.243 F.5.4 Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing(PIXIT).243 F.5.5 Test suite structure.243 F.6 Abstract test architecture(option).243 F.6.1 General.243 F.6.2 Test architecture with one ETB.244 F.6.3 Test architecture for multiple ETB.244 F.6.4 Set-up for automatic test.244 F.7 Test of conformity to the common ETB framework.245 F.7.1 General.245 F.7.2 Test of CSTINFO telegram.245 F.7.3 Test of TTDB.245 F.7.4 Test of service addressing and TCN-DNS server.245 F.7.5 Test of data exchange.246 F.7.6 Test of service discovery.247 F.7.7 Test of train info service.247 F.8 ETB Control Service conformity test.247 F.8.1 General.247 F.8.2 Test control interface for the test of ETB control services.247 F.9 Echo function.255 F.9.1 General.255 F.9.2 TRDP echo test.255 F.9.3 Reverse-Echo test.256 International Electrotechnical CommissionProvided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Chongqing Institute of quality and Standardization 5990390Not for Resale,2015/10/13 06:30:41 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IEC 61375-2-3:2015 IEC 2015 7 F.10 Statement of conformity.257 Annex G(informative)SNMP Management Information Base(MIB).259 G.1 General.259 G.2 TTDB-MIB.259 G.3 TRDP-MIB.264 Bibliography.275 Figure 1 IEC 61375-2-3 as connecting element between train backbone and application.17 Figure 2 Train structure in accordance to IEC 61375-1(example).31 Figure 3 Train structure seen from viewpoint of the communication profile(example).31 Figure 4 Train network(example).32 Figure 5 Possible couplings of operational network and multimedia network.33 Figure 6 Gateway between operational network and multimedia network(example).34 Figure 7 Example:three coupled Consists.35 Figure 8 Example:Closed Train.35 Figure 9 Service classification.38 Figure 10 CSTINFO notification data.42 Figure 11 CSTINFOCTRL telegram.44 Figure 12 TTDB management block diagram.44 Figure 13 TTDB Content.45 Figure 14 TTDB computation block diagram.46 Figure 15 Train directory computation state diagram.47 Figure 16 TTDB class diagram(example).51 Figure 17 TTDB adoption(in this example shown for the first consist).60 Figure 18 TCN-DNS name space with division into zones.62 Figure 19 TCN-URI Schema.64 Figure 20 Directions,orientations and numbers in train.65 Figure 21 TCN-URI resolving in a train.74 Figure 22 DNS protocol(case a without,case b with TTDB interrogation).76 Figure 23 ETB control service model.79 Figure 24 ETBCTRL telegram exchange.80 Figure 25 ETBCTRL telegram.81 Figure 26 Operational train directory computation block diagram.84 Figure 27 ETBCTRL processing state diagram.85 Figure 28 Leading sequence diagram.87 Figure 29 Leading vehicle function state machine block diagram.89 Figure 30 State diagram of leading function.90 Figure 31 Confirmation sequence diagram.93 Figure 32 Confirmation/correction function state machine block diagram.94 Figure 33 Correction/confirmation protocol sequence chart(example).96 Figure 34 Unconfirm protocol sequence chart(example).97 Figure 35 Confirmation/correction state diagram.98 Figure 36 Action“setCorrInfo”block


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