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    2022 Ashrae Handbook Refrigeration (Ashrae)原版完整文件.pdf

    2022 ASHRAE HANDBOOKREFRIGERATIONASHRAE,180 Technology Parkway NW,Peachtree Corners,GA 30092www.ashrae.orgSI Edition 2022 ASHRAE.All rights reserved.DEDICATED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OFTHE PROFESSION AND ITS ALLIED INDUSTRIESNo part of this publication may be reproduced without permission in writing from ASHRAE,except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages or reproduce illustrations in a review with appropriate credit;nor may any part of this book be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any way or by any meanselectronic,photocopying,recording,or otherwithout permission in writing from ASHRAE.Requests for permis-sion should be submitted at www.ashrae.org/permissions.Volunteer members of ASHRAE Technical Committees and others compiled the infor-mation in this handbook,and it is generally reviewed and updated every four years.Com-ments,criticisms,and suggestions regarding the subject matter are invited.Any errors or omissions in the data should be brought to the attention of the Editor.Additions and correc-tions to Handbook volumes in print will be published in the Handbook published the year following their verification and,as soon as verified,on the ASHRAE Internet website.DISCLAIMERASHRAE has compiled this publication with care,but ASHRAE has not investigated,and ASHRAE expressly disclaims any duty to investigate,any product,service,process,procedure,design,or the like that may be described herein.The appearance of any technical data or editorial material in this publication does not constitute endorsement,warranty,or guaranty by ASHRAE of any product,service,process,procedure,design,or the like.ASHRAE does not warrant that the information in this publication is free of errors.The entire risk of the use of any information in this publication is assumed by the user.ISBN 978-1-955516-08-2ISSN 1930-7195The paper for this book is both acid-and elemental-chlorine-free and was manufactured with pulp obtained from sources using sustainable forestry practices.CONTENTSContributorsASHRAE Technical Committees,Task Groups,and Technical Resource GroupsASHRAE Research:Improving the Quality of LifePrefaceSYSTEMS AND PRACTICESChapter1.Halocarbon Refrigeration Systems(TC 10.1,Custom Engineered Refrigeration Systems)2.Ammonia Refrigeration Systems(TC 10.1)3.Carbon Dioxide Refrigeration Systems(TC 10.1)4.Liquid Overfeed Systems(TC 10.1)5.Component Balancing in Refrigeration Systems(TC 10.1)6.Refrigerant System Chemistry(TC 3.2,Refrigerant System Chemistry)7.Control of Moisture and Other Contaminants in Refrigerant Systems(TC 3.3,RefrigerantContaminant Control)8.Equipment and System Dehydrating,Charging,and Testing(TC 8.1,Positive Displacement Compressors)9.Refrigerant Containment,Recovery,Recycling,and Reclamation(TC 3.8,RefrigerantContainment)COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTChapter10.Insulation Systems for Refrigerant Piping(TC 10.1)11.Refrigerant Control Devices(TC 8.8,Refrigerant System Controls and Accessories)12.Lubricants in Refrigerant Systems(TC 3.4,Lubrication)13.Secondary Coolants in Refrigeration Systems(TC 10.1)14.Forced-Circulation Air Coolers(TC 8.4,Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Transfer Equipment)15.Retail Food Store Refrigeration and Equipment(TC 10.7,Commercial Food and BeverageRefrigeration Equipment)16.Food Service and General Commercial Refrigeration Equipment(TC 10.7)17.Household Refrigerators and Freezers(TC 8.9,Residential Refrigerators and Food Freezers)18.Absorption Equipment(TC 8.3,Absorption and Heat Operated Machines)FOOD COOLING AND STORAGEChapter19.Thermal Properties of Foods(TC 10.5,Refrigerated Processing and Storage)20.Cooling and Freezing Times of Foods(TC 10.5)21.Commodity Storage Requirements(TC 10.5)22.Food Microbiology and Refrigeration(TC 10.5)23.Refrigerated-Facility Design(TC 10.5)24.Refrigerated-Facility Loads(TC 10.8,Refrigeration Load Calculations)REFRIGERATED TRANSPORTChapter25.Cargo Containers,Rail Cars,Trailers,and Trucks(TC 10.6,Transport Refrigeration)26.Marine Refrigeration(TC 10.6)27.Air Transport(TC 10.6)FOOD,BEVERAGE,AND FLORAL APPLICATIONSChapter28.Methods of Precooling Fruits,Vegetables,and Cut Flowers(TC 10.5)29.Industrial Food-Freezing Systems(TC 10.5)30.Meat Products(TC 10.5)31.Poultry Products(TC 10.5)32.Fishery Products(TC 10.5)33.Dairy Products(TC 10.5)34.Eggs and Egg Products(TC 10.5)35.Deciduous Tree and Vine Fruit(TC 10.5)36.Citrus Fruit,Bananas,and Subtropical Fruit(TC 10.5)37.Vegetables(TC 10.5)38.Fruit Juice Concentrates and Chilled Juice Products(TC 10.5)39.Beverages(TC 10.5)40.Processed,Precooked,and Prepared Foods(TC 10.5)41.Bakery Products(TC 10.5)42.Chocolates,Candies,Nuts,Dried Fruits,and Dried Vegetables(TC 10.5)INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONSChapter43.Ice Manufacture(TC 10.2,Automatic Icemaking Plants and Skating Rinks)44.Ice Rinks(TC 10.2)45.Concrete Dams and Subsurface Soils(TC 10.1)46.Refrigeration in the Chemical Industry(TC 10.1)LOW-TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONSChapter47.Cryogenics(TC 10.1)48.Ultralow-Temperature Refrigeration(TC 10.1)49.Biomedical Applications of Cryogenic Refrigeration(TC 10.1)GENERALChapter50.Terminology of Refrigeration(TC 10.1)51.Codes and StandardsADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONSINDEXComposite index to the 2019 HVAC Applications,2020 HVAC Systems and Equipment,2021 Fundamentals,and 2022 Refrigeration volumesComment PagesCONTRIBUTORSIn addition to the Technical Committees,the following individuals contributed significantly to this volume.The appropriate chapter numbers follow each contributors name.Jim Caylor(2)Caylor Engineering&Associates,PLLCLane Loyko(2)PLA CorporationBrad Boggess(6)Emerson Climate Technologies,Inc.Edward Hessell(6)Lanxess Solutions U.S.,Inc.Ngoc Dung(Rosine)Rohatgi(6)Spauschus Associates,Inc.Greg Smith(6)Honeywell InternationalIvan Rydkin(7,9)DaikinShelby Kent(7)ShrieveCasey Scruggs(7)MetalloidScott M.MacBain(8)Carrier CorporationMichael Perevozchikov(8)Emerson Climate Technologies,Inc.Joseph Sanchez(8)Bitzer US,Inc.Ravi Gurunarayana(11)Lennox InternationalKirk Stifle(11)Fujikoko America,Inc.Michael Pate(17)Texas AM&UniversityJeremy Rosenblatt(17)GuidehousePriyanka Satpute(17)GuidehouseDetlef Westphalen(17)GuidehouseJohn Gallaher(24)Richard Love(24)Massey UniversityDoug Scott(24)VaCom TechnologiesASHRAE HANDBOOK COMMITTEEMichael Patton,Chair2022 Refrigeration Volume Subcommittee:D.Scott Fisher,ChairFrederick W.BetzCarlos Alberto BrignoneBrian A.FrickeScott E.SeigelNicholas D.ShockleyASHRAE HANDBOOK STAFFMark S.Owen,PublisherDirector of Publications and EducationHeather E.Kennedy,EditorDavid Soltis,Group Manager,and Jayne E.Jackson,Publication Traffic AdministratorElectronic Products and Publishing ServicesASHRAE TECHNICAL COMMITTEES,TASK GROUPS,AND TECHNICAL RESOURCE GROUPSSECTION 1.0FUNDAMENTALS AND GENERAL1.1Thermodynamics and Psychrometrics1.2Instruments and Measurements1.3Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow1.4Control Theory and Application1.5Computer Applications1.6Terminology1.7Business,Management&General Legal Education1.8Mechanical Systems Insulation1.9Electrical Systems1.10Combined Heat and Power Systems1.11Electric Motors and Motor Control1.12Moisture Management in Buildings1.13OptimizationSECTION 2.0ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY2.1Physiology and Human Environment2.2Plant and Animal Environment2.3Gaseous Air Contaminants and Gas Contaminant Removal Equipment2.4Particulate Air Contaminants and Particulate Contaminant Removal Equipment2.5Global Climate Change2.6Sound and Vibration2.7Seismic,Wind,and Flood Resistant Design2.8Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability2.9Ultraviolet Air and Surface Treatment2.10Resilience and SecurityTG2Reactive Air and Surface DisinfectionSECTION 3.0MATERIALS AND PROCESSES3.1Refrigerants and Secondary Coolants3.2Refrigerant System Chemistry and Contaminant Control3.4Lubrication3.6Water Treatment3.8Refrigerant ContainmentSECTION 4.0LOAD CALCULATIONS AND ENERGY REQUIREMENTS4.1Load Calculation Data and Procedures4.2Climatic Information4.3Ventilation Requirements and Infiltration4.4Building Materials and Building Envelope Performance4.5Fenestration4.7Energy Calculations4.10Indoor Environmental ModelingTRG4Indoor Air Quality Procedure DevelopmentSECTION 5.0VENTILATION AND AIR DISTRIBUTION5.1Fans5.2Duct Design5.3Room Air Distribution5.4Industrial Process Air Cleaning(Air Pollution Control)5.5Air-to-Air Energy Recovery5.6Control of Fire and Smoke5.7Evaporative Cooling5.9Enclosed Vehicular Facilities5.10Kitchen Ventilation5.11Humidifying EquipmentSECTION 6.0HEATING EQUIPMENT,HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS6.1Hydronic and Steam Equipment and Systems6.2District Energy6.3Central Forced Air Heating and Cooling Systems6.5Radiant Heating and Cooling6.6Service Water Heating Systems6.7Solar and Other Renewable Energies6.8Geothermal Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Applications6.9Thermal Storage6.10Fuels and CombustionSECTION 7.0BUILDING PERFORMANCE7.1Integrated Building Design7.2HVAC&R Construction&Design Build Technologies7.3Operation,Maintenance,and Cost Management7.4Exergy Analysis for Sustainable Buildings(EXER)7.5Smart Building Systems7.6Building Energy Performance7.7Testing and Balancing7.9Building CommissioningSECTION 8.0AIR-CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS8.1Positive Displacement Compressors8.2Centrifugal Machines8.3Absorption and Heat Operated Machines8.4Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Transfer Equipment8.5Liquid-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchangers8.6Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers8.7Variable Refrigerant Flow(VRF)8.8Refrigerant System Controls and Accessories8.9Residential Refrigerators and Food Freezers8.10Mechanical and Desiccant Dehumidification Equipment,Heat Pipes and Components8.11Unitary and Room Air Conditioners and Heat PumpsSECTION 9.0BUILDING APPLICATIONS9.1Large Building Air-Conditioning Systems9.2Industrial Air Conditioning and Ventilation9.3Transportation Air Conditioning9.6Healthcare Facilities9.7Educational Facilities9.8Large Building Air-Conditioning Applications9.9Mission Critical Facilities,Data Centers,Technology Spaces and Electronic Equipment9.10Laboratory Systems9.11Clean Spaces9.12Tall BuildingsTRG9Cold Climate DesignSECTION 10.0REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS10.1Custom Engineered Refrigeration Systems10.2Refrigeration Applications10.3Refrigerant Piping,Controls,and Accessories10.6Transport Refrigeration10.7Commercial Food and Beverage Refrigeration EquipmentSECTION MTGMULTIDISCIPLINARY TASK GROUPSMTG.ACRAir Change RateMTG.BIMBuilding Information ModelingMTG.CEAControlled Environmental AgricultureMTG.CYBCybersecurity for HVAC Systems and Related InfrastructureMTG.EBOEffective Building OperationsMTG.HCDGHot Climate Design GuideMTG.HWBEHealth and Wellness in the Built EnvironmentMTG.IASTImpact of ASHRAE Standards and Technology on Energy Savings/PerformanceMTG.LowGWPLower Global Warming Potential Alternative RefrigerantsMTG.OBBOccupant Behavior in BuildingsMTG.RACRefrigeration and Air Conditioning Plant Assessment GuideMTG.VICVentilation for Infection ControlASHRAE Research:Improving the Quality of LifeASHRAE is the worlds foremost technical society in the fieldsof heating,ventilation,air conditioning,and refrigeration.Its mem-bers worldwide are individuals who share ideas,identify needs,sup-port research,and write the industrys standards for testing andpractice.The result is that engineers are better able to keep indoorenvironments safe and productive while protecting and preservingthe outdoors for generations to come.One of the ways that ASHRAE supports its members and indus-trys need for information is through ASHRAE Research.Thou-sands of individuals and companies support ASHRAE Researchannually,enabling ASHRAE to report new data about materialproperties and building physics and to promote the application ofinnovative technologies.Chapters in the ASHRAE Handbook are updated through theexperience of members of ASHRAE Technical Committees andthrough results of ASHRAE Research reported at ASHRAE confer-ences and published in ASHRAE special publications,ASHRAETransactions,and ASHRAEs journal of archival research,Scienceand Technology for the Built Environment.For information about ASHRAE Research or to become a mem-ber,contact ASHRAE,180 Technology Parkway,Peachtree Cor-ners,GA 30092;telephone:404-636-8400;www.ashrae.org.PrefaceThe 2022 ASHRAE HandbookRefrigeration covers the refrig-eration equipment and systems for applications other than humancomfort.This volume includes data and guidance on cooling,freez-ing,and storing food;industrial and medical applications of refrig-eration;and low-temperature refrigeration.Some of this volumes revisions are described as follows:Chapter 2,Ammonia Refrigeration Systems,has added informa-tion on safety considerations and hydraulic shock.Chapter 3,Carbon Dioxide Refrigeration Systems,has new tablesfor carbon steel and copper pipe capacities,as well as updates tosystem design and piping information.Chapter 6,Refrigerant System Chemistry,has added content on re-cent research by ASHRAE and others.Chapter 8,Equipment and System Dehydrating,Charging,andTesting,has new clarifications of test certification standards,anda discussion of overall system typical dehydration levels.Chapter 17,Household Refrigerators and Freezers,has been up-dated for current test standards and equipment types,coverage ofthe move to HC refrigerants and safety when servicing equip-ment,with added information from recent research on the effectsof storage conditions on food preservation.Chapter 24,Refrigerated-Facility Loads,has new guidance on fanmotor loads.Chapter 44,Ice Rinks,has been updated for current practice andrefrigerants use,and rearranged for better presentation.Chapter 51,Codes and Standards,has been updated to list currentversions of selected publications from ASHRAE and others.Pub-lications are listed by topic,and full contact information for pub-lishing organizations is included.This volume is published as a bound print volume,in PDF for-mat,and online,in two editions:one using inch-pound(I-P)units ofmeasurement,the other using the International System of Units(SI).Corrections to the 2019,2020,and 2021 Handbook volumes canbe found on the ASHRAE website at www.ashrae.org and in theAdditions and Corrections section of the 2022 volume.Correctionsfor the 2018 volume will be listed in subsequent volumes and on theASHRAE website.Reader comments are enthusiastically invited.To suggest im-provements for a chapter,please comment using the form on theASHRAE website or write to Handbook Editor,ASHRAE,180Technology Parkway,Peachtree Corners,GA 30092,or e-mailhkennedyashrae.org.Heather E.KennedyEditorCHAPTER 1 HALOCARBON REFRIGERATION SYSTEMSApplication.1.1System Safety.1.2Basic Piping Principles.1.2Refrigerant Line Sizing.1.3Piping at Multiple Compressors.1.20Piping at Various System Components.1.22Discharge(Hot-Gas)Lines.1.24Defrost Gas Supply Lines.1.27Heat Exchangers and Vessels.1.27Refrigeration Accessories.1.29Pressure Control for Refrigerant Condensers.1.33Keeping Liquid from Crankcase During Off Cycles.1.35Hot-Gas Bypass Arrangements.1.35Minimizing


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