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Unit5-6单元检测完形填空(共计10分)Mr Turner has ten days off, and he doesn't have to go to work. So he wants to go to Paris for a trip. He says to hi$ wife, *I will 1.Paris by train and see some of my friends there.* Hc puts on his best clothes, takes some books, goes to the station and 2. the tin.He has a beautiful hat and he often puts his 3.out of the window and 4.the beautiful SCCnCry(风景).Suddenly the wind blows his hat off his head.Tlien Mr Turner 5.throws(75) one of his books out OfIhe window, loo.One of the PaSsCngCrS(乘客)on the Irain asks him in surprise.i' 6.do you throw your book out of the window? Can your book 7.the beautiful hat back?”“NoJMr Turner answers/4! don't 8.my name and addrcss() on my hat,but there arc my name and address on my 9. If SonicbodylO.either of them. PCrhaPS(也许)he will send me the book and the beautiful hat." Wliat do you think of Mr Turner's idea?IS it a good idea or a bad idea?1 .A. go on B.come to C. leave for D.livc in2 .A. gels off B. lakes off C. gets on D.puls on3 .A. hat B.hands C. books D.hcad4 .A. goes B. looks C.gets D.enjoys5 . quicklyB .quietlyC.early D.slowly6 .A.HowB.WhyC. WhenDAVhat7 . bringB.takeC .comeD.sto8 . A. showB .secC.writeD.gct9 .A. hatB.bookC.trainD.ha<I10 . buys B.wears C.loses D.finds阅读理解(共计40分)AMr and Mrs Smith like traveling. They have two children. They have a nice van(面包车).In the van, Iheycan sleep.One day the Smiths begin to travel again.Thcy arc driving from California to Oregon. It is late al night. Mr Smith is in the front Seat(座 R). He is driving the van. Mrs Smith and the children arc in the back scats. They arc sleeping.Mr Smith is hungry. He wants to eat something, so he stops at a fast food restaurant.He goes into the restaurant. ?t this tine.Mrs Smith wakes up. She is hungry, too. She also goes into the rcstaurani to cat. But when Mrs Smith walks into the restaurant. Mr Smith walks out. He doesn't sec his wife.Mr Smith starts the van and drives away. He tlrives all night. Tlie next morning they are in Oregon. At this time, Mr Smith finds his wife is not in the van, "Where's your mom?Mr Smith asks.*We don't know/ his two kids say.Where is Mrs Smith? She is still in the fast food restaurant in Calitbniia.11 . What do the Smiths like doing?A. Traveling. B-Driving C.Sleeping. D.Eating12 . How many people arc there in the van at first(起初)?A. Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Fivc.13 . Where does Mr Smith eat at night?A. At home. B. In Oregon. C.In the van. D. At a restaurant.14 . Which is NOT true?X.Mr Smith is kind OfCareleSS(粗心的).B. TheIraVel is from California to Oregon.C. Mrs Smith goes into the restaurant tofind Mr Smith.D.Mr Smith doesn't see Mrs Smith go15 . Fronl the $lory, we Can infer (推断)IhaiMrs Smith may.A. be happy that nightB.feel ver>, angry(生气的)that nightC. cat a lot of food in the restaurant D. get lost in CaliforniaWelcome to Franklin Hotel. Wc will make your stay here as enjoyable as possible. Wc hope we will give you the best SCrViCe(服务).Room ServicezYou can use the scrvice24 hours a day.Dining Room: You can have three meals a day in the dining room. Breakfast is from8:(X) a.n.to 9:0() a.m.lso the room waiter may bring breakfiist to your room at any time after 7:00 a.m. If you need, please fill in a card and hang(推)it outside your room bcfbrc6:OO a.m. Lunch is from 12:0() to 2:00 p.m.Dinncr is from 6:30 p.n. to 8:30 p.m.Telephone: There is a telephone in your room. Dial "('before you make a call. We will tell you to wait a moment if the lines are busy.Shop: The hotel shop is opng the freezing cold weather. I.this winter holiday she took a trip to small town in northeast China.The small town is in a forest. 2.winter, there is snow cvcrywhcre.lt lks so 3.(amaze). On the way to the town. Chen Xin felt cold, even though she already put on all the thick clothes.It was 4.special trip. Chen Xin and other tourists had lo do almost CVCryIhing by themselves. It took 5.(they) an hour to walk to an open-air market in the next town to buy food. The snow was deep on the road. Chcn Xin fell over several times.6. they got to the market, they saw some people sell rabbits and chickens there. They said they caught the animals from the forest.When Chen Xin and her friends got back, they used snow water7.(cook), '!"he meat was so delicious!Chen Xin spent a week 8.(stay) in the town. She was happy that she 9.(achieve) her dream. Chen Xin looked forward to going home. She had so many interesting 10.(story) to tell her family!书面表达(共计IO分)假如你叫李华,你有只宠物狗。请根据表格提示内容,写篇60词左右的短文,介绍你的宠物狗NamcBcibciAgc2What it is likeSmartxutcFavourite foodChickemhamburgerLikewatching 'VWhat it is doingwalk on two legs and dance