Red,English,In western countries,the red is the color of life,fire and blood.The red,like the fire and blood,has dual nature in the symbolic.So it has positive and negative meanings.,Positive meanings,The red,like the sun,can encourage people.From this meaning,the red represents the life,birth,love,warmth,inspired passion and celebration.,red-letter days 纪念日,大喜的日子to paint the town red 狂欢庆祝 roll out the red carpet for someone 隆重欢迎某人,Negative meanings,By contrast,red is the color of war,loss of blood,the destructive power of fire,and hate,and the sign of warning;even it can annoy people to some degree.,red light 危险信号 on red alert 准备遭受危险应急状态 go into the red发生亏损 see red 突然发怒paint in red 把某事描绘成骇人听闻的样子 red ruin 火灾 red battle 血战 Redneck 乡巴佬,others,red meat 牛肉羊肉red ball 快车 red cent 一分钱 red wine 红酒 red gold 纯金,Chinese,In Chinese,red are the symbols of celebration,luck,victory,loyal and welcome.In Chinese,the red also represent the revolution.,开门红 achieving success at the first step 走红运 having good luck 事业红火 a prosperous business 红色革命 resisting despotic rule.,Translation,汉语中常用的带“红”字的词语,翻译成英语,不一定用“red”红糖:brown sugar 红茶:black tea 红榜:honor roll 红豆:love pea 红利:dividend 红事:wedding,注意,red lady 红娘lewd woman match-maker red nose 红鼻子a souvenir of brandy nose loving heart,