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    Daisy,雏菊,The introduction to the daisyPeoples impressions to the daisyThe daisy in my eyes A film related with the daisyMy own opinions about the filmA brief summary,contents,Daisy,the national flower of Italy,is one of my favorite flowers,which is also called Lawn Daisy for the reason that it was born from chumps of grasses.,She symbolizes peace,hope,pureness and happiness,giving us warm feelings like the sun.,Introduction to the daisy,There are many kinds of daisies with different colors,but they all have the tubular center(圆筒状花蕊)in the middle.Here are several of them.,Some persons think the daisy is like a shy and quiet girl.Though people never catch sight by her at the first sight,the longer we get along with her,the more beautiful and the more virtuous we will find her.,People impressions to the daisy,Also,other people consider her as a piece of simple but elegant song,without the enthusiasm of roses and the nobility of peonies(牡丹),just lightly singing around you.,Therefore,her flowerlanguage is the single-minded love hided in ones heart.,As for me,I am fond of the daisy not only because of her pureness but also her tough life.Unlike some hothouse flowers,daisies can live in some terrible environment,such as in poor soil outside.For this reason,we can see them everywhere in our school.,The daisy in my eyes,In fact,I even usually look forward to becoming a special girl as the daisy,learning her naturalness,toughness and the power of spreading warmth.,A film related with the daisy,Maybe the proceedings of love are like playing a hide-and-seek(捉迷藏).Some people found their lovers,but others lost in it and missed their spouses.-preface(引言),视频网址:http:/,A Korean film called Daisy,The film describes a beautiful but sad love story between a daisy girl and a killer.It takes the daisy as the main line,showing the killers hided love for the daisy girl.Regretfully,the girl mistook a police for the killer who sent a pun of daisy for her every day and fell in love with the police at first.Until the girl found the fact,however,she was dead for the killer unfortunately.,Killer,Daisy girl,Police,In the film,the line“I dont deserve you”the killer finally said to the girl impressed me most.It was obvious that they loved each other,however,they missed each other because of the killers sense of guilt.Maybe most of people look down on the love of the killer as himself,but oppositely I think highly of it,as I maintain the idea that everyone has the right of love.Love is never measured by objects and identity.Its the heartful feelings and the thought you want to give happiness to him or her that matter.,My opinions about the film,Anyway,I love the daisy maybe because I think that the spirit of her is comparable with me,not being in fond of noise and excitement,used to hiding my own emotions but always being tough.,summary,Remember the daisy,remember me,Thank you!,


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