英语科技摘要(文摘)的写法,Abstract 摘要 长度:一般很短,少则三五行,多则十几行,且多为一段。目的:向读者介绍论文或报告的研究课题、论点及其主要方面,但不涉及具体内容。,Summary 概要 长度:较摘要长些,一般为一长段,或数 段 目的:向读者概括介绍论文或报告的内容。,科技摘要涉及的内容,课题研究的背景,即该课题研究的现状和尚存在的问题;课题研究的主要内容、目的和范围;课题研究的方法和手段;课题研究的主要成果;课题研究的结论和建议。,例:Composing Letters with A Simulated Listening Typewriter,Background,Summry With a listening typewriter,what an author says would be automatically recognized and displayed in front of him or her.However,speech recognition is not yet advanced enough to provide people with a reliable listening typewriter.An aim,PurposeMethod,of our experiments was to determine if an imperfect listening typewriter would be useful for composing letters.Participants dictated letters,either in isolated words or in consecutive word speech.They did this with simulations of listening typewriters that recognized either a limited vocabulary or an un,ResultConclusion,limited vocabulary.Results indicated that some versions,even upon first using them,were at least as good as traditional methods of handwriting and dictating.Isolated word speech with large vocabularies may provide the basis for a useful listening typewriter.,ABSTRACT,PRESSURE SENSORS FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONSThe latest achievements in the realization of pressure sensors based on utilization of the piezoelectricity effect of thick films have been discussed.Trends are considered from the viewpoint of their stability and increase of measuring precision.,CONTROL STRATEGIES IN PATTERN ANALYSIS,A survey is made on the control strategies in pattern analysis.Discussions are made on the problems of(1)combinatorial and sequential methods,(2)bottom-up and top-down processes,(3)feedback processes,(4)procedural and declarative methods,(5)use of knowledge,and(6)recursive analysis processes.Merits,and demerits are pointed out contrastively in and among these methods,with the authors personal research results.The importance of the feedback and recursive applications of analysis algorithms is also mentioned to obtain the accurate results.,COMPUTER AIDED ENGINEERING TOOLS ARE LIKE A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD,Properly employed,CAE tools improve engineering productivity,and help keep technical projects on schedule and under budge.For some kind of work,CAE tools can also stimulate creativity.However,computer tools can have equally detrimental effects.For less structured engineering tasks,such as,preliminary analysis and problem solving,the use of inappropriate or inadequate tools can severely constrain performance.By encouraging the cloning of old solutions,computer tools can also stifle creativity and yield suboptimal designs through negative biasing.This paper reviews the result of field research conducted at two U.S.,electronics firms,and recommends a strategy for employing CAE tools which maximizes the benefits of CAE while avoiding or minimizing the pitfalls.A triangulation technique consisting of participant observation,interviews,and questionnaires was used to collect data from one hundred sixteen engineers and thirty-two project managers over a two year period.,