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    Unit 18 New Zealand,Words,1海港 2 中央的;中心的 3.温和的;不严厉的 4.火山 5.大体上;主要的 6.航行;(尤指)航海;航天段落 8.多山的;如山的;巨大的 9.大胆的;突出的10.百分比;百分数 11.会议;讨论会12.农艺的;农业的 13.输出;出口商品 14.村舍;小别墅 15.使宿营;宿营,harbour,central,mild,volcano,mainly,paragraph,bold,percent,agricultural,cottage,voyage,mountainous,conference,export,camp,Practice,1.By the riverside lived two f_(渔夫)2.You must first determine the c_(中心的)idea of the paper.3The garden was large,s_(围绕)by a high wall and shaded by thick trees.4.An active v_(火山)may explode at any time.5.When I give up work,I shall make a long sea v_(航海).,fishermen,central,surrounded,volcano,voyage,6.The foolish old man soon lost all his p_(财产).7.The manager and s_(书记)is going to travel abroad.8.The reporter was sent to cover the c_(会议).9.China is an a_(农业的)country.10.The old wood-carver lived in a c_(村舍)on the side of the hill.,possessions,secretary,conference,agricultural,cottage,Phrases,Translate some useful phrases:,1.日本以西150公里处 2.在澳大利亚东海岸的海里3.占领,拥有4与签署协议5.与有关的6.转而养鹿7.高质量的8.去野营9.由组成,off the eastern coast of Australian,150 kilometres(to the)west of Japan,take possession of,sign an agreement with,in relation to,turn to keeping deer,be of high quality,go camping,be made up of,Translate some useful phrases:,10查阅,提到,谈到 11.在定居12.发生13.与一样的 14.大多数15.很多16.标记,refer to,settle in,take place,the same as,the majority of,a number of,be marked with,Practice,1.What are the positions of the differences and waters _ _ _(与有联系)China?2.Japan _ _ _(位于)east of China.3.The medical team was _ _ _(组成)two doctors and three nurses.4How did you _ _ _(拥有)the valuable house.5.After heated discussion,the two parties _ _ _(签署协议).,in relation to,lies/is to the,made up of,take possession of,signed,an agreement,6.After they got married,they chose to _ _(定居)London.7.Today in the world we can see many products _ _(标记)“MADE IN CHINA”.8.After he left school he became a teacher,but later he _ _(转向)driving.9.This kind of cloth is _ _ _(高质量)and sells well.10.China is a country with _ _ _(人口)more than 1.3 million people.,settle in,marked with,turned to,of high quality,a population of,Sentences,我们班由32个男生和24个女生组成.(make up).他们同甘共苦.(share)把中国的气候和新西兰的气候比较一下.(compare)这正是我前几天丢的那本书.(the same)5.Mary和Jack签定了一份协议.(sign),Our class is made up of 32 boys and 24 girls.,They share their joys and sorrows.,Compare the climate in China with that in New Zealand.,This is the same book that I lost the other day.,Mary signed an agreement with Jack.,Difficult&important language points,New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia.,in,on,to,B,A,A,B,A,B,1 上海位于中国的东部.,2 安徽在江苏的西部.,3 日本在中国的东方.,4 在东海岸有很多的岛屿.,5 在西海岸有一个小山村.,Shanghai is/lies in the east of China.,Anhui is on the west of Jiangsu.,Japan lies to the east of China.,There are numbers of islands off the eastern coast.,There is a small village on the western coast.,On the western coast lies/is a small village.,New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.,be of+抽象名词常用来描写句子主语所具有的性质和特征.其中of短语在句中常作表语,有时也作定语.作表语时,有些be+of+抽象名词的形式可以转换成be+抽象名词相对应的形容词.例如:The meeting is of great importance.=The meeting is very important.You will find the guide book of great value.You will find the guide book very valuable.,be of use,be of help,be of significance,be of difference,=be useful,=be helpful,=be different,=be significant,New Zealand has a population of 3.8 million people,of which about fourteen percent are Maori.,-中国有多少人口?,Whats the population of China?,-It has a population of over 1.3 billion people.,1.have a population of 2.have a history of 3.have an area of,中国是一个历史悠久的国家.,China is a country with a long history.,China is a country that/which has a long history.,The population is large/small.The price is high/low.,1.80 per population of America _ blacks.is B.are C.have D.has2._ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass.Two fifth;is B.Two fifth;areC.Two fifths;is D.Two fifths;are3.He is the only one of the Ss who _ a winner of scholarship for three years.A.is B.are C.have been D.has been,New Zealand is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea.,The ocean and seas surrounding the island are deep blue.,be surrounded by/with sb/sth 被包围 surrounding(adj)附近的,四周的 surroundings(n)环境,Some farmers turned to keeping deer.,turn to pageturn to sbturn to sb for helpturn to(refer to)a dictionary=look up in dictionaryturn up turn into(=change into),turn to doing sth,In the dark street there was no single person to whom he could turn for help.,1.习惯于2沉溺于3与有关4着手做5导致6献身于7盼望8注意9对做贡献,be used to,be addicted to,be related to,get down to,devote to,lead to,look forward t0,pay attention to,contribute to,to doing sth.,New Zealand is an i_ that lies o_ the eastern coast of A_.It is m_ up of two large islands.New Zealand is s_ by the P_ Ocean and the Tasman Sea.New Zealand has a mild sea c_.It rains a lot.New Zealand has a p_ of about 3.8million people.New Zealand is an important a_ country,with cattle farming on the North Island,w_ the hilly South Island has more sheep farms.,island,off,Australia,made,surrounded,Pacific,climate,population,agricultural,while,


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