Chapter IV.3 转句译法,E to C(一)副词的分译The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.中国人似乎为他们经济建设上取得的巨大成就感到自豪,这是合乎情理的。Jerry quickly ordered everyone to put on life jackets,and tried unsuccessfully to put out the fire.杰里立即叫大家穿上救生衣,并且奋力灭火,但却无济于事。But,occasionally,through haste carelessness,mistakes were made,so that at the end of the business day one teller would be short on cash,the other long.但是,偶尔也有这种情况:仓促匆忙或者粗心大意造成了一些错误,结果当天停业结算时,一个出纳会短了现金,而另一个却会多了现金。An outsiders success could even curiously help two parties to get the agreement they want.说来奇怪,一个局外人取得的成功竟然能促使双方达成一项他们希望取得的协议。,(二)形容词的分译Buckley was in a clear minority.巴克利属于少数派,这是明摆着的事实。That region was the most identifiable trouble place.那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家很容易看出来的。He had long been held in cordial contempt by his peers;now that contempt was no longer cordial.长期以来,他的同僚虽然看不起他,却还是诚恳友好地待他;现在,他的同僚对 他不屑一顾,再也不象以前那样诚挚友好了。He stalked away,but with a gnawing uncertainty in his breast.他昂首阔步地走开,心里半信半疑,感到十分苦恼。The number of the young people in the United States who cannot read is incredibleabout one in four.大约有四分之一的美国年青人没有阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信。,(三)动词的分译Radio waves have been considered radiant energy.人们已经认识到,无线电波是一种辐射能The maximum demand for electricity today is expected to double within a decade.可以预料,目前对电的最大需要量在十年内可望增加一倍。,(四)短语的分译To be scientific,we must test the formulas and the conclusions by experiments.(不定式短语)要使之具有科学性,我们必须用实验来验证这些公式和结论。Owing to the resistance,a current will heat the conductor along which it is passing.(介词短语)由于有电阻,电流会使它通过的导体发热。Moving with greater speed,the molecules strike the walls of the container harder and harder.(分词短语)运动速度越大,分子对容器壁的撞击就越猛烈,越频繁。As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plane,it was an excellent site,its remoteness effectively masking its activity.这个地方作为完全新型飞机的秘密训练基地是非常理想的,因为它地处边陲,有效地掩盖了其中的活动。,The station chief would have to be close to the director,a member of the inner circle.这位站长将得不接近董事,因为董事是核心集团成员。Sunrays filtered in wherever they could,driving out darkness and choking shadows.阳光射入了它所能透过的所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。Their power increased with their number.他们人数增多了,力量也随之增强了。He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally.他来到华盛顿,就国际形式来说,时机成熟了。,As if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts,it vanished with their sorrow.All at once,as if with a sudden smile of heaven,forth burst the sunshine,pouring a very flood into the obscure forest,gladdening each green leaf,transmuting the yellow fallen ones to gold,and gleaming the gray trunks of the solemn trees.仿佛天地间的昏沉就是两人内心感情的流露,此时随着他们的忧伤一并逝去了。片刻间,天空仿佛绽开了笑脸,金灿灿的阳光喷射出来,洒遍了昏暗的森林,片片绿叶显得生机勃勃,枯黄的落叶给染成了金色,黯然的灰色树身也现出光泽。,(五)非人称主语句的分译The good tidings filled the whole nation with joy.捷报传来,举国欢腾。Poor acoustics spoilt the performance.音响效果不好,演出大为逊色。,(六)句子主要内容之后的附加成分分开成句 有些英语句子的主要内容之后跟有附加成分,或起解释、说明的作用,或起强调意义的作用。这样的附加成分通常可以分译法处理。例如:,But when the politician or the engineer refers to oil,he almost always means mineral oil,the oil that drives tanks,aeroplanes and warships,motor cars and diesel locamotives,the oil that is used to lubricate all kinds of machineray.This is the oil that has changed the life of the common man.可是当政治家或工程师谈到油的时候,他所指的几乎总是矿物油。这种油用来开坦克,开飞机,开军舰,开汽车,开柴油机车,可以用来润滑各种机械。就是这种油改变了普通人的生活。,We seek to beat the life and soul out of Hitler and Hitlerism that alone,that all the time,that to the end.我们竭力要给希特勒和希特勒主义以狠很打击,置之于死地。这是我们唯一所求的,这是我们时时刻刻力求实现的,不达目的,决不罢休。,My mother,Jane Lampton Clemens,died in her 88th year,a might age for one who at 40 was so delicate of body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid destined to pass soon away.我的母亲简 兰普顿 克莱门斯是在她八十八岁那年去世的。这对于一位四十岁时就身体纤弱,被公认有痼疾缠身,注定不久于人世的人,是难得的高龄。,C to E,有些汉语句子很长,尤其是一些复句和多重复句信息繁多,为了避免译成英文后句子更长、信息更拥挤的现象发生,有必要采用分译法处理。,去年八月那场使七个国家遭受了极大损失的来势凶猛的龙卷风已经引起全球科学家的高度重视。The violent tornado that struck in August last year has aroused great attention among the scientists throughout the world.Seven countries suffered a great loss from the tornado.冬天,快过阴历年的时候,一个风雪满天的星期日,余永泽从外面抱回了许多好吃的东西。It was winter.One snowy Sunday not long before the lunar New Year,Yongze came home loaded with parcels.他像大海捞针一样在茫茫黑夜里寻找金色的梦。He searched for his golden dream in the pitch dark of the night.It was just like fishing for a needle in the ocean.,1 将汉语单句译成两个或两个以上的英语单句 他站起来腾出一把椅子请我坐下。He rose from a chair and offered it to me.Then he asked me to sit down.野地上花儿极多,黄的、白的、红的、蓝的。The wild country is overgrown with flowers.Some are yellow and some white.Others are red and still others blue.,2 把汉语复句译成两个或两个以上的英语句子 经过北伐、土地革命、抗日战争和解放战争推翻了帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义三座大山,中国人民从此站起来了,并且从新民主义走上社会主义道路,取得建设社会主义的巨大成就。Through the Northern Expedition,the Agrarian Revolution,the Anti-Japanese War and the War for National Liberation,we overthrew the three huge mountains of imperialism,feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism.Thus,the Chinese people rose to their feet.Proceeding from New Democracy,they took the road to socialism and scored tremendous achievements in socialist construction.,总之,中国加入世贸组织,不仅有利于进一步改善国际贸易环境,加强农业国际合作,而且有利于中国在农业中发展市场经济,增强中国农业在国际市场的竞争力,这是发展中国农业的一个非常难得的机会和积极因素。In short,Chinas WTO accession will not only help improve the countrys international trade environment and strengthen its international cooperation in the farming sector,but also promote the development of market economy in Chinas farming sector and enhance the competitive capacity of Chinas agricultural products on the international market.This is indeed a rare opportunity for,as well as a positive factor in,the development of Chinas agriculture.,盛夏炎日,一走进浙江莫干山的林间小道就汗止心凉,加上轻风拂煦,浑身有说不出的舒坦,忍不住要赞叹一声:莫干山,好一个清凉世界?No matter how hot it is“outside”in midsummer,once you step onto a forest trail in Mogan Mountain located in Zhejiang Province,you feel so cool that your sweat withdraws.In addition,a soft breeze refreshes you so nicely with a gentle caress that you feel indescribably comfortable and that you cannot but exclaim:“How cool it is here in Mogan Mountain!”,罗大方从警备司令部转到法院看守所坐了三个月牢,虽然红润的面孔瘦了些,也白了些,但是丝毫看不出有受到挫折后的萎靡和困顿。Luo Dafang had been transferred from the garrison headquarters to the lock-up of the district court,where he had been detained for three months.Though his face was no longer as plump and ruddy as before,the persecution he had suffered did not leave him downcast or exhausted.,3 包含总说和分说的汉语复句用分译法处理最近几年,学校对教学制度进行了改革,最明显的一点是学分制,也就是学生提前修满规定的学分,就可提前毕业。In recent years our school has been conducting some reforms in the educational system.One of the most dramatic changes is the adoption of the credit system,which means that students can graduate ahead of time if they obtain the required credits ahead of schedule.,第20届中国地毯交易会的规模为历届之最,来自全国各地的专业外贸公司和有地毯出口经营权的各类外贸公司及地毯厂共108家踊跃参展,世界上有30多个国家、地区的200多家公司、商社欣然应邀。The 20th China Carpet Fair will be the largest of its kind in scale.Foreign trade corporations specialized in carpet business,other various foreign trade companies authorized to export carpets as well as 108 carpet factories from all over the country are to take an active part in the exhibition.Moreover,over 200 companies and firms from more than 30 countries and regions around the world have gladly accepted the invitation to the Carpet Fair.,-9-,Practice,The sacred snowdrop has long been a symbol of purity and hope.In a Biblical story,when Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden,Eve stood with tears in her eyes,looking out over the icy,flowerless Earth around her,blanketed with snow.An angel appeared,caught a falling snowflake and blew gently upon it,whereupon it it formed a snowdrop flower.The angel handed it to Eve and told her to have hope,as the summer sun would soon arrive.The angel disappeared,leaving behind a whole ring of snowdrops.That is how the first snowdrops were formed.,Answer,圣洁的雪花莲久远以来就是纯洁和希望的象征。在圣经故事中,亚当和夏娃被逐出伊甸园时,夏娃泪涟涟地望着她周围的土地,天寒地冻,没有鲜花,白雪覆盖着大地。这时,一个天使飘然而至,抓住一片雪花,轻吹一下,它就变成了一朵雪花莲。天使把它递给夏娃,告诉她要怀抱希望,夏日很快就会到来。天使飘然而去,留下了一簇雪花莲花环。第一代雪花莲就这样诞生了。,