Some Important Features of English Writing Culture:Time or life value-save time,make full use of timeTherefore,in communication,go to the point immediately/to be straight forward to save your own time and the audiences time So it is with writing.To express or convey the writers ideas as soon as possible and save the time of the audience or reader,1)Tell ideas directly or straight-forwardly with Proper linguistic diction and forms Correct,appropriate expressions(words,phrases)Precise(Try to recall the complex forms of N,V,Adj.and Adv.in English grammar for number,time,voice,aspect and mood.Why such?No ambiguity or vagueness.Concise(no redundancy)Proper(precise),appropriate and concise sentence structure(relative conjunctions/joints,periodic sentences)Proper development patterns(Linear thought pattern-top-down pattern(p270)Always present the main idea at the beginning of a paper,chapter,section and paragraph(also,of a conversation)(Try to recall,where is the main idea of a paragraph or passage often located?)Precise idea presentation,2)Be objective or fact-driven:Provide facts or evidences instead of subjective assumption for convincingness.Less description of feelings in narratives.Third person in argumentations.Do not leave the audience or reader wasting their time in puzzles3)Make the writing topic meaningful or useful and the materials relevant,typical,sufficient4)hold the readers attention or interest to the main idea of each paragraph,part and the whole passage by the meaningful topic,the unity,cohesion and coherence of the writing(cohesive devices(Chpt.9 introduction-conclusion)and the originality/creativity of ideas or evidences Considerateness for the audience is that for yourself:The purpose of your writing is to sell you ideas to the readers(as soon as possible).If they can not understand your ideas or do not have the patience to read on,your work is meaningless.,Ways for variety:1.synonym/near synonym or antonym,superordinates or hyponyms,general words(p140)2.change in part of speech3.non-predicate phrases:participle,gerund,infinitive,(Ch 10-22 of Grmr.“Dangling modifiers”(p256 of Grmr)4.clause(Ch 33-35 of Grmr)5.nominative/nominal absolute structure(p375-378 of Grmr)6.verbless structure(p373-374 of Grmr),7.change in sentence pattern voice,periodical sentence;formal subject/object=3,4 8.ellipsis(p128:3;p438-446 of Grmr)9.substitution selection of pronouns(p127:1-2;p427-437 and 91-92 of Grmr),selection of figures of speech(simile,metaphor,synecdoche,euphemism,hyperbole)10.change in development pattern,Loose SentenceThis sentence is a basic statement with a string of details added to it after the basic statement.Basic statement:Bells rang.Loose sentence:Bells rang,filling the air with their clangor,startling pigeons into flight from every belfry,bringing people into the streets to hear the news.Basic statement:The teacher considered him a good student.Loose sentence:The teacher considered him a good student,steady if not inspired,willing if not eager,responsive to instruction and responsible for his work 2.Periodic Sentence.In this sentence,additional details are placed before or inside the basic statement.Delay,of course,is the secret weapon of the periodic sentence.Basic statement:John gave his mother flowers.Periodic sentence:John,the tough one,the sullen kid who scoffed at any show of sentiment,gave his mother flowers.Basic statement:The cat scratched Sally.Periodic sentence:Suddenly,for no apparent reason,the loveable cat scratched Sally.Basic statement:Love is blind.Periodic sentence:Love,as everyone knows except those who happened to have been afflicted with it,is blind.,论文提纲(Outline Checklist):1.各级标题语言要简洁、准确、具体(concise,precise and specific)2.各级标题语法结构要一致(identical/the same)(或全部用句子,或全部用名词/名词性短语/不定式短语,一般是名词短语)3.各级标题观点要正确、具体(proper and specific)4.下级标题与上级标题要有很高的关联度(high relevance)5.上下级标题观点之间的从属关系要层次分明(hierarchical/superordinated-subordinate),同级并列关系的标题观点之间不应有包含或重叠关系(no overlap between the titles at the same level),同级标题观点之间的范畴要基本一致(similar scope between the titles at the same level)6.一个标题一般只能有一个主题(unique focus in one title)7.要尽量体现同级标题之间可能的逻辑关系(possible logic between subtitles and paragraphs at the same level)8.所有标题开头单词、结尾单词和其余全部实词的第一个字母大写,(capitalization)9.用阿拉伯数字体系表现论文提纲各部分、各级标题的关系(Arabic)(见毕业论文格式),Unit FiveWriting techniques(p.62)Not only sensitive to the differences between Chinese and English writing and tolerant of these differences,but also flexible in adjusting our own writing techniques,being more“fact-driven”than“opinion-driven”,more informative than entertaining,in order to achieve his purpose of writing needs to develop intercultural competence at three levels:the word level,the sentence level and the discourse level.Need to pay more to the differences at discourse level:using more cohesive devices,especially the lexical devices,to achieve coherence.English native writing:more“fact-driven”than“opinion-driven”,more informative than entertainingTypical western people seem to be more straightforward in their thinking and behavior than Chinese people.We need to be more straightforward both in language and in content,particularly,be more cohesive in language,and be more relevant by providing more facts than opinions.,Unit 18,P262Proper andAppropriate dictionGeographical,formal or informal,cultural(religion),age,sexCommon core is safe but not always appropriate.P270Linear thought pattern and circular thought pattern top-down pattern(descending order of importance)and bottom-up pattern(ascending or progressive order)in communication or writing,Unit 9(How to study this unit from the perspective of writing skills?)(p423-424,Grmr)Logical connectors(p124,p423-424,Grmr)AdditionReinforcement or emphasisTime spatial orderIdentity ConcessionSummary Turn to the oppositeGrammatical cohesion(p127)Reference(choice of pronoun)(91-92 of Grmr)Substitution(p427-437 of Grmr)Ellipsis(p438-446 of Grmr),Unit 10Reiteration(p140):repetition Collocation(p141):used in the same field(The possible use or meaning collocation and the use in the same field are helpful to work out the meaning of new words in context)parallelism(p142):a kind of repetition of larger structures of same grammatical form(s)Deadline for the first draft:next Monday eveningTake electronic draft to the next class,Unit 11 Argumentation 2.Procedures of constructing an argumentation(p155)choosing a subject:a meaningful one Factual subject“no-win topics”interesting to the readers restricting it not too broad or too narrowSpecific and clear themestructure of an argumentative essay:introduction(p127)body:relevance which is always the first decisive factor-typical-sufficient-objective conclusion:1+N(appeal,significance benefits,possible future development,problems for further study)a scheme or outline,Unit 12Argumentation(2)Logical appeal(p165)1.Deductive reasoning:from the general to the specific-top-down pattern2.Inductive reasoning:from the general to the specific-bottom-up pattern3.Causal reasoning(p96,184)4.Analogy(p185)5.Combination of all(the preference of deductive reasoning to inductive reasoning is another proof for top-down pattern),Unit 13 Argumentation(3)How to study the introduction on p181?(transition from the previous chapter to this one and introduction of the focus of this chapter.Add the main points of the following three sections after the first transitional sentence and delete the second empty sentence.)1.Effective argumentation is best accomplished through effective use of language.(p181)2.Avoid ambiguous language(p181)We must take care that each word has exactly the meaning we intend.No expression of multi-interpretation or multi-function can be used in certain context.3.Avoid vague language(p182)4.Avoid logical fallacies(p182-183),5.Develop focusing skills(p183-186)5.1 use the paragraphs to focus the argument(184):construct!a strong relevance in the ideas between the super-ordinate and subordinate titles(the paper title,chapter titles,section titles,subsection titles and topic sentences),!a strong relevance between each topic sentence and its supporting materials in each paragraph,!and a sound relationship(parallelism,cause-effect,condition-result,progressiveness,transition or turning,contrast,successive or chronological sequence,top-down,bottom-up,etc.)between sections,subsections or paragraphs at the same level.,a.Introduction-bears strong relevance to the focus or the key concept of the paper title:hooks the readers by some background information and,the most important,the main points of this paper under the title which are,in fact,the key concepts in the subtitles of a paper,chapter or section.b.Conclusion-bears strong relevance to the focus or theme of the paper,the key concept in each chapter title together with brief arguments by summarizing the argument,restating the theme,making an appeal for the theme,and pointing out the significance,possible development,problems for further study if possible.,to confirm the strong relevance of the selected material(s)to the point of each paragraph or section or chapter/that each of the selected materials strongly supports the point of each paragraph or section or chapter,it is essential to 1)clearly classify or sort the materials according to the main idea of each collected material by carefully studying the materials for the main idea 2)desert the irrelevant materials3)order the importance of all selected materials4)Check the relevance between the hierarchical titles in the outline5.2 Use logical transitions(p186)-(p124-126),In-Class Team work:1)Check the format of information sources2)Study in team the collected materials for“Differences between American English and British English”to confirm the relevance of the materials to the theme of this paper.a.Tell aloud to the partners in turn your materials at handb.Classify in team all the materials in your group,c.Desert the irrelevant onesd.Order the importance of the selected materialse.Write the team outlinef.Check the relevance between the hierarchical titles in the outline6.Write a whole argumentative essay(p186-187),Unit 6Exposition by examples(70)1.How to study and improve the first paragraph?Function of examples(70)Facts speak louder than words.2.Organization of examples:often in a progressive one for climax3.Sources Personal observations or investigations:specificOutside sources(often borrowed):accurate information and the sourcesHypothetical ones:logical supposals4.Coherencetop-down patternBottom-up patternQuestion-answer4)Transitions(+p124-127)a case in point is that a typical example is as in the followingExemplifye.g.sayIn sum,examples should be relevant,typical,adequate/sufficient and in a progressive sequence,Exposition by definition(p80)1.How to study the introduction?2.By describing the characteristics,functions,origin,etc.3.By giving a similar or simpler expressionAppositive or paraphraseOr,namely,i.e.(Id est),that is,as(is)called/named/termed,in other words,-,(),:(p126),Topics for a mini-writing What is?New HistoricismDeconstructionPsychoanalytic criticismFeminist Literary Criticism Structuralism and Post-StructuralismThe New CriticismMarxist CriticismThe Romantic Critical TraditionNeo-Classical CriticismBiblical Hermeneutics Cultural Study How to write a literary view?王先霈,胡亚敏.文学批评原理M.武汉:华中师范大学出版社,1999.,Unit 7 Exposition by Process(p88)How to study the first paragraph?A typical English introduction(definition+the chief points of the following section)2.Two kinds of process analysis essays according to the purpose and style1)The instructional essay:directiona.Second person or imperative sentences beginning with active verbs)Concise and clear,sufficient and accuratespecific details to distinguish each stepsome possible warnings2)Informational essay:explanationThe first or third personSomething of a narration,but a little different:narration occurs only once,while the process description must be a procedure of repetition or recycle 3)Organization:logical and/or chronological order the reasons4)Transitions(+p124-126),Exposition by Cause and Effect(p96)(-p166,184)1.How to study the first paragraph?A typical English introduction(transition+definition of the key concept of this section)(-a very example of contrast)2.Purposes:informative,persuasive or/and perspective sharing(p28)according to different audience3.Type of causesMain and contributory(secondary)causesThe causal chain:special attention should be paid to the causes sequence.(p184)4.Organization(p184)two patterns:time;order of importance(bottom-up pattern)Transitions:+those of addition,numeration or reiteration(+p124-126,140),Unit 8 Exposition by division and classification(106)1.How to study the first paragraph?2.Principle:common quality(great relevance)at least three categories3.Order Pattern chronological orderorder of importance:bottom-up or top-down patternnatural orderarrange from one extreme to another and end with the most memorable:in fact,bottom-up pattern 4.Transitions:+those of addition,numeration or reiteration(+p124-126,140),Exposition by comparison-contrast(P114)(-p184)1.How to study the first paragraph?a.definition by contrast and function(the first sentence)(-a very example of contrast)b.Please vary the sentence pattern of the second sentence:While writing a comparison-contrast essay,the following items deserve your close attention:(-p70,96,106,114)2.Purposes:sharing,informative and persuasive ones(p28)3.approaches:comparison or/and contrast4.Patterns(-184)1)Point-by-point:for longer and more complex essayA1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3;A4,B4:,2)Block pattern:for presenting a complete and overall picture of each item A1,A2,A3,A4 B1,B2,B3,B4 5.Transitions(+p124-126)Analogously,same(X samely),Whereas,nonetheless,at the same time,yet,while,