英汉翻译之,主与从,所谓主要信息和次要信息,是指话语个部分内容之间的关系;一句话或一段话若有两个或两个以上的内容,其中可能有一个是主要的,其余的是次要。这主要取决于讲话人或作者的意图。因此,翻译时就不仅要翻译出该话语所包含的各种信息,而且要反映讲话人或作者的意图:重点放在哪里?英语和汉语基本上都遵循“先轻后重,先次要后主要”的原则。,At the peak of the boom a few years ago,Louisiana has more than cash than it knew what to do with.But its surplus of 400 million has dried up,replaced by 300 million worth of red ink on the ledgers.几年前处于繁荣高峰时,路易斯安那州的现金多到不知如何处理。它那4亿美元的盈余现已用尽,目前帐本上出现的是3亿美元的赤字。几年前,路易斯安那州的经济繁荣达到了顶峰,钱多得不知如何安排。可是时至今日,且不说4亿美元的盈余已经全部花尽,帐簿上还出现了3亿美元的赤字。,For the Far West in general and California in particular,the issue of the late 1980s will be how to maintain the quality of life in an era of galloping growth to last into the next century.对于美国西部,特别是对加利福尼亚州来说,80年代末所面临的问题是,在一个人口迅速增长并将持续到下个世纪的时代里,如何保持生活的质量。,1,用加字法或改换说法,突出主要信息(斜体部分)There are three married couples and Jordans escort,a persistent undergraduate given to violent innuendo,and obviously under the impression that sooner or later Jordan was going to yield him up her person to a greater or less degree.,In the Third World,where two out of three people still live by farming,food shortage and malnutrition are common.在第三世界,有2/3 的人仍然以务农为生,但粮食短缺和营养不良现象却司空见惯。Her solemnity made her husband close his half-speech mouth.望着妻子那严肃的神情,丈夫欲言又止了。,I dont in that period remember his ever saying a complimentary word to me.据我的记忆,他在那个时候没有夸奖过我一句。.,2,将次要信息并入主要信息:After the lasters round of talks,they were still unable to agree on a number of points.最新一轮会谈仍未使他们在某些问题上取得一致意见。White and black citizens lived and worked very closely together in most communities.大多数社区的白人和黑人一起生活,一起工作,关系非常密切。Through an advertisement,you can learn what product is avaible.广告使人了解到可以买到什么产品。,