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    8B Unit 3 Online travelRevision,学习目标:,1.会用英语谈论计算机功能和用途。2.熟悉有关计算机的词汇。3.掌握被动语态句式及其应用。4.能写一篇文章,介绍你最喜欢的电脑游戏。,Vocabulary,know n.print n.set n.educate n.adj.design n.day adj.,knowledge,printer,setting,education,educational,designer,daily,课前导学,correctly 反义词simple adv.control-ing-edgold adj.hide 过去式 过去分词free advmouse pl.foot pl.wide adv.produce n.safe v./adv./n.,incorrectly,simply,controlling,controlled,golden,hid hidden,freely,mice,feet,widely,producer,save,safely,safety,Fill in the blanks,1.He _a lot about it because he has rich _ of history.(know)2.Im sorry that you answered it _.Can you correct it on your own?(correctly)3.I want to spend most time practicing my _ English.(day),knows,knowledge,incorrectly,daily,4.Today all of us have got good _.I think we should watch more _ movies just as he did.(educate)5.We have computers with different _.Is the game _ in 1960?(set),education,educational,settings,set,翻译下列词组,卖光做大量的锻炼电影频道赢得足够的分数入睡正确回答问题连接到电脑上8.把图片放入纸上9.日常英语10.一英寸的头发,sell out,do lots of exercise,movie channel,get enough points,fall asleep,answer questions correctly,connect to the computer,daily English,an inch of hair,put the pictures onto the paper,11.中国制造12.向某人学习13.游戏的目的14.历史知识15.出版、发行16.一个有8级的游戏17.检查设置18.举行一次写作比赛19.涉及许多话题20.测试英语语法知识21.在网上订购某物,be made in China,learn from,the goal of the game,the knowledge of history,come out,a game with eight levels,check the settings,hold a writing competition,cover many topics,test the knowledge of English grammar,order sth online,向某人求助 通过收音机听一个采访被广泛的使用屏幕上扮演的角色 用亮红色做标记打印出来 打开/关闭(音量)调大/小收发电子邮件 做了一个奇怪的梦八个小时环游世界,turn on/off,turn up/down,have a strange dream,send and receive e-mails,travel around the world in eight hours,play the role of,be marked in bright red,print out,ask sb for help,listen to an interview on the radio,be widely used,on the screen,Language points:sleep v.睡觉,睡眠 go to sleep adj.困的,欲睡的 adj.睡着的 睡袋,知识梳理,这个婴儿已睡了三个小时了。,The baby _ for three hours.,我感到非常的困因为昨夜没睡好。,I_ because I _ last night.,has been asleep,feel very sleepy,didnt sleep well,sleepy,feel/be sleepy,asleep,fall/be asleep,sleeping bag,2.Lucy is an 8-year-old girl.Lucy is 8 years old.,去年他成功的横渡了这条长1500米的河。,He _ the _ river _ last year.,swam across,1500-long-metre,successfully,十分钟的谈话,ten-minute talk=ten minutes talk,一部一小时的纪录片,a one-hour documentary,3.play the role of 扮演 的角色 play the lead role in 在 中扮演主角,成龙在这部电影中扮演一名警察角色。,Jackie Chen played the role of a policeman in the film.,如今中国在世界上扮演越来越重要的角色,China is playing more and more important lead role in the world.,4.use sth.to do sth.=use sth.for doing sth.使用某物做某事 be used to do sth.被用来做某事,人们使用电脑发送和接电子邮件。,People use computers to send and receive e-mails.,=,People use computers for sending and receiving e-mails.,Computers are used to send and receive e-mails,=,e out 出版、发行,(花儿)绽放 注意:come out,break down,happen,take place等 短语不用于被动语态,韩寒的新书刚刚发行。,Hanhans new book has just come out.,Flowers come out in spring.,花儿春天开放.,6.by doing sth.通过做某事,This CD-ROM can_ you _ English _ English grammar and vocabulary.,这张光盘通过测试你的英语语法和词汇知识来帮助你学习英语。,help,learn,by testing your knowledge of,他父母亲靠卖水果谋生。,His parents make a living _.,by selling fruit,7.mind doing sth.mind one/ones doing sth.你介意我坐在这儿吗?Do you mind _?,me/my sitting here,No,not at all./Of course not./Certainly not.,Sorry,youd better not.,肯定回答:,否定回答:,8.The goal of sth 的目的.,_is _ to learn the history of each place.,这个游戏的目的是通过周游世界去学习各地的历史。,The goal of this game,to travel around the world,希望工程的目的是帮助贫穷的孩子们上学。,The goal of Project Hope is to help poor childrens go to school.,educate v.,education,educational,n.,adj.,一张教学光盘,an educational CD-ROM,am/is/are+done,was/were+done,will/shall+be done be going to+be done,情态动词+be done,has/have+been+done,被动语态结构:,be+过去分词,语法总结,Passive Voice,主动语态和被动语态的转换:,主:,被:,I,learn,English,English,is learned,me,+,+,+,+,by,Change them into the passive voice:We clean the classroom every day.2.We will have a class meeting this afternoon.3.I am going to visit my grandpa next Sunday.4.We should keep our classroom clean.,The classroom is cleaned by us every day.,A class meeting will be had(by us)this afternoon.,My grandpa is going to be visited by me next Sunday.,Our classroom should be kept clean(by us).,5.You can borrow my bike.6.They have finished their work.7.Sandy has learnt English for 3 years.8.People often hear her sing in the room.,My bike can be borrowed(by you).,Their work has been finished(by them).,English has been learned by Sandy for 3 years.,She is often heard to sing in the room.,文字处理技巧在我们电脑课上被教。2.去年建造了一座桥。3.运动会将在十天之后举行。4.家庭作业正在做。5.在慈善义演中可以募集了许多钱。6.自从2000年建造了许多新的建筑物。,Word processing skills are taught in our computer lessons.,A bridge was built last year.,The sports meeting will be/is going to be held in ten days.,The homework is being done now.,A lot of money can be raised at the charity show.,Many new buildings have been built since 2000.,School uniforms _(look)good on us.Beijing Opera _(sound)beautiful.,look,连系动词如:be、look、seem、feel、sound、smell、taste、get、turn、become 无被动语态,sounds,用法拓展,2.This kind of shirts _(sell)well now.The pen _(write)very fast.,sells,writes,当sell,write等词作不及物动词,主语为物时,可用主动语态表示被动意义,3.A traffic accident _(happen)just now.我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。,happened,Great changes have taken place in our home town.,不及物动词(vi.)如:happen、take place、break down、come out无被动语态。,4.I bought my mother a present yesterday.A magic wand _ Princess Laura by someone.,My mother was bought a present by me yesterday.,A present was bought for my mother by me yesterday.,give,show,send,buy等接双宾语时:Sb be given/shown/sent/bought sthSth be given/shown/sent to sbSth be bought for sb,is given to,5.女孩经常被听到在早晨唱歌。The girl _ in the morning.The policeman made the young man move his car,is often heard to sing,The young man was made to move his car by the policeman.,make sb do sb be made to dohelplet sb do sb be helped/let to dohear/see/watch sb do sb be heard/seen/watched to dohear/see/watch sb doing sb be heard/seen/watched doing,6.She _(take)good care of by the king.上课应该认真听老师讲课。,is taken,The teacher should be listened to carefully.,像look after,take care of,listen to这类动词固定搭配,不能拆分,1.His car _(wash)once a week.2.Her house _(sell)last Monday.3.The computers _(restart)just now.4.Look!The desk _(cover)with so much dust(灰尘).5.Rice _(grow)in this village and it _(grow)well here.6.Pens _(sell)in this store and they _(sell)very well7.Where _the treasure _(hide)?They _(hide)it in a cave in 1898.,is washed,was sold,were restarted,is covered,is grown,grows,are sold,sell,was,hidden,hid,反馈矫正,8.Nothing _(write)on that board two hours ago.9.Tom _ often _(see)them _(put)the books on the desk.10.Tom is often made_(work)long hours at weekends.11.Jim _(ask)me to go there just now.12.Jim _(ask)to go there.13.I _(invite)him to the party yesterday.14.I _(invite)to the party yesterday.,was written,is seen,to put,to work,asked,was asked,invited,was invited,Dont worry.You _ plenty of time to decide.A.will give B.have given C.will be given D.are giving2.It is reported that the Underground Line No.3 _ in our city in 2010.A.will build B.has built C.will be built D.has been built3.Many great photos _ during my last trip to Beijing.A.took B.are taken C.were taken,中考真题练习,4.-How clean the window is!-Yes.It _ just now.A.is cleaned B.was cleaned C.cleaned5.The fire lasted half an hour before it was _ by the firemen.A.taken out B.blown out C.put out6.If your homework_,you can go skating.A.is done B.will do C.has done7.I wont leave my office until my work_.A.finish B.will finish C.is finished,8.When your TV _,you can watch a wonderful charity show.A.turns on B.turned on C.is turned on D.is turned off9.The old should _.A.taken good care B.be taken good care of C.be taken good care D.taken good care of10.This kind of cards _.A.sells good B.sells well C.is sold good D.is sold well11.English _ three years ago.A.is learned B.was learned C.learns D.learned12.Tom _ to be our monitor last week.A.is chosen B.choses C.was chosen D.chosen,13.If your homework_,you can go skating.A.is done B.will do C.has done14.I wont leave my office until my work_.A.finish B.will finish C.is finished15.The weather _ to be colder and colder.A.is seemed B.was seemed C.seems D.is seem like16.I dont know what _ last night.A.did he happen B.he happened C.he did happen D.happened to him 17.What _ happened _ the forests in the US?A.was,on B.was,to C.has,on D.has,to,Homework,Dictate the words and phrases.Finish off the exercises in the workbook.,Goodbye!Thank you!,


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