A Practical Course of Translation(V),2010-3-22,Homework Check Brevity is the soul of wit!译者的读者意识Conversion in English-Chinese TranslationConversion in Chinese-English Translation,Teaching Outline,Brevity is the soul of wit.,例1:Any person not putting litter in this basket will be liable to a fine of 5.这是英国某公园的一条告示.意思是:Any person leaving litter about instead of putting it in this basket will be liable to a fine of 5.任何不把凌乱的东西放入这个筐内而任意乱仍的人将处以罚款五英镑.改译:废物入筐,违者罚款五镑.,Brevity is the soul of wit.,例2:Clouthes or no clouthes,I can read you like a book.(13字)穿什么衣服,不穿什么衣服,又有什么关系,我知道你这种人,我一看就明白,就像看书一样清楚.(44字)改译:不管你是否伪装,我都能读懂你的心思.,译者的读者意识,例1:“Why is the river rich?”“Because it has two banks.”为什么说河流是富裕的?因为它有两个银行啊!改译:为什么说河水富有?因为它总向前流。(或者:因为它年年有鱼呀。),译者的读者意识,例2:“What does that lawyer do after he dies?”“Lie still.”那个律师死后能干什么?静静地躺着。(可译为“仍然撒谎。”)改译:那个律师死后还能干什么呢?躺着说鬼话。,译者的读者意识,例3:A:What flower does everybody have?B:Tulips.(Tulips=two lips)甲:人人都有的花是什么花呢?乙:郁金香。改译:-人人都有的花是什么花?-泪花。,译者的读者意识,例4:老张走进房间一看,只见女儿在床上睡成一个“大”字。Old Zhang went into the room and saw his daughter lying on the bed in the shape of the Chinese character大.lying spread-eagled on the bed.,Conversion词类转换,By conversion,we mean the change of parts of speech in translation.Owing to the syntactical differences between English and Chinese,it is usually impossible for a translator to keep to the original part of speech in the process of translation.As a matter of fact,a word belonging to a certain part of speech in one language sometimes has to be converted into a different part of speech,so as to bring forth a readable and coherent sentence.Therefore,conversion is one of the important and commonly adopted translation techniques.,Conversion词类转换,By conversion,we mean the change of parts of speech in translation.Owing to the syntactical differences between English and Chinese,it is usually impossible for a translator to keep to the original part of speech in the process of translation.As a matter of fact,a word belonging to a certain part of speech in one language sometimes has to be converted into a different part of speech,so as to bring forth a readable and coherent sentence.Therefore,conversion is one of the important and commonly adopted translation techniques.,Conversion into Verbs-Nouns into Verbs,1.由动词派生的名词转译成动词,在政论文体中出现比较多。One after another,speakers called for the downfall of imperialism,abolition of exploitation of man by man,liberation of the oppressed of the world.发言人一个接一个表示要打倒帝国主义,要消灭人剥削人的制度,要解放世界上的被压迫人民。The 1967 UN document calls for the settlement of the Middle East conflict on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and Arab acknowledgement of Israelis right to exist.一九六七年联合国文件要求在以色列撤出所占的土地以及阿拉伯承认以色列的生存权利的基础上来解决中东冲突。,More Examples,The government called for the establishment of more technical schools.政府号召建立更多的技术学校。The new situation requires the formation of a new strategy.新形势要求制定新的战略。An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs.读一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。I call for cooperation in the economic and technical sectors among the countries the world over.我 呼吁 世界各国在经济、技术方面进行 合作。,Conversion into Verbs-Nouns into Verbs,2.含有动作意味的名词(在记叙、描写文体中出现较多)往往可以转译成动词。The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。As a week drew to a close,the enemy rout was complete.一周快结束时,敌人彻底溃退了。The abuse of drugs has become one of America s most serious social problems.滥用毒品已经成为美国最严重的社会问题之一。A view of Fuji Mountain can be obtained from here.从这里可以看到富士山。,Conversion into Verbs-Nouns into Verbs,3.英语中有些加后缀-er的名词,有时在句中不指其身份和职业,而是含有较强的动作意味。在汉语中没有恰当的对应名词时,往往可以译成动词。Im afraid I cant teach you swimming.I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.我未必会教你游泳,我想我的小弟弟比我教得好。Some of my classmates are good singers.我们班同学中有些人唱歌唱得很好。There were various possible players for the role.可能扮演这个角色的有好几个人,Conversion into Verbs-Nouns into Verbs,4.作为习语主体的名词往往可以转译成动词。They took a final look at Iron Mike,still intact in the darkness.他们最后看了铁麦克一眼它依旧安然无恙地耸立在黑暗中。The next news bulletin,shorter than usual,made no mention of the demonstration.下一个新闻节目比通常短,没有提到游行。We dont have any idea when the boy was born.(不知道)She is too tired to have the faintest desire to dance.(一点儿也不想),Conversion into Verbs-Prepositions into Verbs,At noon,he came home for lunch.他中午回家 吃 午饭。The president took the foreign guests about the campus.校长带外宾们 参观 校园。Party officlials worked long hours on meagre food,in cold caves,by dim lamps.(A.L.Strong)党的干部吃简陋的饮食,住寒冷的窑洞,靠微弱的灯光,长时间地工作。I barreled straight ahead,across the harbour and out over the sea.我笔直向前高速飞行,越过港口,飞临海面。,Conversion into Verbs-Adjectives into Verbs,Many English adjectives after a link verb indicating ones consciousness,feelings,emotions,desires,etc.are always converted into Chinese verbs.英语中表示知觉、情欲、欲望等心理状态的形容词,在联系动词后作表语用时,往往可以转译成汉语动词。常见的这类形容词有:Confident,certain,careful,cautious,angry,sure,ignorant,afraid,doubtful,aware,concerned,glad,delighted,sorry,ashamed,thankful,anxious,grateful,able等。,Conversion into Verbs-Adjectives into Verbs,I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.我非常感激父亲,因为在我小时侯他总是不断地鼓励我。They are not content with their present achievements.他们不满足于他们现有的成就Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.医生说他们不敢肯定能否救得了他的命。The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint.But I had to be cautious.她能够给我带个信儿这件事就是个暗示。但是我必须小心谨慎。Naturally the Nazi soldiers were more concerned with saving their own lives than with taking ours.当然,纳粹士兵对救他们自己的命,比起要我们的命,要关心得多了。,Conversion into Verbs-Adverbs into Verbs,Our holiday is three weeks away.离我们的假期还有 3 个星期。When will he be back?他什么时候回来?The boy told me that his mother was out.那个男孩告诉我他的母亲出去了。As he ran out,he forgot to have his shoes on.他跑出去,忘记了穿鞋子。Mr.Nixon had said repeatedly that the American war in Indochina would soon be over.尼克松先生屡次声言,美国在印度支那的战争即将结束。She opened the window to let some fresh air in.她把窗户打开,让新鲜空气进来。,Conjunction into Verbs,Eight and seven is fifteen.8 加 7 等于 15。Winter is the fourth and last season in a year冬季是一年中第四个 也是 最后一个季节。,Conversion into Nouns-Verb into Nouns,名词派生出来的动词,为符合汉语表达习惯,可将其还原成名词来译。He was blacklisted and lost his job.他被列入黑名单,失去了工作。Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear.这些材料的特点是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强。To them,he personified the absolute power.在他们看来,他就是绝对权威的化身。Most U.S.spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earths atmosphere after completing their missions.美国绝大多数间谍卫星,按其设计,是在完成使命后,在大气层中焚毁。,Conversion into Nouns-Verb into Nouns,英语中的被动语态在翻译成汉语时,原被动句中的谓语动词可根据需要转换成汉语的名词,与“遭到”、“受到”等动词连用。His image as a good student was tarnished.他作为一个好学生的形象已经遭到了玷污。He was snubbed by those top-ranking officials.他受到那些高级官员们的冷落。Throw a tennis ball on the floor.The ball bounces back.In the same way,when light falls on certain things it bounces back.When this happens,the light is said to be reflected.将网球扔到地板上,球会弹回来。同样,光照到某些物体上时也会弹回来。这种情况叫做光受到反射。,Adjective into Nouns,Adjectives with the definite articles to indicate categories of people,things,or adjectives used as predicative to indicate the nature of things may also be converted into nouns.They are going to build a school for the blind and the deaf.他们将为盲人和聋人修建一所学校。In the fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive.在裂变过程中,裂变碎片具有强烈的放射性。They did their best to help the sick and the wounded.他们尽了最大的努力帮助病号和伤员。Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and protected the poor.罗宾汉和他的伙伴们痛恨阔人,热爱并保护穷人。,Adjective into Nouns,此外,根据情况还有些形容词可以译成名词。Stevenson was eloquent and elegant-but soft.史蒂文森有口才、有风度,但很软弱。The Wilde family were religious.王尔德全家都是虔诚的教徒。They were considered insincere.他们被人认为是伪君子。,Conversion into Adjectives Noun into adj.,1)有时名词在句子中充当表语,前面通常有冠词,翻译时可转换为形容词。This experiment was a great success.这个实验很成功。Independent thinking is a necessity in study.学习中的独立思考是必须的。2)有些形容词派生出的名词也可转译为形容词。The puppet-show was performed with great regularity.木偶戏的演出井然有序。Having heard the good news,their happiness was complete.他们快乐到了极点。,2.Adv.into adj.,有些副词是由形容词派生出来的,可转译为形容词。They were deeply impressed by what he did in the critical moment.他在关键时刻的行为给他们留下了深刻的印象。Boys think differently from girls.男孩子的思维方式和女孩子是不同的。,Conversion into Adverbs-Nouns into adv.,John and Kate,the instant they were married,set out in great haste for Venice.刚行完婚礼,马上匆匆忙忙地动身到了威尼斯。She had the kindness to show me the way.她好意地给我指路。,Conversion into Adverbs-Adj.into adv.,1)They regarded him as a potential adversary.他们认为他可能是一个对手。2)He whispered a hurried good-bye to his host.他匆匆地向主人轻声道别。,