1,1,Progressive Reading Revised Edition,2,2,策 划:鞠方安 商希建主 编:刘兰芝 杨真真副主编:鲁显生 Gerald Zimmerman 王欧制作人:吴静,3,3,Lesson Seven Heres to a Long and Unhappy Life,4,4,Catalogue,Background InformationWarm-up QuestionsMain IdeaLanguage PointsDifficult SentencesKeys to the Exercises,5,5,Lisa Gabriele is the author of the critically acclaimed bestsellers Tempting Faith DiNapoli and The Almost Archer Sisters.Her essays and fiction have appeared in The Best American Nonrequired Reading Series,the New York Times Magazine,the Washington Post,Vice magazine,Salon,Glamour,Background Information,6,6,and Babble,and she is a regular contributor to Nerve.Shes from Belle River,Ontario,and has lived in Dawson City,Buenos Aires,New York City,and Washington,D.C.Shes also the senior producer on CBC TVs Dragons Den.,Background Information,7,7,Background Information,Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a persons thoughts,behavior,feelings and physical well-being.Depressed people may feel sad,anxious,empty,hopeless,worried,helpless,worthless,guilty,irritable,or restless.They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable;experienceloss of appetite or overeating,have problems concentrating,remembering details,or making decisions;and may contemplate or attempt suicide.,8,8,Depressed mood is not necessarily a psychiatric disorder.It is a normal reaction to certain life events,a symptom of some medical conditions,and a side effect of some medical treatments.,Background Information,9,9,Please watch the video clip“How to Cope with Depression”.,Please read the manuscript.,Background Information,10,10,What do depressed people impress you?Do you agree that those who are mildly depressed tend to live longer?What kind of people do you think tend to live long lives?Give examples.,Warm-up Questions,11,11,Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks:,Six approaches to beat depression:Do something _.To fight inertia,write down _.Break _ into _.You shouldnt wait until you feel like it to _;because as long as you are depressed,you may never feel like it;instead you might have to _ by taking a small step to get started,even if you are not _.,Warm-up Questions,12,12,Six approaches to beat depression:2._.Volunteer work,_,or such neighborly gestures as _ can have a therapeutic effect.Because _ is an important cause of depression,_ in and of itself heals.,Warm-up Questions,13,13,Six approaches to beat depression:3._.To turn life around,focus on _ especially get together with friends that make you feel competent,such as:_,_,_.,Warm-up Questions,14,14,Six approaches to beat depression:4._.Scientists think that aerobic exercise,activities like walking,jogging,swimming,and bicycling may:_,_,_,_.,Warm-up Questions,15,15,Six approaches to beat depression:5._.Research has shown that _ from the sun or _ can help relieve such seasonal depression.6._.According to a recent study,giving depressed people certain books on _ to read helped treating _ of the illness.,Warm-up Questions,16,16,Keys:,Constructive,a daily plan of action,complicated activities,small discrete steps,start moving,prime the pump,in the mood Lend a Hand,community service,shopping for an elderly,isolation from people,human contact Schedule Joy,social interactions,mastering a new skill,dinner out or a movie,trying smiling,17,17,Keys:,4.Exercise Regularly,boost your self-confidence,improve your sense of well-being,and heighten your energy,reduce the tension and anxiety5.Brighten Your Day,exposure to light,artificial devices 6.Read all about it,depression control,mild to moderate forms,18,18,Main Idea,This is about the benefits of not holding feelings in too much.Prepare to laugh.This satirical view of oldness has its punch lines.Lisa doesnt think much of the idea that being depressed leads to a longer life as she takes the paper on which that idea was written on and crumples it up into a ball before throwing it away.To her,complaints are equal to depression and she takes her grandmothers diffi-culties for example.Then she tells how her mother,19,19,Main Idea,avoided old age by dying young!Next Lisa gives a short review of a story The Corrections where Enids complaints protect her heart and she outlives those around her.In the next story Lily doesnt complain and dies young.She concludes we should go ahead and complain and keep that rifle ready for unwanted raccoons.Complaints are a ticket to the rest of your miserable,long life.,20,20,Language Points,1.toss vt(line 3,para.1)1)to throw sth,especially sth light,with a quick gentle movement of your hand 他把纸揉成一团扔进火里。He screwed the paper into a ball and tossed it into the fire.他把毯子掀到一边起了身。He tossed his blanket aside and got up.2)vi to move about continuously in a violent or,21,21,Language Points,uncontrolled way,or to make sth do this 小船被风刮得东摇西晃。The boat were tossed about at the mercy of winds and waves.飞机上下颠簸,飞行员尽力使其平稳。As the plane was tossed up and down,the pilot tried to stabilize it.3)to keep changing your position in bed because you cannot sleep,22,22,Language Points,我整夜翻来覆去睡不着,醒来时浑身疲惫。Ive been tossing and turning all night,and wake up feeling worn out.4)to throw a coin in the air,so that a decision will be made according to the side that faces upwards when it comes down;flip AmE 他们掷币决定谁先走。They tossed a coin to decide who would go first.,23,23,Language Points,2.clipping n(line 3,para.1)an article or picture that has been cut out of a newspaper or magazine;cutting 布告栏里贴满报纸剪报。The bulletin boards are crowded with newspaper clippings.我写这本书时,面前放着一份近期剪报。As I write this book I have a current newspaper clipping in front of me.,24,24,Language Points,2)small pieces of sth that have been cut from sth larger 剪下来的指甲 nail clippings 修剪草坪后,有很多剪下的碎草需要清理。Having mown the lawn,there are all those grass clippings to get rid of.,25,25,Language Points,3.liars make good writers(line 4,para.1)It implies that people who tell lies are creative and imaginative,they can stretch the truth,therefore they would also be good at writing stories,particularly fictional stories.(Of course,liars would not make good non-fiction writers.),26,26,Language Points,4.philanderer n(line 4,para.1)A philanderer is a man who cheats on his wife or girlfriend,we might also say that he runs around.Such men are thought to be particularly good at making up lies,stories,to tell their wives,to hide the fact they are running around,or cheating.There-fore they should also be very skilled at writing,again,primarily fiction.,27,27,Language Points,5.depression had no influence on the mortality of men.Thats because when asked“So,whats wrong?”all the men circled“Nothing”.(line 5&6 para.1)This refers to commonly held stereotypes about men:Men tend to deny and hide their feelings.They tend to minimize sickness,injury or anything that might make them appear weak.That when it comes to,28,28,Language Points,important things,such as relationships and feelings for others,men do not take them as seriously,or at least hide these feelings.There is nothing wrong with me!I am OK,I am not weak!Therefore,by men denying feelings,including depression,there was not direct way to determine if the men had depression,therefore they could not make a correlation with mortality.,29,29,6.mortality n(line 5,para.1)the number of deaths during a particular period of time among a particular type or group of people 移民群体的死亡率高于平均水平。Mortality among immigrant groups was higher than the average.投资于家庭和学校的安全饮用水和卫生设施是可以降低儿童死亡率的一个关键因素。,Language Points,30,30,Language Points,An investment in safe water and sanitation for homes and schools can be a key factor in reducing child mor-tality.2)the condition of being human and having to die 我们不是神:必须接受死亡。We arent gods:we must accept our mortality.,31,31,Language Points,7.tune out v prep(line 4,para.2)to ignore or not to respond;to stop listening to someone or sth 过量的信息可能会导致一些人干脆对全部信息都置 之不理。Overloaded information can lead some people to tune out messages altogether.罗斯听到了那熟悉的声音,但却没有注意说的是什么。Rose heard the familiar voice,but tuned out the words.,32,32,Language Points,你调收一个电台,这样也就调除了所有其他的台。You tune in one station and thus tune out all the others.,33,33,Language Points,8.spry adj(line 4,para.3)an old person has energy and is active 这位老先生依然精神矍铄。The old gentleman was as spry as ever.他很活泼而且衣着讲究。He was very spry and well-dressed.,34,34,9.bitch vi(line 5,para.3)1)to complain continuously 别抱怨了!Stop bitching!他们先是抱怨服务质量太差,然后有抱怨收费高。They bitched about the service and then about the bill.,Language Points,35,35,2)n(line 7,para.7)an insulting word for a woman that you dislike or think is unpleasant 琼是个地地道道的泼妇。Joan is a real bitch.我给她起了个外号叫“那位可怜的老婊子”。My nickname for her became“That Miserable Old Bitch.”,Language Points,36,36,Language Points,10.sink into/to/down/back etc(line 5,para.3)1)to fall down or sit down heavily,especially because you are very tired and weak 杰克深叹一口气,颓然倒在椅子里。Jack sinks back in his chair with a heavy sigh.他几乎要瘫倒在地,一把抓住一棵树支撑着自己 的身体。He caught hold of a tree for support,being ready to sink down on the ground.,37,37,Language Points,2)to become gradually and clearly understood 这次衰退的影响只不过刚被人们理解。The implications of this recession are only beginning to sink in.他的劝告深深地印在了我的脑海里。His advice sank deep into my mind.,38,38,Language Points,11.harrowing adj(line 3,para.4)very frightening or shocking and making you feel very upset 过去的这个月你过得太痛苦了。Youve had a harrowing time this past month.这些是被害儿童的令人肝肠寸断的照片。Thses are the harrowing pictures of the children who had been murdered.,39,39,12.wind up v adv(line 3,para.4)1)to bring sth to an orderly end 我必须先结束手头的工作再去度假。I must wind up my affairs before going on a holiday.我想起了一个有意思的笑话,以此结束我的演讲。I though of a good joke that I could use to wind up my speech.,20,Language Points,40,40,2)to raise sth by turning a handle 把车窗摇上去好吗?这里冷。Would you please wind the car windows up?It is cold here.3)to tighten the spring of sth by turning a key 我忘记上表了,所以表停了。I forgot to wind my watch up so it stopped.,Language Points,41,41,Language Points,13.bawl vi(line 3,para.4)1)to shout in a very loud voice,because you are angry or you want people to hear you 你知道我就看不惯那种成天嚷嚷的人。You know how I hate people who bawl all the time.别这样大声喊叫,我听得见。Dont bawl out like that.I can hear you.,42,42,Language Points,2)to cry loudly;to scream其中一个学步的小孩在大哭,另外一个流着鼻涕。One of the toddlers was bawling,and the other had a runny nose.,43,43,Language Points,14.spar with v prep(line 1,para.5)to argue with someone but not in an unpleasant way 这些年以来,他一直跟他的朋友杰西为政治手腕 问题争论不休。Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse over political tactics.美国总统的竞选广告就教育议题进行争辩。U.S.presidential campaign ads spar over education.,44,44,Language Points,15.got her wish(line 2,para.6)got what she wanted 她总想住在乡下。现在如愿以偿了。Shes always wanted to live in the country.Now shes finally got her wish.,45,45,Language Points,16.coincidence n(line 1,para.7)when two or more similar or related events occur at the same time by chance and without any planning 他在他的母亲生日那天出生,真是巧事。It was a coincidence that he was born on his mothers birthday.他们在这一点上见解一致完全是偶合。It is a mere coincidence that they see eye to eye on this point.,46,46,Language Points,17.deflated adj deflate vt(line 2,para.7)making(to make)someone feel less important or less confident 我对她所取得的成就未作评论,她感到灰心。She was deflated when I made no comment on her achievement.他会以自我为中心,但我已经找到了如何挫他锐 气的办法。He can be self-centred but Ive worked out how to deflate him.,47,47,18.stamina n(line 1,para.8)enduring strength and energy 他们身上没有体现出他们的祖先所具有的坚韧不拔 的精神。They displayed little stamina which characterized their forefahers.他的毅力与他的领导天赋相匹配。He has the stamina to match his gift for leadership.,Language Points,48,48,Language Points,19.repel vt(line 3,para.8)to keep sth or someone away from you 罗马人认为豆子有阻挡鬼魂的能力。The Romans thought beans had the power to repel ghosts.人们认为,它们能引来好运气,并阻挡坏运气。It is believed that they attract good luck and repel misfortune.,49,49,Language Points,20.core n(line 4,para.8)1)the center,the heart,the most personal intimate part of us that we should be most careful with.他还没有看清楚是什么,心里就凉了。An inner core of fear conveyed what it was before he saw it.,50,50,Language Points,2)the most important or central part of sth 这本书的核心问题聚焦在1660年和1857年这一时期。The core of the book focuses on the period between 1660 and 1857.我们没触及问题的核心。We didnt get to the core of the matter.,51,51,Language Points,3)to the core:extremely or completely伦纳德极为震惊;他从未看过或读过这样的东西。Leonard was shaken to the core;hed never seen or read anything like it.那个人道德败坏至极。The mans morals are rotten to the core.,52,52,21.cajole vt(line 4,para.8)to gradually persuade someone to do sth by being nice to them,or making promises to them 伊丽莎白懂得怎样花言巧语,如何阿谀奉承。Elizabeth knew how to cajole and how to flatter.是他哄骗加兰去拍电影的。It was he who had cajoled Garland into doing the film.,Language Points,53,53,Language Points,22.assuage vt(line 4,para.8)1)to make an unpleasant feeling less painful or severe;to relieve 和她交谈减轻了我的负罪感。Talking to her helped to assuage my guilt.你带来的这些振奋人心的消息能减轻她的痛苦。Your messages of cheer can assuage her suffering.,54,54,Language Points,2)to satisfy他们通过阅读满足自己的求知欲。They assuaged their thirst for knowledge by reading.他们把搞到手的肉拿来充饥。The meat theyd managed to procure assuaged their hunger.,55,55,Language Points,23.quarry n(last line of para.8)the person or animal that you are hunting or chasing 警察看到他在追捕的人走进一家酒吧。The policeman saw his quarry go into a bar.猎狗正在接近猎物。The hounds are getting close to their quarry.,56,56,24.stoic adj(line 1,para.9)1)not showing emotion or not complaining when bad things happen to you;the same as stoical in meaning 她一直很敬佩爱尔兰北部人民的坚忍的勇气。She never ceased to admire the stoic(stoical)courage of those in Northern Ireland.我保持逆来顺受的态度。I maintain a stoical attitude.,Language Points,57,57,2)n C someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions 在这种悲惨的情形下,孩子们努力成为坦然面对困 难的人。The kids try to be stoics in this tragic situation.,Language Points,58,58,Language Points,25.intrepid adj(line 2,para.9)invulnerable to fear or intimidation;brave 某些无畏的人做好了此次旅行的准备。Some intrepid individuals are prepared to make the journey.谁会成为第一位无畏的太空旅行者?Who will become the first intrepid space traveller?,59,59,Language Points,26.collapsed into her sadness(line 3,para.9)This is not a common idiom,but it is an effective creative use of words that suggests to us that she was depressed and wanted to withdraw from life,perhaps even die.,60,60,Language Points,27.hit the bottle v phr(line 1,para.10)It refers to someone who begins the behavior of drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.It implies doing so over a long period of time,as a way of life,and drinking not for pleasure,but to stay drunk and avoid dealing with problems,stress and depression.,61,61,Language Points,婚姻破裂后,他大部分时间都在酗酒。After his marriage failed,he hit the bottle big time.如果他还是这样喝下去,他们只有把他的酒源 断掉了。If he keeps hitting the bottle they will have to dry him out.,62,62,Language Points,28.skid n(line 1,para.10)1)a sudden sliding movement of a vehicle that you cannot control 我猛地一踩刹车,结果车子打滑了。I slammed the brakes on and went into a skid.2)on th