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    Unit 5 Network Designer Tim Berners-Lee,Quiz:how many words do you know about the Internet?,mouse,modem,screen,keyboard,www,http,html,log on/out,search engine,type in,click,point-and-click,scroll up/down,browse,Internet access,homepage,blog,twitter/weibo,BBS,social networking sites(SNS),facebook,upload/download,hack/hacker,username,password,nickname,lurk,spam,polarization,emoticon,Internet acronyms,AAMOFA/S/LBRBBTWCOSCUCUL8RG2CUF2TFYEOG2RGR8HFMUSMNPNWTCOMGOTFLROFLWBWAM,As a matter of factAge/sex/locationBe right backBy the waybecauseSee youSee you laterGood to see youFace to faceFor your eyes onlyGot to runGreat Have funMiss you so muchNo problemNo wayTake careOh my GodOn the floor rollingRolling on floor laughing Welcome backWait a minute,Background introduction,World Wide Web(WWW):computer-based network of information resources that combines text and multimedia.The Web started to become a popular resource after 1993 when the first widely distributed browser provided a convenient way to access a variety of information on the Internet.The Web uses multimedia,which means that information can be displayed in a wide variety of formats.Users can read text,view pictures,watch animation,listen to sounds,and even explore interactive virtual environments on the Web.The information on the World Wide Web can be accessed and searched through the Internet,a global computer network.The World Wide Web is often referred to simple as the Web.,Sir Tim Berners-Lee(Father of the Web),Berners-Lee was born in south west London,in 1955,the eldest child of two renowned mathematicians within the computer industry.A graduate of Oxford University,England.Queen Elizabeth II dubbed(授予称号)Tim Berners-Lee,the computer wizard/genius a knight with a sword in recognition of his contributions to the World Wide Web in 2004.As a British citizen,Berners-Lee will be able to use the title Sir Tim.,Berners-Lee told the press he was notified of the honor a few days ago via the telephone,and not through the Internet or e-mail.-I am humbled by this great honor,Berners-Lee said.The Web came about through an ongoing collaboration with my fellow investors and developers worldwide.Everyone in the Internet community should be recognized by this honor.The father of the World Wide Web received a knighthood for services to the Internet,but it is just one of the many honors and awards that Berners-Lee has received for his efforts.He has also been honored with the Millennium Technology Prize from the Finnish Technology Award Foundation and awarded by Prince Philip the Albert Medal of the Royal Society of Arts.,The modest,publicity-shy physicist,now based in the U.S.,is at pains to point out that he did not invent the Internet itself and insists he is quite an ordinary person.But without his creation,there would be no www computer addresses and the Internet might still be the exclusive domain of a handful of computer experts.Currently he is also engaged in developing his second big idea:the Semantic Web,which adds definition tags to information in Web pages and links them in such a way that computers can discover data more efficiently and form new associations between pieces of information,in effect creating a globally distributed database.,The father of the World Wide Web shared his concerns and dreams during an interview:,Q:Besides the Semantic Web,do you have any other dreams or wishes for the future of the Web?B-L:Oh,lots and lots!I have always wanted the Web to be a more creative,flexible medium.Im excited about the new portable devices we can use for the Web,about speech-based technology,and a lot of other things.Once you start with the basic Web idea,so much stuff becomes possible.,Text comprehension,Read the text in 20 minutes and Task 1:Underline the key words or sentences in each paragraph.At the same time,mark the new words and expressions for later treatment.Task 2:Find out what is the text type of this articleNarration:biography(p.88)Task 3:Divide the text into six parts,and summarize the main idea of each part.(p.84),Part 1(Para 1-2):You can get any information you want as long as you have access to the Internet.Part 2(Para 3-4):World Wide Web,which began as a little computer program nearly 20 years ago,was the work of Tim Berners-Lee alone.Part 3(Para 5-7):Berners-Lee designed a kind of“hypertext”notebook which linked various kinds of information on his own computer,and then decided to open it up to everyone and make it a global link of all information.,Part 4(Para 8-9):Berners-Lee devised HTML,URL and HTTP,all of which finally gave rise to the debut of World Wide Web in 1991,and to its exponential growth ever since.Part 5(Para 10-11):Brought up as a quitessential child of the computer age,Berners-Lee created a most significant global system.Part 6(Para 12):In spite of his Gutenbergian creation of the WWW,Berners-Lee chose the non-profit road,both for himself and for his creation.,Vocabulary exercises,Read the text for the third time,and try to guess the rough meanings of new words and expressions in text(p.84-85).You may rely on the context of the words,or,if still in a puzzle,turn to an English-English dictionary.,Language points1.acquaint v.acquaint sb.with sb./sth.(1)To cause to come to know personally 认识e.g.Let me acquaint you with my family.I am already acquainted with him.(2)To make familiar 使熟悉,了解e.g.acquainted myself with the rules and regulations of the new company(3)To inform 通知,告知e.g.Please acquaint us with your plans.My mother acquainted him with my intention.,acquaintance n.(1)A person whom one knows 熟人e.g.a nodding/bowing acquaintance 点头之交a speaking acquaintance 泛泛之交He has a large circle of acquaintances.(2)Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than friendship 对一个不像朋友那样亲密的人的了解make the acquaintance of sb.,make sb.s acquaintance 结识某人drop/cut sb.s acquaintance,drop/cut an acquaintance with sb.和某人绝交(3)Knowledge or information about something or someone认识,了解have a passing/no/little/some acquaintance with sth.e.g.I have no acquaintance with this book.I have some acquaintance with English,but I do not know it well.,2.launch a search engine:set a search engine in motion 启动搜索器NOTE:“Launch”can be used to refer to different things,and should be translated in different ways.Translate:launch a guided missile/a rocketlaunch an fatal attack on the enemylaunch a new enterprise launch an aircraft carrier launch a new movie named Alice in Wonderland,3.inquire(AmE)/enquire(BrE)vi.&vt.(1)To seek information by asking a question 打听,通过提问题打听信息 inquire sth.,inquire about sth.,inquire out sth.e.g.We inquired about prices/trains to London.He inquired the way.He has inquired out the deployment of the enemy troops.(2)To make a formal inquiry or investigation 正式询问或调查e.g.ICAC inquired into the corruption of TVB officials.(3)To ask about the health or condition of sb.问候,询问健康或状况 inquire aftere.g.The lady inquired after your health.,enquiry/inquiry n.(1)U asking;inquiring 询问,探问 learn sth.by inquiry e.g.He learned the news by.We got the information by.a court of inquiry 调查庭(2)C make an inquiry/inquiries about 询问,质询e.g.The School Personnel made an about the applicants previous jobs.I have to make inquiries about his name and address.You can make your about the matter.(3)C investigation 调查 an inquiry intoe.g.There will be an into the murder case.They hold an official into the incident.The report called for a public into it.,4.hit vi.&vt.(1)hit(out)at 朝打去;攻击e.g.He at me,but missed.Many people out at hippie culture.The back-benchers speech at government spending.(2)hit back(at sb.)(向)回击e.g.She was entitled to back at the rumour spreader.The Prime Minister back at those who sought to undermine the governments tax code.(3)hit on/upon 想到,发现,碰上e.g.John on the idea of doing it.I hope someone upon a way out of the difficulty.,(4)hit it off(be on good terms with)相处得好,合得来e.g.The newly-married couple it off.Tom and Terry hit off with each other.(5)hit sb./sth.off(imitate very well)模仿很像 e.g.The boy pretended to be the teacher and he her off to perfection.(6)hit below the belt 做事不公道e.g.The teacher below the belt for he blamed the students without evidence.(7)hit a/the nail on the head 击中要害,一语中的e.g.The mayors talk on race relations the nail on the head.,5.access n.U(1)way(in)to a place 通入之路;通路 access toe.g.to the town was across a narrow bridge.Switzerland has to the sea via the River Rhine.There is no to that house.(2)right,opportunity,or means of reaching or using,approaching 接触、使用或接近的权利、机会,或方法 have/get/gain/obtain access toe.g.Students must have easy to good books/computer facilities.Only high officials had to the Emperor.be of easy access 平易近人e.g.Prof.Lee,though well-established,is of easy access.(3)attack(of fever etc);sudden attack,outburst(of anger,rage,despair etc)疾病(高烧)袭击;(愤怒等)突然发作an access of e.g.She is suffering from an of asthma(哮喘).He felt a fresh of annoyance.,accessible adj.(1)able to be reached or entered 可达到的,可进入的e.g.Facts are to all.The headmaster is always to students.A doctor must have a phone to patients.Medicine should not be kept to children(2)understandable 可理解的e.g.Though he sometimes seems obsessed with numbers,his speeches are otherwise.尽管有时他特别喜欢引用数字,他的演说还是易懂的。(3)easily influenced 易受影响的be accessible toHe is to flattery.爱听奉承话He is not to pity.他没有同情心,6.unencumber 不受所累encumber v.(1)To get in the way of,hamper,be a burden to 阻碍,妨害,牵累encumber oneself with 使自己受所累e.g.He ed himself with unnecessary luggage on the journey.Many people themselves with their marriages.encumber sb.withe.g.Dont your children with so much housework.(sb.)be encumbered withe.g.He is ed with a large family.His estate is ed with a mortgage.(他的房产被抵押)(2)To crowd,fill up 堆满be encumbered withe.g.His room is ed with old and useless furniture.What is your drawer ed with?My wallet is ed with big notes.encumbrance n.C thing that encumbers,burden 阻碍物,累贅,负担e.g.An idle grown-up daughter may be an encumbrance to her parents.,7.tariff n.(1)list of fixed charges,esp.for meals,rooms,etc.at a hotel;price-list 价格表,价目表e.g.a refreshment-room When you go to a restaurant,youll first look at the.(2)list of taxes on goods imported or exported 进口或出口税(关税)impose on sth.e.g.There is a very high imposed on jewelry/luxury goods.It is a common practice to raise walls against foreign goods so as to protect domestic industries.建立关税壁垒以抵制外来商品 reform 关税改革tariff-walled adj.tariff-free adj.,8.entry n.(1)coming or going in(进入)the entry of intoe.g.The of China into the WTO is a great event.make an entry into e.g.The army made a triumphal into the town.(2)place of entrance 入口the entry toe.g.the(cf.exit)to the cinema(3)item in a list:dictionary entries 字典中列出之字(4)比赛名单,人数等e.g.There is a large for the 100 metres race.,9.credit n.(1)U honour,approval that comes to a person because of what he is or does功绩,光荣,荣誉do sb.credit/do credit to sb.让增光e.g.The work does you.His smart appearance does to his tailors.他的英俊使他的裁缝们技艺生色to sb.s credit 的莫大光荣e.g.Its greatly to your that you have passed such a difficult exam.get/take credit for sth.以作为自己的光荣e.g.It is dishonest to get for work that is done by others.,(2)U belief of others that a person,business company etc.can pay debts,etc.or will keep a promise to pay 信用,信誉,赊账buy/sell sth.on e.g.He bought a car on.No is given at this shop.(Payment must be in cash.)His is good for only 50.他的信用只限50磅。sales 赊卖 account 赊账/欠帐letter of/LC 信用证:letter from one bank to another giving authority for a stated payment,(3)U belief;trust;confidence 相信,信托,信任e.g.They deserve some degree of.Do you give to his story of what happened?It is unwise to place/put too much in hearsay.The rumour is gaining.lend credit to 证实是可靠的e.g.The latest news lends to the earlier reports.(4)good name,reputation 名誉,名声,名望be of high credit 名声很好He is a man of the highest.be in high credit with sb.在中享有高的威望e.g.Professor Liu is in high with his students.,(5)person,thing,act,circumstance etc.which adds to the good name of someone responsible for him or itbe a credit to 为增光的人、事物,行为,环境等e.g.The pupils are a to their teachers.I hope you will be a to your school.credit title(cinema films,TV)names of persons responsible for directing,producing etc.影片,电视剧前后所映导演,制片人等的姓名表,10.protocol n.(1)C first or original draft of an agreement(esp.between states)signed by those making it(条约)草案,议定书e.g.Kyoto The two rivalry nations finally agreed to act according to the.(2)code of behaviour;etiquette as practised as on diplomatic occasions 礼规,外交礼仪e.g.academic The seating arrangement for the dinner party is according to.,11.proprietary(1)adj.owned or controlled by sb.,private 所有的,专利的,私人所有的e.g.right 所有权 medicines/drugs 专卖药品a name 专利商标名a hospital/school a air 业主所特有的架子(2)n.owner.业主,所有权e.g.the land 土地拥有者proprietor/proprietress n.owner 业主,所有人e.g.the of the hotel,12.debut(1)vi.make ones first appearance 初次登台(esp.woman actor)The girl ed last month.The national edition of the newspaper ed last summer.Her new series will next March on network television.(2)vt.e.g.The network will debut her new series next March.(3)n.(esp.of a young woman)first appearancee.g.the debut of a new foreign policyTheir debut album was recorded in 2000.to make ones debute.g.She made her in Broadway last month.,13.chaos n.U complete absence of order or shape;confusion 混乱,不整齐,一团糟e.g.There was complete/utter/absolute when the pilots came out on strike.The classroom is in a state of.The desk was a of papers and unopened letters.chaotic adj.in a state of chaose.g.Traffic conditions tonight are.,promise(1)n.C,U an agreement between two people that is achieved by both people accepting less than they wanted at first 妥协e.g.Compromise is an inevitable part of marriage.Can we effect/reach a compromise?Everybody has to be prepared to make compromises.(2)n.C an idea or thing that is the result of an agreement between two people or groups who want different things 妥协的结果a compromise between e.g.The treaty represents a political compromise between the two nations.,(3)vi.&vt.To settle a dispute by making a compromise 以折衷办法解决争端e.g.If they agree to compromise,the matter will be settled.We managed to compromise on a price for the car.Cant you compromise with each other?(4)vt.To bring(sb./sth./oneself)under suspicion by unwise behaviour 由于不智的行为使受牵连;连累,损害compromise sb./sth./oneselfe.g.Youll compromise your reputation if you spend much time with these rogues(流氓).The position of the army was compromised by the generals poor judgment.,15.juncture n.(1)place where things join 接合处,接合点 交界处,also:junctione.g.at the of four fields 在四块田地的交界处(2)particular point in time 时机,关头e.g.at this/that at an important historical an important juncture in a mans career,16.cash in on:take advantage of or make a profit from a situation(usually in a way that is unfair)利用,捞一把e.g.Lets cash in on the fine weather and go out for the day.趁天气好出去玩.Hes just cashing in on the fact that his father is a senior government official.Some unscrupulous(不择手段的)businessmen cashed in on the market demand for disinfecting liquid soap by putting up prices during t


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