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    ,Sprite,Coco Cola,fruit juice,tea,What kind of drink do you know?,lead-in,water,milk,coffee,What kind of drink do you know?,fruit milk shake,Section A Period 1(1a2d),Unit 8How do you make a banana milk shake?,1.记住以下词汇:shake摇动;milk shake奶昔;peel剥皮;blender食物搅拌器;salt 盐;pour倒出;yogurt 酸奶;honey 蜂蜜;watermelon西瓜pot锅;spoon勺子;add 增加;finally 最后;turn on打开(重点)2.学会用first,next,then和finally描述食物的制作过程。(难点),学习目标,turn on,cut up,Look and learn.,drink,peel,pour,blender,yogurt,一、独立完成导学案预习反馈部分,标 记疑点。二、完成课本P57 1a 部分,将方框中的词 和词组填在图片中的横线。,独学(3分钟),学科组长组织组员交流完善导学案“预习反馈”部分的内容,以及课本1a部分。,交流独学 初步感知,要求:1全体站立,分组交流;由组长组织,语言表达力求清楚明白;别人提出疑问时,要耐心解释,态度友好。2学科组长检查导学案。,翻译下列句子。1.你怎样制作香蕉奶昔?How do you make _ _ _ _?2.首先,将三个香蕉剥皮并切碎。First,_ three bananas and _ _ the bananas.3.接下来,把香蕉和冰激凌放入食物搅拌器。Next,_ the bananas and ice-cream _ the blender.4.然后,把牛奶倒进食物搅拌器里。Then,_ the milk _ the blender.5.最后,打开食物搅拌器。Finally,_ _ the blender.6.请喝奶昔吧!_ the _ _,please.,预习反馈,the banana milk shake,peel,cup up,put,in,pour,into,turn on,Drink milk shake,Write these words in the blanks in thepicture above.,turn on cut up drink peel pour put,1a,_ the milk shake _ the milk into the blender_ the bananas _ the bananas_ the blender _ the bananas and ice-cream in the blender,drink,pour,cut up,peel,turn on,put,大胆展示显风采,Listen and put the instructions in order.,_ Turn on the blender._ Cut up the bananas._ Drink the milk shake._ Pour the milk into the blender._ Put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender._ Peel three bananas.,1b,1,2,3,4,5,6,2d,Role-play the conversation.,阅读P58 2d,回答下列问题(1)What do we need to make Russian soup?_(2)How long do we cook the beef,carrots and potatoes with water?_(3)How to do after cooking them for 30 minutes?_,合作探究,We need beef,cabbage,carrotspotatoes,tomatoes,onion,30 minutes,Add the cabbage,tomatoes andonion and cook for another 10 minutes,与对子模仿2d中的对话,用first/then/next/finally谈谈如何做奶昔。然后分组进行展示,口语训练,How to make a banana milk shake?,We need these things:,three bananas,some milk,ice cream,a blender,Step 1,Peel the bananas.,Cut up the bananas.,Step 2,Step 3,Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.,Step 4,Pour the milk into the blender.,Step 5,Turn on the blender.,Step 6,Drink the milk shake.,Lets chant.,Peel,peel,peel the banana.Cut,cut,cut up the banana.Pour,pour,pour the milk.Turn,turn,turn on the blender.,PAIRWORK,A:How do you make a banana milk shake?B:First,peel the bananas,1c,按照要求变换句型。1)你怎样做苹果奶昔?_ _ you _an apple milk shake?2)首先,把西红柿切碎。_,_ _ the tomatoes.3)You drink coffee.(改为祈使句)_ coffee,please.4)_ _(not drink)the orange milk shake too much.5)Pour hot water into the blender.(改为否定句)_ _ hot water into the blender.6)别打开收音机,那个婴儿正在睡觉。(翻译成英语)_ _ _ the radio,the baby is sleeping.,当堂检测,How do make,First cup up,Dont,Dont drink,Dont pour,Dont turn on,How to make a banana milk shake?,We need these things:,three bananas,some milk,ice cream,a blender,Step 1,Peel the bananas.,Cut up the bananas.,Step 2,Step 3,Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.,Step 4,Pour the milk into the blender.,Step 5,Turn on the blender.,Step 6,Drink the milk shake.,Listen and complete the chart.,2a,watermelons,apples,oranges,honey,Listen again.Write the ingredients under the correct amount in the chart.,2b,orange,apples,bananas,yogurt,honey,Do you like fruit salad?,Lets make our own fruit salad.,To make a fruit salad,what do you need?,Clean and put the fruit in a bowl.,Peel the fruit.,Cut up the fruit.,Pour one cup of yogurt into the bowl and mix it all up.,Eat the fruit salad.,PAIRWORK,A:Lets make fruit salad.B:OK,good idea.How much yogurt do we need?A:One cup.B:How many apples do we need?A:Let me think We need two apples.B:OK,and how much,2c,SummaryHow to make _?,Words and phrases:peel,cut up,putinto,pourinto,need,mix uphow many/much,teaspoon,cup,Fill in the blanks.A:I am hungry.Lets make an orange milk shake.B:OK.What do we need?A:We need some oranges and milk.B:How m_ oranges do we need?A:We need three.B:OK.How m_ milk do we need?A:One cup.B:Now how to make it?,any,uch,A:First,p_ the oranges.Next,c_ up the oranges and then put them in the b_.P_ the milk into the blender,too.Then t_ on the blender for about 3 minutes.Finally,pour the mixture(混和物)into a glass and enjoy it.B:That must be much more delicious.,eel,ut,lender,urn,our,cut是“切,割”的意思,过去式为cut。短语cut up意为“切碎”,当其后接名词作宾语时,此时宾语可以放在短语后面,也可以放在短语中间。Cut up the bananas.=Cut the bananas up.把香蕉切碎。,Key points,当其后接代词作宾语时,只能放在短语中间。Wash an onion and cut it up.洗一个洋葱,并把它切碎。cut sth.into.意为“把某物分割成”。He cut the bread into four slices.他把面包切成四片。cut down意为“砍倒”。Who cut down the tree?谁把这棵树砍倒了?,用适当的副词填空。1.Turn _ the TV,please.There is important news.2.Dont turn _ the computer.I want to surf the Internet.3.Its a beautiful song.Can you turn _ the radio?I cant hear it clearly.,on/up,off,up,选择方框中的短语,并用其适当形式填空。cut up cut down 1.Look!Some people are _ _ trees.2.First,_ _ the apples,and then put them into the blender.,cutting down,cut up,turn on 打开,接通(电流、煤气、水等)Turn on the blender.打开搅拌器。Please turn on the light.Its dark.请把灯打开,天黑了。,拓展 turn off 关掉,截断(电流、煤气、水等)turn up 开大,调高(音量、热量等)turn down 调低,关小(音量、热量等),注意:当这四个短语的宾语是名词时,可以放在短语中间,也可以放在短语后面;当其宾语是代词时,只能放在短语中间。Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.当你离开教室的时候,别忘了关灯。Could you turn the TV up?你能把电视音量调大些吗?Turn down the radio,please.请把收音机的音量调低些。,【2012福建福州】Its time for the weather report.Could I _ the TV,Dad?Go ahead,please.I also want to know about the weather for tomorrow.A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down【解析】考查短语动词的辨析。turn on意为“打开”;turn off意为“关闭”;turn down意为“调小(音量等)”。由答语可知爸爸也想看电视了解天气状况,因此此处需要用表示“打开(电视)”的短语动词。故选A。,按照要求变换句型。1)你怎样做苹果奶昔?_ _ you _an apple milk shake?2)首先,把西红柿切碎。_,_ _ the tomatoes.3)You drink coffee.(改为祈使句)_ coffee,please.4)_ _(not drink)the orange milk shake too much.5)Pour hot water into the blender.(改为否定句)_ _ hot water into the blender.6)别打开收音机,那个婴儿正在睡觉。(翻译成英语)_ _ _ the radio,the baby is sleeping.,How do make,First cup up,Dont,Dont drink,Dont pour,Dont turn on,课后巩固 练习,(二)翻译下列词组。1.打开_ 2.关掉_ 3.切碎_4.倒入_ 5.一杯_ 6.调小_7.多少+可数名词_ 8.多少+不可数名词_,turn off,turn on,cut up,pour into,a glass of,turn down,how many,how much,(三)句型转换。1.Does your mother like lettuce in a sandwich?(做肯定回答)Yes,_ _.2.I need four apples to make apple milk shake.(对画线部分提问)_ _ apples do you need to make apple milk shake?3.Can you tell me how to make an apple milk shake?(改为同义句)Can you tell me _ I can _ an apple milk shake?4.You cant put the butter on the pieces of bread first.(改为祈使句)_ _ the butter on the pieces of bread first 5.She needs some milk.(改为否定句)She _ _ _ milk.,she does,How many,how can make,Dont put,doesnt need any,(四)单项选择。()1.Could you please get me some _?Im hungry.A.apple B.water C.bread D.egg()2.Take out the blender and _.A.turn on it B.on turn C.turn it on D.turn on()3.How do you eat a banana?First _ it,then eat it.A.cut B.peel C.turn D.drink()4.Peel the apple,then _.A.cut up them B.cut them up C.cut it up D.cut up it,C,C,B,C,()5.How much _ do you need A.milk B.apple C.banana D.books()6.His mother always makes him _ on Sundays.A.to study B.study C.studies D.studying()7._ boys are there in your class?23.A.How many B.How much C.How D.How often()8.I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV.Would you please _?A.turn it up B.turn it down C.turn it on D.turn it off()9.If you see the cartoon film,it will make you _.A.laugh B.to laugh C.laughing D.laughed,A,B,A,A,C,


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