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    英语新课标(RJ),Unit 1 How do you study for a test?,重点短语,Unit 1 基础知识梳理,1以后;随后_2害怕/不敢去做某事_3嘲笑_4做笔记;做记录_5查阅;查找_6编造;组成;拼凑成_7处理;应付_8对感到生气_9(指时间)过去;消逝_,把下面的短语译成英语,later on,be afraid to do,laugh at,take notes,look up,make up,deal with,be angry with,go by,10尽力做_ 11突然中止;中断_12参加小组学习_ 13因很兴奋(很激动)_ 14以而告终_ 15做关于的调查_ 16犯错误_17在方面有困难_18写下;记下_19把看作 _20在的帮助下_,try ones best,break off,study with a group,be/get excited about sth.,end up,do/make a survey,Make mistakes,have difficulty in doing sth,Write down,regardas,with the help of,Unit 1 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),英语新课标(RJ),巩固应用,.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空1Well have a picnic tomorrow u_ it rains.2We r_ him as a worldclass tennis player.3He can work out the problem e_.4Mary is good at making friends and i_ people.5Their f_ goes back to when they were at primary school.6He l_ his wallet on the way to school.7Education is an important part of our d_.8Those s_(士兵)did everything they could to help him.,Unit 1 基础知识梳理,nless,egard,asily,nfluencing,riendship,ost,evelopment,oldiers,.根据句意和汉语提示,用短语的正确形式填空 1Dont be so careless!You _(出很多错误)in yesterdays homework.2I learn English by _(做笔记).3She told us to _(造句)with these phrases.4._(首先),stop talking;you cant listen while you are talking.5It is a great art _(嘲笑)your own misfortune.,made lots of mistakes,taking notes,make sentences,First of all,to laugh at,Unit 1 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),6Dont _(害怕求助)when you need it.7She _(有困难)finishing the work on time.8Please _(写下)every word that I said.9When you do some reading,you neednt_(查)every word in the dictionary.10Itll be sunny and warm _(以后).,has trouble,write down,look up,later on,be afraid to ask for help,Unit 1 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),英语新课标(RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 1 能力提升训练,.单项填空()1.Will you please show me how to do the roleplay exercise?Sure.Now let me tell you _ first.Awhich to do Bhow to do Cwhen to do Dwhat to do,D,A,()2._do you tell him about the event?By_email.AHow;sending BHow;send CWhat;sending DWhat;send,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 1 能力提升训练,()3.She has a good singing_.It_very beautiful.Asound;sounds Bvoice;voices Csound;voices Dvoice;sounds()4.If you dont know the word,you can _ in the dictionary.Alook it after Blook it up Clook for it Dlook at it()5._ is really hard _ them to climb Mount Tai.AThis;to BIt;for CThis;for DIt;to,D,B,B,Unit 1 能力提升训练,()9.Tom finds watching English movies_ because the people speak too fast.Afrustrated Bfrustrating Cfrustrate Dfrustration()10.What about _ to practice pronunciation?Aread loudly Breading aloud Cread loud Dreading loud()11.Did you find _very interesting to play soccer?Athis Bits Cthat Dit,B,B,D,英语新课标(RJ),英语新课标(RJ),Unit 1 能力提升训练,()12.I hope you dont mind my pointing out your mistakes._ AThats all right.BYoure welcome.COf course not.DIts a pleasure.()13.Paul is talented at piano.He _ to play it well when he was four years old.Acan B.could Cis able D.was able,C,D,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 1 能力提升训练,()14.No matter what happens,the doctors will do _ best _ the sick person.Athey;help Bthey;to help Ctheir;help Dtheir;to help()15.Dont _;try again,Maybe you will be successful soon.Aget up Bgive up Cpick up Dlook up,B,D,.根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空 1He_(生气)himself for making such a mistake.2._(在帮助下)his parents,he made a nice model plane.3Mrs Brown never stops _(抱怨)prices.4They _(中断)a friendship of twenty years standing.5You should learn how to _(处理)your problems.6You should _(尽力)to do the work well.,Unit 1 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),was angry with,With the help of,complaining about,broke off,deal with,try your best,7Time _(逝去),and good friendships may be lost.8Ice can _(变成)water when heated.9If you keep telling lies,youll _(以失去告终)many friends.10Sometimes when they _(因很兴奋)something,they forget their manners.11I practice my listening skills by _(听录音带).12Many students enjoy _(小组学 习),Unit 1 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),goes by,change into,end up losing,get excited about,listening to tapes,studying with a group,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 1 易错点针对训练,()1.2011温州 We have to_ourselves when we are away from home.A.look at B.look for C.look up D.look after,易错点针对训练,解析 考查词语辨析。look at意为“看”;look for意为“寻找”;look up意为“向上看,查阅”;look after意为“照料,照看”。句意为:当我们离开家的时候我们必须照顾好自己。,D,()2.2011永州 1 think _ very important for students to study by themselves in the school or at home.A.it B.this C.that,A,英语新课标(RJ),解析 it 做的是形式宾语,“to study”不定式为真正的宾语,故选A。,Unit 1 易错点针对训练,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.,重点短语,Unit 2 基础知识梳理,1过去常常;以前常常_2非常害怕的;极度恐惧的_3入睡_4最后;终于_5做决定;下决心_6令某人惊奇的是_,把下面的短语译成英语,used to,be terrified of,go to sleep,in the end,make a decision,to ones surprise,7即使;纵然;尽管_8不再;已不_9对感到自豪_10对注意;留心_11放弃_12陷入困境_,Unit 2 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),even though,no longer,take pride in,pay attention to,give up,get into trouble,英语新课标(RJ),巩固应用,.根据句意及首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空1I took my first trip on an a_ in May.It was exciting.2Boys and girls,please pay a_ to the red words in PPT and correct the mistakes.3I thought it was c_,but it was a kind of medicine.4We should ride our bicycles to school.Bicycles do not c_ air or sound pollution.5Mr Greens d_ was a great shock to the family.,Unit 2 基础知识梳理,irplane,ttention,andy,ause,eath,6My parents are busy.I have to do a lot of d_ chores every day.7The teachers are very p_ with their students,even when they are naughty.8Time is money.We shouldnt w_ time.,aily,Unit 3 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),atient,aste,.根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空1He tried many times to pass the driving exam,_(最终)he succeeded.2There is air all around us,_(即使)we cannot see it.3Dont worry about me!Im _(不再)a kid.4At present,I _(更感兴趣)basketball.5I like swimming and I am _(在游泳队).,in the end,Unit 3 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),even though,no longer,am more interested in,on the swim team,6Tina is afraid of speaking _(在前面)the class.7Dont lose heart!No one can win _(总是).8They have made much progress _(在过去 的几年里).9I _(有压力)about my final exam.10I dont know what made her _(改变主意).,in front of,all the time,in the past few years,am stressed out,change her mind,Unit 3 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 2 能力提升训练,.单项填空()1.Would you like to play computer games with me?Sorry.I have _playing them.Amade up Bgiven up Cpicked up Dgot up()2.The old man lives_but he never feels_.Aalone;alone Blonely;lonely Clonely;alone Dalone;lonely,B,D,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 2 能力提升训练,()3.Lucy and her brother are from Australia,arent they?_.Theyre from Canada.ANo,they arent BYes,they are CYes,they do DNo,they dont()4.What can Bill and Cindy do?Bill can play _ soccer and Cindy can play _piano.Athe;the B/;/Cthe;/D/;the,D,A,()5.Are you afraid of the dark?Yes,I often sleep_my bedroom light_.Awith;on Bof;in Cfor;at Dto;on()6.Do you often help your cousin with his English?No,he learns English by_.Ahimself Byourself Cherself Dmyself()7.Is Alex a_boy?Yes,you are right.Athirteen years old Bthirteenyearsold Cthirteen year old Dthirteenyearold,Unit 2 能力提升训练,A,A,D,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 2 能力提升训练,()8.Does your sister do her homework every day?She_three hours doing it every day.Acosts Bspends Ctakes Dpays()9.How do you often go to school?I_take a bus,but now I_walking.Aused to;used to Bwas used to;am used to Cused to;am used to Dam used to;used to,B,C,英语新课标(RJ),英语新课标(RJ),Unit 2 能力提升训练,()10.Whats Davids job?He is a professional player.Hes_ a football team.Aon Bby Cat Dwith()11.It was my _ birthday yesterday,I am an adult now.Atwenty Btwentieth Cthe twenty Dthe twentieth()12.The mountain is too tall._ people can reach the top of it.AFew BA few CLittle DA little,A,B,A,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1汤姆过去个子很矮。Tom used _ very short.2约翰过去戴眼镜。John _ glasses.3你过去害怕狗吗?_ you _ afraid of dogs?4我过去开着卧室的灯睡觉。I used to go to sleep _ my bedroom _.5我小时候花费很多时间玩电脑游戏。When I was young,I _ a lot of time _ computer games.,Unit 2 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),to be,used to wear,Did,use to be,with,light on,used to spend,playing,6在过去的几年里,她的生活发生了很大的变化。Her life _ a lot in the past few years.7最终,她做了一个艰难的决定。She _ a difficult _ at last.8即使你不累了,你也不要在大街上闲逛。_ you are _ tired,you mustnt hang out in the street.9老师们总为学生们所做的每一件好事感到自豪。The teachers always _ everything good the students do.10我从来没有放弃过帮助他们。I never _ to help them.,Unit 2 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),has changed,made,decision,Even though,no longer,take pride in,give up trying,Unit 2 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),5Jenny is friendly and outgoing.I really _ her success.6He said nothing at the meeting.Nobody _ him.7We must do a survey before _.8He didnt take my advice and _ with the police again.,take pride in,paid attention to,making a decision,got into trouble,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 2 易错点针对训练,()1.2011宿迁 I dont have any close friends here.I feel _ from time to time.A.alone B.happy C.lonely D.proud,易错点针对训练,解析 本题考查词义辨析。alone意为“独自的”,侧重说明独自一人,没有感情色彩,只表示客观的状态;happy意为“高兴的;幸福的”;lonely 意为“寂寞的”表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情;proud意为“自豪的”。句意为:我这儿没有任何亲密的朋友。我有时感觉很。由语境可知选C。,C,()2.You come from England,dont you?_.How do you know that?A.No,I do B.No,I dont C.Yes,I am D.Yes,I do,D,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查反意疑问句的用法。这是“前肯后否”的反意疑问句,由答语句意“你怎么知道的?”可推断答语为肯定回答,排除A和B;又因为答语的时态和助动词要与上述疑问句相一致,故选D。,Unit 2 易错点针对训练,()3.Mr Wangs never been to Canada,has he?_.He went there on business last week.A.No,he hasnt B.Yes,he has C.No,he has D.Yes,he hasnt,B,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查反意疑问句。这是“前否后肯”的反意疑问句,反意疑问句的答语要根据事实来回答。由答语“He went there on business last week.”可知他去过,故选B。,Unit 2 易错点针对训练,()4.You like listening to Sallys songs,dont you?_.She has a sweet voice.A.Yes.I do B.Yes,she does C.No,1 dont D.No,she doesnt,A,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查反意疑问句。这是个“前肯后否”的反意疑问句,根据“她的声音很甜美。”可知,喜欢听Sally的歌,与上文事实相符,故选A。,Unit 2 易错点针对训练,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,重点短语,Unit 3 基础知识梳理,1代替;而不是_2打耳孔_3不睡觉;熬夜_4前几天_5全神贯注;专心于_6目前;现在_7对有好处_8养老院_,把下面的短语译成英语,instead of,get ones ears pierced,stay up,the other day,concentrate on,at present,be good for,old peoples home,9挡道的;妨碍人的_10担心;关心_11参加考试_12考试不及格_13通过考试_14对某人严格要求_15彻底打扫_16认真对待_,Unit 3 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),in the way,care about,take a test,fail a test,pass a test,be strict with sb,clean up,be serious about,英语新课标(RJ),巩固应用,.根据句意和首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空1Would you mind showing me your driving l_?2Dont believe in him.He always made such s_ mistakes.3Mr Green is a man with rich e_.We can learn a lot from him.4On Friday afternoons,many students are s_ after a long week of study.,Unit 3 基础知识梳理,icense,illy,xperience,leepy,6He thought for a while and r_ to all the questions.7Mike tried and tried.At last he s_ in passing the exam.8Bob studied hard and a_ his dream.9We all know the i_ of learning English.10Mrs Gao t_ us physics last term.,eplied,Unit 3 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),ucceeded,chieved,mportance,aught,.根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空1We have tea in the garden _(而不是)in the house.2We all went to an _(老年之家)to help the old people last weekend.3._(现在),the most important thing is to help the boy to find his parents.4Im allowed to go to the movies with my friends _(在周五晚上).,Unit 3 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),instead of,old peoples home,At present,on Friday nights,5Last term,I _(数学考试不及格).I was very sad.6We volunteer at the local hospital _(一周一次)7Many of the students in our class _(练习跑步)after school.8I hope I will _(有机会)to achieve my dream.,Unit 3 基础知识梳理,failed a math test,once a week,practice running,have a chance,英语新课标(RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 3 能力提升训练,.单项填空()1.Sixteenyearolds shouldnt _ to go to an Internet bar.Abe allowed Bbe allow Callow Dare allowed()2.Many students will be _ if the class is boring.Asleep Bsleepy Csleeping Dslept,B,A,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 3 能力提升训练,()3.I think teenagers shouldnt be allowed to smoke.I agree _ you.Awith Bon Cabout Dfor()4.All the boys succeeded_ the English examination.Apass Bto pass Cpassing Don passing()5.He has been sixteen years old already,so you_worry about him.Acant Bneednt Cmustnt Dcouldnt,C,A,B,()6.He is not _ when he drives.Its dangerous.Aserious enough Bcarefully enough Cenough serious Denough careful()7.After he got home,he had a good rest _ his homework.Ainstead do Binstead to do Cinstead of do Dinstead of doing()8.You shouldnt _ until 12:00 pm.Its bad for your health.Acome up Bstay up Cstand up Dput up,Unit 3 能力提升训练,A,D,B,英语新课标(RJ),()9.The others are sleeping now.Could you please turn your radio _a little?Aon Boff Cup Ddown()10.My father is very strict _us,and he is also strict _his work.Ato;in Bon;with Cwith;in Din;on,Unit 3 能力提升训练,D,C,英语新课标(RJ),.根据汉语意思完成句子1我们英语老师让我们尽可能多地讲英语。Our English teacher asked us to speak English as _ possible.2学生应该允许自己作决定。Students should _ to make their own decisions.3我们所有的人都想实现自己的梦想。All of us want to _.4彼得很高兴他通过了考试。Peter is very happy that he _.,Unit 3 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),much as,be allowed,achieve our dreams,passed the test/exam,5父母们应该花费更多的时间和孩子们在一起。Parents should _ more time _ their children.6汤姆会游泳,丹尼也会。Tom can swim,_ Danny.7他起得不够早,没有能够赶上校车。He didnt get up _ to catch the school bus.8我认为一些不良的嗜好会妨碍你的学习。I believe some bad hobbies can _ of your studies.,Unit 3 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),spend,with,so can,early enough,get in the way,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 3 易错点针对训练,()1.I have changed my job._.A.So do I B.So have I C.So I do D.So I have,易错点针对训练,解析 考查倒装句。答句意为:我也换了工作,上句是由have构成的完成时态,因此答句由have/has构成完全倒装句,故选B。,B,()2.I havent seen the film Pirates of the Caribbean:On stranger Tides._.A.Neither have I B.So have I C.Neither I have D.So I have,A,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查倒装句。“Neither系动词(助动词或情态动词)主语”表达否定的意思,意为“另一者也不”。So系动词(助动词或情态动词)主语,表示“另一者也”。根据句意“我从没看过电影加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪”可知,答语为“我也没看过”,故选A。,Unit 3 易错点针对训练,()3.If you want to go to see the movie this evening,so _ I.A.do B.am C.will D.should,C,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查以so开头的倒装句。表示“前者,后者也”。要用“so系动词be/助动词/情态动词主语”结构。连词if引导从句表示“如果”时,主语要用将来时,故此处要用will。故选C。,Unit 3 易错点针对训练,()4.My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow._.Shall we go together?A.So I do B.So do I C.So will I D.So I will,C,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查倒装句。“so助动词主语”表示“某人也是”。答语时态要与问句保持一致,故选C。,Unit 3 易错点针对训练,Thank you!,


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