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    How do you study for a test?,Unit 1,Section B,Period 2(3a Self check),PAIRWORK,A:I dont have a partner to practice English with.B:Maybe you should join an English language club.,Revision,Just for Fun!,Do you think English is difficult or easy?Why?2.How do you learn to learn English well?,later on 以后;随后,be afraid to do sth 害怕去做(be afraid of sth/doing sth),laugh at sb 笑话;取笑 某人,complete adj.完整的;完全的,first of all 首先,New phrases,impress v.使感动;给深刻印象,sentence n.句子 make a sentence 造句,secret n.秘密;机密,learner n.学习者,term n.学期,take notes 做笔记;做记录,enjoy doing 喜欢做;乐于做,New phrases,Listen and answer.,What were the difficulties for“I”in English class?,It was difficult to understand the teacher.I was also afraid to speak in class.Another thing was English grammar.,The writer found learning English difficult because the teachers pronunciation was poor.people always laughed at her when she spoke.she had trouble making complete sentences.English grammar was difficult.,T,T,F,F,3a Read the article.Then read the statements about the article.Write“T”(for true)or“F”(for false).,Her English improved when she started5.going out with English-speaking friends.6.lots of listening practice.7.using grammar in original sentences.,T,T,F,Language points,to begin with 首先;起初 We cant go.To begin with,its too cold.我们不能去。首先,天太冷了。It was fine to begin with and then it started to rain.起初天气很好,后来才开始下雨。You are wrong about the facts to begin with.首先你把事实都没弄对。,afraid是形容词,常用于be afraid to do sth.结构中,意为“害怕做某事”。I was also afraid to speak in class,because I thought my classmates might laugh at me.我还害怕在课堂上说英语,因为我想我的同学可能会嘲笑我。It seems that she is afraid to tell them about it.似乎她怕将此事告诉他们。,afraid还常用于be afraid of sth./doing sth.结构中,意为“害怕某事/做某事”。Most people are afraid of snakes.大多数人都怕蛇。The girl studied very hard because she was afraid of failing the exam.这个女孩学习很努力,因为她害怕考试失败。,be afraid to do sth.和be afraid of doing sth.的区别在于:前者强调害怕做某事的过程;后者强调害怕做某事的结果。The boy is afraid to climb the tree,because he is afraid of falling down from it.小男孩不敢爬树,因为他害怕从上面摔下来。,impress v.使感动;给深刻印象I was very impressed by his story.他的故事深深打动了我。My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。,将下列汉语翻译成英语。1.学英语最好的办法就是加入一个英语俱乐部。_2.这些单词很难,你可以查字典。_,The best way to learn English/of learning English is to join an English club.,These words are very difficult,and you can look them up in the dictionary.,3.对我来说完成这项任务很难。_4.我在学英语方面有困难。_5.我害怕夜晚一个人呆在家。_,It is very hard/difficult for me to finish this task.,I have some trouble learning English.,I am afraid to stay at home alone at night.,3b Write a letter telling a friend how to become a better language learner.,Dear _,I know it isnt easy to learn _,but I have some ideas that may help.You said important words,not every word,_ Yours,_,3c Write an article about the things that have helped you the most in learning another language.,INTERVIEW,Ask three classmates about learning English.Take notes.Then tell the class about their answers.,Han Wen says that listening is sometimes difficult if people speak too fast.,You should _ new English words in a vocabulary list.2.If you dont know how to _ new words,look them up in a dictionary.The best way to improve your English is to_ an English club.4.Another thing that he_ very difficult was English grammar.5.This kind of paper _ very soft.,SELFCHECK,feel spell write down join find,write down,spell,join,finds,feels,2 Xu Zheng won a prize for his essay about the importance of English.Later,a reporter from the school magazine interviewed him.Use the reporters notes to write an article about Xu Zheng.,Interview with Xu Zheng Likes:taking notes/watching movies/listening to pop songs Finds difficult:pronunciation/native speakers talking too quickly Learns by:making up conversations/speaking to friends in English Thinks:most people speak English as a second language/English is used around the world for computers/English is often used in science/English can help us understand many new books and movies,Notes,Notes on Xu Zhengs essay 1.Most people speak English as a second language.2.English is popular around the world for computers.3.English is popular in science.4.English can help us understand many new books and movies.,


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