typhoon,1.Do you go to school on foot?/by car/by UFO?2.Do you have a headache?3.Can you drive a car?4.Can you ride a bike/.?5.Are you Chinese?6.Doyou like playing computer games/watching TV/listening to music?7.Do you have a cell/mobile phone?8.Are you a doctor/student.?,English Speech,Eiffel Tower,Big Ben,VS,the Eiffel Tower vs Big Ben,Tongue Twister,1.She sells sea shells by the seashore.2.Can you can a can as a canner can a can?,Round 1看谁反应快,words(单词达人),spell spel v.拼写 intelligentintelidnt a.聪明的,有智慧的 mistake misteik n.错误 present prizent,preznt n.礼物 dictionary diknri n.词典 carry kri v.携带 correct krekt v.改正,纠正a few 几个(用于可数名词之前)pity piti n.遗憾,a little 少许(用于不可数名词之前 a few 几个(用于可数名词之前)pity piti n.遗憾instead insted ad.代替advice dvais n.建议,忠告most must a.(many,much的最高级)最多的 least li:st a.(little的最高级)最小的,最少的 best best a.(good的最高级)最好的,worse w:s a.(bad的比较级)更坏的 worst w:st a.(bad的最高级)最坏的get off 下车 tramp trmp n.流浪汉 except iksept prep.除外impossible impsbl a.不可能的invite invait v.邀请,instead insted ad.代替 advice dvais n.建议,忠告conductor kndkt n.售票员 fare fe n.车费,车票 change teind v.兑换(钱)note nut n.纸币 passenger psind n.乘客 none nn pron.没有任何东西 neither nai,ni:ad.也不,coin kin n.硬币 swallow swlu v.吞下 later leit ad.后来 toilet tilit n.厕所,盥洗室,words(单词达人),.,happen hpn v.发生 thief i:f n.贼 enter ent v.进入 dark d:k a.黑暗的 torch t:t n.手电筒 voice vis n.(说话的)声音 parrot prt n.鹦鹉counter kaunt n.柜台 recognize rekgnaiz v.认识,.,wave weiv v.招手 track trk n.跑道mile mail n.英里 overtake uvteik v.从后面超越,超车 speed spi:d 限速 dream dri:m v.做梦,思想不集中 sign sain n.标记,牌子,Round 2guessing game,driving licence draivi laisns 驾驶执照 charge t:d v.罚款 darling d:li n.亲爱的(用作表示称呼)customer kstm n.顾客 forget fget v.忘记 manager mnid n.经理 serve s:v v.照应,服务,接待,writing competition,exciting-grass-finish-hand-,.,Lucky Grid GameThe girl who is sitting under the tree is Mary.The man who wrote the book will come to our school.The man who you saw is an English teacher.This is the book which he bought last week.,He is a clever boy.They are wonderful actors He must be tired.You must finish your homework.Youd better _(not swim)in the river.They _ _ _ _(not visit)Tom tomorrow.He had better to go home.,Round 3英语表演小能手(Act out),Act it out(表演秀),1.Shirley,Sophie and Lucy Not a baby.2.Alice and Catherine(Is that all?)3.Tommy and King(Thank you,doctor.)4.Shirley and angel(Hes awful!)5.Sophie and Lucy(Is that all?)6.Shirley and Lucy(The weekend),Teach your parent a word or a sentence that you think is difficult.,Questions:,1.学习英语,为什么要选择新概念英语?,经典新概念英语是英国著名学者亚历山大先生编写的教材,自1967年由朗文公司出版以来受到世界各国学习者的普遍欢迎。这套教材进入我国已经30多年.权威系统 全四册新概念英语科学地融合了听、说、读、写、译五方面的技能,新概念英语好似一座豪华的大楼,第一册打下了英语口语及语法的稳固基石。第二册则以其经典实用的句型及短文搭起了“英语大厦”的框架;第三册更是从一个崭新的语法、句法和写作的高度上为大厦添砖加瓦第四册则当然是大厦精美的“内装修让学习者的英语综合技能方面趋于完善。,新概念与考试的关系立竿见影?英语试题改革汤牧郝颜乐李梓彤 王正阳后劲足,坚持很重要,准时是美德,2013年学员中考英语成绩郭若霖 119 陈金梦 118孙亚楠 118曹艳婷 117付淑宁 117阮名扬 115晁天宇 115,