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    ,上海交通大学出版社,Book 2,应用型大学英语系列教程,应用型大学英语综合教程,Application-oriented college English Course,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,Language Skills Development,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit 4,Unit Four,Table of Contents,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Back,Next,Starter,Text:Bartleby,Working with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice:interpreting,Practice:translation,Practice:writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Part 1 Language Skills Development,Table of Contents,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Back,Next,HighlightsS:I dont want to get into an argument L:When you are feeling down R:BartlebyW:How to avoid combining unrelated ideas in one sentenceInternet work:First psychiatrist appointment,Part 1 Language Skills Development,His second response showed that he mistook his teachers second question for and argument and he wanted to avoid arguing with him.On the other hand,his reply saved him the trouble of answering the difficult question.,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1.Starter,A.Listen to a dialogue and answer the following questions.,1.Do you think the teachers questions were easy to answer?2.What do you think of Tommys second reply?,The first question was easy to answer,but the second one was difficult.,“Tommy,”asked the teacher,“what is the shape of the earth?”“Its round,”answered Tommy.“How do you know its round?”continued the teacher.“All right,its square then,”he replied.“I really dont want to get into an argument about it!”,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,Tapescript,1.Starter,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1.Starter,1.Do you sometimes not want to eat anything or have a bad sleep?If so,why?2.How will you deal with the problem(s)?,B.Work in groups and discuss the following questions.,Yes,I do when I am badly sick or in a terrible mood,etc.,Omitted.,Back,Next,Focus1 Text lead in,Text Lead in,上海交通大学出版社,Look at the cartoon.Complete the officers sentence.Then answer the following question:Will one be mentally affected if they work in the dead letter office for a long time?And how?,Back,Next,上海交通大学出版社,Text Lead in,Text organization,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,1 I was an old lawyer,and I had three men working for me.My business continued to grow and so I decided to get one more man to help write legal papers.,2.Text:Bartleby,Back,Next,legal:a.1)法律的e.g.My legal adviser is my sister-in-law.Legal English is an elective for students of law.2)合法的e.g.Should euthanasia be made legal?Why shouldnt I take a holiday?Its perfectly legal.,Translation,巴特比1 我以前是一个老律师,手下有三个人帮着干活。由于业务不断壮大,我决定再多找一个人帮忙写法律文书。,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,2 I had met a great many people in my days,but the man who answered my advertisement was the strangest person I have ever heard of or met.He stood outside my office and waited for me to speak.He was a small man,quiet and dressed in a clean but old suit of clothes.I asked him his name.It was Bartleby.,Back,Next,Question about Para.2,Translation,2 在我整个律师生涯中,我见过很多人,但看了招聘广告后来应聘的那个人,是我闻所未闻、见所未见的怪人。他站在我办公室门口,一声不吭,等着我开口。他个头不高,沉默安静,穿一身干净但有些旧的衣服。我问他的名字,他回答说叫巴特比。,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,1.What was the old lawyers first impression of Bartleby?,Bartleby was a small man,quiet and dressed in a clean but old suit of clothes.,Back,Next,2.Text:Bartleby,3 起初,巴特比写了大量的文书。他工作起来夜以继日,通宵达旦。我对他的工作很满意,但并不喜欢他的工作方式。他太安静了。但他干活非常出色就像一台机器,从不东张西望,也不多言多语。,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,3 At first Bartleby did an extraordinary quantity of writing.He worked through the day by sunlight,and into the night by candlelight.I was happy with his work,but not happy with the way he worked.He was too quiet.But,he worked welllike a machine,never looking or speaking.,Question about Paras.2-3,3 起初,巴特比写了大量的文书。他工作起来夜以继日,通宵达旦。我对他的工作很满意,但并不喜欢他的工作方式。他太安静了。但他干活非常出色就像一台机器,从不东张西望,也不多言多语。,extraordinary:a.1)不同寻常地多(或大)e.g.Young children need extraordinary amounts of attention.2)极不寻常的,令人惊奇的e.g.Her talents are quite extraordinary.extra-外,额外e.g.extracurricular 课外的;extramarital 婚外的;extraterrestrial 外星球的,Meaning:Bartleby was too silent or we can say he was a man of few words.He worked like a machine because he concentrated just on his work,never doing anything else.,Back,Next,Translation,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,2.How did Bartleby work in the law firm at the beginning?,He worked through the day by sunlight and into the night by candlelight,just like a machine,never looking or speaking.,Back,Next,2.Text:Bartleby,rally:vt./vi.1)使恢复,唤醒e.g.They rallied their energies for the counterattack.2)召集,集合e.g.The leader rallied his men round him.3)复原;恢复健康;振作精神e.g.He spent a bad night but began to rally by morning.n.C(尤指为支持某政治观点或政党的)公众集会e.g.a party rally 政党集会hold a peace rally 举行拥护和平的群众大会,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,4 One day,I asked Bartleby to come to my office to study a legal paper with me.Without moving from his chair,Bartleby,in a singularly mild,firm voice,replied,“I would prefer not to.”5 I sat awhile in perfect silence,rallying my stunned faculties.Immediately it occurred to me that my ears had deceived me,or Bartleby had entirely misunderstood my meaning.,Back,Next,Translation,4 一天,我叫巴特比来我的办公室一起研究一份法律文书。他,巴特比,居然坐在椅子上动都不动一下,非常温和却异常坚定地回答道:“我不想去。”5 有一会儿,我坐在那完全呆住了,试图重拾被震惊的思绪。我第一个反应是会不会我听错了?抑或巴特比完全误解了我的意思?,singularly:ad.in a way that is very noticeable or unusual异乎寻常地,非常e.g.He came up with a singularly foolish plan.他提出了一个极其愚蠢的计划。He has singularly failed to live up to his promises.他居然没有兑现承诺。,awhile:ad.一会儿,片刻;暂时e.g.Stay awhile before we are ready.The bus is not due yet awhile.Awhile=a while,for a while 但是,从不说“for awhile”.,stun:vt.使震惊,使目瞪口呆e.g.The world was stunned by the attempted assassination.,faculty:n.C 1)官能,能力e.g.Man is the only animal that has the faculty of speech.2)大学里的系部e.g.the Faculty of Law法律系;the Engineering Faculty 工程系3)大学里的全体教师e.g.Both faculty and students oppose the measures.,it occurs to sb.that:(某人)想起来e.g.It had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her.I suppose it didnt occur to you to phone the police?“You prefer not to,”I echoed,rising in high excitement.,Meaning:Bartleby remained in his chair and said in an unusually soft but determined voice that he would not like to go to his bosss office.,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,6“You prefer not to,”I echoed,rising in high excitement.“What do you mean,are you sick?I want you to help me with this paper.”7“I would prefer not to.”8 His face was leanly composed;his gray eyes were dimly calm.This is strange,I thought.What should I do?But,the telephone rang,and I forgot the problem for the time being.,Back,Next,Translation,6“你不想来。”我重复着他的话,激动得站立起来,“什么意思?你不舒服吗?我要你来帮我研究这份文件。”7“我不想干。”8 他面容瘦削,神情镇定,灰色的眼睛暗淡中透出一股平静。这太奇怪了,我想。该怎么办?正好此时电话响了,我也就暂时忘了这件事。,echo:vi./vt.1)(尤指表示赞同)重复(某人的话或观点)e.g.They echoed their leaders every word.2)回音,回声e.g.Their footsteps echoed on the wooden floor.n.C 回声,回音e.g.The walls threw back the echoes of his footsteps.,composed:a.沉着的,平静的e.g.He appeared very composed despite the stress he was under.His composed face reassured the nervous passengers.,for the time being:.暂时e.g.Lets forget about it for the time being.For the time being,we will have to use this tool.,Meaning:It could be seen from Bartlebys thin face and gray eyes that he was calm and cool,seemingly not affected by the boss.,Question about Paras.4-7,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,3.What happened when the old lawyer gave Bartleby an assignment?,Bartleby would reply,“I would prefer not to.”,Back,Next,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,9 A few days later,four long documents came into the office.They needed careful study,and I decided to give one document to each of my men.I called and all came to my office.But not Bartleby.10“Bartleby,quick,I am waiting.”11 He came,and stood in front of me for a moment.“I would prefer not to,”he said,then turned and went back to his desk.,Back,Next,Translation,9 几天后,办公室收到了四份长长的文件,需要仔细研究,我决定给我手下四个人一人一份。我叫他们过来,都来了,除了巴特比。10“巴特比,快点,等你呢。”11 他来了,在我面前站了一会后。他说:“我不想干。”话毕便转身坐回他的办公桌前。,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,12 I was so surprised;I could not move.There was something about Bartleby that froze me,yet,at the same time,made me feel sorry for him.13 As time passed,I saw that Bartleby never went out to eat dinner.Indeed,he never went anywhere.At eleven oclock each morning,one of the men would bring Bartleby some ginger-nuts.,Back,Next,Translation,12 我震惊不已,呆若木鸡。巴特比身上有种东西让我觉得僵冷,但与此同时,也让我为他难过。13 时间一天天过去,我发现巴特比从不出去吃饭。事实上,他哪儿都不去。每天中午十一点的时候,就会有一个同事给他带回一些姜汁饼干。,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,14“Umm.He lives on them,”I thought.“Poor fellow!He is a little foolish at times,but he means no mischief;it is plain he intends no insolence.”,Back,Next,Translation,14“嗯,他就靠吃这个啊。”我想,“可怜的家伙!这家伙有时候傻里傻气的,但是,他并不想故意捣乱;很明显他不是要故意冒犯我。”,at times:有时候e.g.I scarcely understand myself at times.That lathe went out of order at times.,mischief:n.U 恶意,使坏的念头e.g.Tell the children to keep out of mischief.,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,15 One Sunday I walked to my office to do some work.When I placed the key in the door,I couldnt open it.Quite surprised,I called out,when to my consternation a key was turned from within;and thrusting his lean visage at me,and holding the door ajar,the ghostly figure of Bartleby appeared,in his shirtsleeves,saying quietly that he was sorry,but he was deeply engaged just then,andpreferred not admitting me at present.,Back,Next,Translation,15 一个星期天,我去办公室办点事,但把钥匙插进门锁却怎么也打不开。我很吃惊,大声叫了起来,这时更让我惊讶的是,有钥匙从门里边转动,随后一张瘦削的面孔从微开的门缝中探了出来,幽灵一般的巴特比出现在我面前。他穿着衬衣,平静地说了声抱歉,但他现在有事正忙着,并且不能让我进去。,thrust:vt./vi.1)伸,延伸e.g.He thrust his head out of the window.2)用(剑或刀等)向某人刺去e.g.The mugger thrust at his victim with a knife.3)将(某物/某人)猛然或用力推向某处e.g.She thrust a letter into my hand.,ajar:a.(门)微启,半开e.g.The door was/stood ajar.,ghostly:a.幽灵似的,似鬼的e.g.a ghostly figure in a white dress There are some ghostly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark.,engaged:a.1)忙的,没空的 e.g.He was deeply engaged in conversation.I couldnt get him as the line was engaged.2)订婚的e.g.Theyve been engaged for 5 months.,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,16 The idea of Bartleby living in my law office had a strange effect on me.I slunk away much like a dog does when it has been shouted atwith its tail between its legs.17 Was anything wrong?It was out of the question that Bartleby would keep a woman in my office.But for some time he must have eaten,dressed and slept there.How lonely and friendless Bartleby must be.,Back,Next,Translation,16 巴特比住在我的律师事务所里这件事,让我产生了一种怪异的感觉。我活像一只被人呵斥的狗,夹着尾巴溜走了。17 怎么回事?巴特比当然不可能带了个女人住在我的事务所里。但他肯定吃穿住在那里有一段时间了。巴特比一定十分孤单,缺朋少友。,effect:n.1)C,U结果,作用,影响e.g.Punishment had very little effect on him.C,U外观,声响,效果e.g.Its the music to heighten the dramatic effect.vt.实现,实行;造成,导致e.g.Many parents lack confidence in their ability to effect change in their childrens behaviour.,slink:vi.鬼鬼祟祟地走,偷偷溜走e.g.Dont slink away without apologizing.He slunk into the house by the back door.,时间状语“for some time”如果不是为了强调,一般放在句尾:But he must have eaten,dressed and slept there for some time.,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,18 I decided to help him.The next morning I called him to my office.“Bartleby,can you tell me anything about yourself?”19“I would prefer not to.”,Back,Next,Translation,18 我决定帮帮他。第二天早晨我把他叫进我办公室,对他说:“巴特比,随便给我谈谈你的情况,好吗?”19“我不想谈。”,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,20 I sat down with him and said,“Bartleby,never mind then about revealing your history;but I am pleading with you,as a friend,to comply with the regulations of this office.Say now you will help to examine papers tomorrow or next day:in short,say now that in a day or two you will begin to be a little reasonablesay so,Bartleby.”,Back,Next,Translation,20 我陪他坐下,说:“巴特比,那就先不说你的过去了;但是,我以一个朋友的身份,请求你遵守本所的规定。答应我明后天你就会帮我审阅那些文件。总之,告诉我再过一两天你就会开始变得理性一些。你说呀,巴特比。”,reveal:vt.1)揭示,揭露e.g.The survey revealed that the house was damp.2)显出,露出e.g.A microscope will reveal much that cannot be seen with the naked eye.,comply with:遵守e.g.I recommend you to comply with safety regulations.Everyone should comply with the law.,regulation:n.C 规章,规则e.g.You will be fined if breaking the traffic regulations.Too many rules and regulations may in fact achieve little effect.,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,21“I have decided not to write any more,”he said.And left my office.22 What was I to do?Bartleby would not work at all.Then why should he stay on his job?At length,priority went to the consideration of the necessities of my business.Decently as I could,I told Bartleby that in six days time he must unconditionally leave the office.I warned him to take measures,in the interval,for procuring a place to stay.,Back,Next,Question about Para.22,Translation,be to do sth.用于正式或官方的安排,指示或命令 e.g.We are to receive a pay rise in line with inflation in September.You are not to leave this house without my permission.Is that clear?这一结构还可以用于报纸广播电视报导中,表示不久的将来,而且,按预期一定会发生的场合。e.g.Due to the financial crisis,GMC has announced that it is to cut down six thousand jobs worldwide.,at length:1)最后,终于e.g.I arrived at that city at length.2)详细地e.g.He talked at length about his work.,procure:vt.获得,取得,得到e.g.Can you procure some specimens for me?The book is out of print and difficult to procure.,2.Text:Bartleby,necessity:n.1)C 无奈的事物,不好却必要的东西e.g.Taxes are a regrettable necessity.2)C必需的事物,必需品e.g.We went to buy the basic necessities for our stay.3)U必然;必要e.g.the necessity for decent,affordable housing,21“我已经决定什么都不再写了。”说完,他就离开了我的办公室。22 我该怎么办?巴特比什么都不愿意做了,那他干吗还呆在这里?最后,以本事务所的业务实际需要为重,我尽量用一种体面的方式告诉巴特比,六天之内他必须无条件离开。我还警告他在这期间,想办法找个落脚的地方。,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,4.What was the main reason for the old lawyer to fire Bartleby?,The necessities of his business.,Back,Next,2.Text:Bartleby,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,23 At the expiration of that period,I peeped into the office Bartleby used.He was still there.24 The next morning,I went to the office early.All was still.I tried to open the door,but it was locked.Bartlebys voice came from inside.I stood as if hit by lightening.I walked the streets thinking,“Well,Bartleby,if you will not leave me,I shall leave you.”,Back,Next,23 期限到了,我向巴特比办公室里偷偷张望了一下:他还在那里。24 第二天上午,我早早就去了办公室。周遭一片静寂。我试图把门打开,但发现门被锁住了,从里面传来巴特比的声音,我如同遭到雷击般呆立在那里。走在大街上时我思忖道:“好吧,巴特比,你不走,我走。”,Translation,expiration:n.U 期满e.g.The expiration of the contract is due in two days.This ticket has passed its expiration date,and so it is now invalid.,peep:vi.偷看,窥视e.g.She was caught peeping at a secret document He was accused of peeping through the keyhole of his neighbors door.,walk the streets:在街上散步,闲逛e.g.It was not safe to walk the streets at night.I heard him walking the floor.He walked his bike up the hill.She usually walks her dog in the evening.,2.Text:Bartleby,walk the streets:在街上散步,闲逛e.g.It was not safe to walk the streets at night.I heard him walking the floor.He walked his bike up the hill.She usually walks her dog in the evening.,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,25 I paid some men to move all the office furniture to another place.Bartleby just stood there as the men took his chair away.26“Goodbye,Bartleby,I am going.Goodbye and God be with you.Here take this money.”I placed it in his hands.It dropped to the floor;and then,strange to say


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