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    Practical EnglishComprehensive Course I,Unit 1 Going to College,By:Lillian,Tasks of Text A,Related informationPre-reading taskSkimming:to get the general ideaDetailed reading:topic sentences and language pointsStructure of the passageGroup workAssignment,Famous Universities in America,Related Information,New York University,Yale University,Yale University,First-rate education一流的教育Residential college住宿学校Housing system住宿制度Butteries for snacksGame rooms to relaxCollege libraryCollege gymDance studioMusic practice roomsMovie theaterSuite 套间,Campus Locations&Map,http:/,Pre-reading task,Complete the questionnaire on page 1.Is your college life the same as you expected?Do you like this college?(the campus,new teachers,roommates),Although your college isnt perfect,it doesnt matter.The most important thing is not what college gives us but what we can get from college.Lillian,Unit 1 Going to CollegeText A College A New Experience,Skim the text to get the general ideaFind out the main idea of the whole passage and what the author gets from college.(the reasons why the author likes college)Reading comprehension:exercise2,3&4 on page 5&6,Skimming,College is a new and different experience for me.,Being on my own,Talking with friendly people,Having Fridays off,How to find the main idea of the whole passage?,First paragraphLast paragraphTopic sentencesHigh-frequency words,Detailed reading,Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.Underline the new language points.,Topic sentences,The topic sentence of para.1College is a new and different experience for me.The topic sentence of para.2Living at college,first of all,gives me a sense of responsibility,of being on my own.,Topic sentences,The topic sentence of para3.Friendly people:thats another aspect I like about college.The topic sentence of para4.Finally to add to my likes of college l love having Fridays off.,Language points,Im away from home,so I have many things to adjust to.adjust to:to get used to by changing behavior or ideasExamples:你应该适应于新的大学生活。,You should adjust to the new college life.,chunk,Be on ones own:to be alone,be independent Living at college,first of all,give me a sense of responsibility,of being on my own.Example:他只有五岁,因此他不能独立上学。He is only 5 years old,so he cant go to school on his own.,I could open an account.,e.g.When you go to college you should open an account with a bank,and when you graduate from college you have to close this account.cf.checking account deposit account savings account,支票存款账户,活期存款账户,定期存款账户,储蓄存款账户,账户,叙述,报道,collocation,now(that):because of the fact(that),Translation That was one example of having responsibility now that Im on my own and of making my own decision.这是我拥有责任感的一个例证因为我独立自主并且自己做选择。,I was a bit confused about where I was going.be confused with/about:not be clear,dont know exactly what to do,e.g.Im afraid Im a little confused about these things.Many people are confused about the new ways of measuring temperature.,My mother and I drove in,not knowing the building we were supposed to go to.be supposed to:should,must,be expected to,Translate,1.我不应该对你讲这件事。,Im not supposed to tell you about this.,2.下班火车应该于下午5点钟到达。,The next train is supposed to arrive at 5:00 p.m.,Have(some time)off:We will have several days off on National Day.Translate:I love having Fridays off;I wouldnt be able to cope with five days of classes in a row.In a row:one after another without a break 我喜欢周五放假,连续上五天课我可吃不消。,休假,sleep in:to sleep late in the morning,e.g.We usually sleep in for a bit on Sundays.I slept in by mistake and was very late for work.He worked late and decided to sleep in the next morning.,The structure of this passage,Main idea(reasons)Topic sentence A(reason 1)first of all supporting sentences Topic sentence B(reason 2)thats another aspect supporting sentences Topic sentence C(reason 3)finally supporting sentencesConclusion,Group work,Review the whole text,and retell the reasons why the author likes college life.Add to your own reasons in groups of four.Presentation,What can we get from college,AFFORDAbility:Friends:Freedom:Opportunity:Responsibility:Dream:,the ability of self-learning,self-care,long-life friends,share your youth,arrange your own time freely,advanced study;practice,be responsible for your own life,College is a place which is the nearest one to your dream,but also the farthest one.,Assignments,Finish exercise 5 on page 6;exercise 6 exercise 8 on page 8.Preview text B:group work,


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