实用英语写作,应用文,一、书信的写作,格式三种格式缩进式信头右上方,封内地址正文左上方,结束语及签名右下方,每段开头缩进五个字母,段与段之间双倍行距齐头式信头、结束语及签名等都从左边开始,每行都顶格。混合式信头右上方、结束语及签名右下方,每段开头从左边开始,每行都顶格。,附件(Enclosure)在签名左下方标明“Enc.”或“Encl.”,后面写上附件名称和数量。如:Encl.Autobiography TOEFL Score Report in Duplicate附言(Postscript),一般在私人信件中,在附件下面,如没有附件,则在签名左下方,以P.S.或PS标明。如:PS:If you meet Bob,please tell him to write to me.,1.称呼2.主体部分-开头段(2句),主体部分(8-10句),结尾段(2句)3.信末礼貌语和署名,称呼,收信人是一个企业、团体或机构,不知收信人的名字和性别,用Dear Sir or Madam 或者To whom it may concern;认识收信人,但是不熟悉用Dear Mr.Gates 或Dear Ms.Clark;收信人是熟识的朋友用Dear John,信末的礼貌语和署名,如果写解释信,常用yours faithfully,yours truly其他时候,一般用yours sincerely,最常用如果写给很好的朋友,一般用yours,with love and best wishes,lots of love等,留学应用文,申请程序1.索取入学申请表2.寄出申请表和有关证件入学申请表,奖学金申请表,个人陈述,个人简历、学历证书、毕业证书、在校成绩单、TOEFL和GRE等成绩、推荐信、财力证明表、同时寄出申请费、申请免交申请费的便函3.收到录取通知书和I-20表(非移民F类学生身份合格证明书)4.申办护照 5.办理公证6.办理签证7.出入海关,索取入学申请表与校方联系的第一封信尽量简短。信函可以寄给大学入学事务部的主任或入学办事处(Admission Office),也可寄给申请攻读专业所在系的系主任。写明:1.高校名称2.拟攻读的专业和学位3.拟入学时间4.本人姓名、住址5.本人的简单背景及经历6.索要简章、申请表信一般直接寄给大学的入学办事处(Admission Office),申请信常用表达方式,1.我久慕贵院研究生院机械工程系之大名,拟申请2012年秋季入贵院学习。I am deeply interested in your graduate school in the Department of Mechanical Engineering,and plan to apply for admission for the fall of 2012.2.我想申请就读贵校研究生院,攻读化学硕士学位。I wish to apply for admission to your Graduate School to pursue a Masters degree in Chemistry.,3.现拟申请贵校2012年春季入学资格及奖学金,攻读工商管理硕士学位。I would now like to apply for admission and scholarship at your university for the spring semester of 2012,majoring in Business Administration for a Masters Degree of Science.4.我期望能到贵校攻读计算机科学的博士学位。I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Computer Science at your institution.,5.2002年我在广州外国语学院获得了英美语言文学学士学位。In 2002 I got my B.A.degree in English Language and Literature from Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages.6.2002年7月我在厦门大学管理系完成了本科学业并获得理学学士学位。I completed my undergraduate study in the Department of Management of Xiamen University and obtained my B.S.degree in July 2002.,7.如有可能,我想申请研究生助教金以维持学业,同时在学习的过程中又能得到更多的锻炼。If possible,I also wish to obtain graduate assistantship so that I may support myself and obtain more practical experience while pursing the graduate study.8.能在这样一所理想的高等学府深造,实为一件无上光荣的幸事。To find a place in such an ideal school of higher learning is indeed a matter of the greatest honor.,9.我已经参加了TOEFL 考试和GRE一般考试,成绩分别为617分和1920分。I have taken the TOEFL,GRE General Test.My scores on the two tests are 617 and 1920 respectively.10.烦请您寄给我入学申请表和经济资助申请表好吗?Would you please send me the application forms for admission and financial support.,模版:索取入学申请表1,亲爱的先生:我目前就学于北京师范大学地理学院。我非常希望能于2007年秋季进入贵校继续攻读博士学位,恳请您发给我入学申请及经济资助所需的相关表格。我已经参加了2006年四月份GRE考试、并将于2006年的八月份参加TOEFL考试。如您百忙之中能尽快发给我所需材料和信息,我将不胜感激。您忠诚的,刘明,索取入学申请表1,实用词汇:relevant相关的表达法:the institute of Geographydoctoral degreebe desirous offinancial support,索取入学申请表1,Dear Sir:I am now studying at the institute of Geography,Beijing Normal University.I am desirous of pursuing a doctoral degree in your department in the fall of 2007 and would like to request application materials for graduate admission and financial support.I have taken the GRE general test in April 2006,and will take TOEFL test in August 2006.I would greatly appreciate it if you would give me the necessary application materials and relevant information at your earliest convince.sincerely yours,Liu Ming,作业:索取入学申请表2,尊敬的先生或女士:我是浙江大学机械系的一名四年级学生。作为一名本科生,我的专业是流体力学,希望能作为研究生继续研究这个专业。能否给我寄来一些有关贵系的资料及一份入学申请表格。尽管会得到政府资助,我仍想申请经济资助。能否请您也寄给我一份经济资助申请表?非常感谢,盼望早日得到您的回复。真诚的 陈立,Vocabulary:senior 美(中学)最高年级的;(大学或四年制中学的)毕业班的,英高年级的undergraduate大学生:还未拿到学士或类似学位的大学生(本科生)specialize in 专门研究;以为专业fluid-dynamics流体力学application申请admission入学mechanics机械学financialaid,混合式 Department of Mechanics Zhejiang University Hangzhou,Zhejiang Peoples Republic of China September 22nd,2003ChairmanDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of ArizonaTueson,Arizona 85721,Dear Sir or Madam,I am a senior in the Department of Mechanics at Zhejiang University.As an undergraduate,I specialized in fluid-dynamics and would like to continue studying it as a graduate student.Could you send me more information on your department and an application form for admission?Although will be receiving government support,I would still like to apply for financial aid.Could you please send me this application form as well?Thank you very much.I look forward to hearing from you soon.sincerely,Chen Li,