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    Chapter 5,Global Marketing Research and Information Systems,Global Marketing Information System and Research,objective:Present an information acquisition model for global marketingPresent an outline of the global marketing research process,Overview of Global Market Information Systems,One purpose of a marketing information system(MIS)is to provide managers and other decision makers with a continuous flow of information about company operation,Marketing Research,Research is the only tool an organization has to keep in contact with its external operating environment.In order to be proactive and change with the environment simple questions need to be asked:How are customer needs changing?Can you meet these changing needs?What do your customers think about existing products or services?How are competitors operating within the environment?Are their strategies exceeding or influencing yours?What should you do?How are macro and micro environmental factors influencing your organization?Again how will you react?,Market Research and Marketing Research a difference.,A common mistake by many students,lecturers and textbooks is that there is no understanding of the clear distinction between market research and marketing research.,Definition of Marketing Research,1.Marketing research is a form of marketing intelligence that involves specific enquiries into problems to guide marketers decision making.2.Marketing Research:In essence marketing research aims to discover the root cause for a specific problem within an organization(e.g.declining sales)and put forward solutions to that problem.,The Goal of Marketing Research,To implement the marketing concept and marketing strategy,managers must make decisions.Many decisions require additional information and marketing research is needed to supply that information.,Six Subject Agenda Categories For a Global Marketing Information System,CategoryMarket PotentialCompetitor InformationForeign ExchangePrescriptive InformationResource InformationGeneral Conditions,CoverageDemand estimates,consumer behavior,review of products,channels,communication mediaCorporate,business,functional strategiesBalance of payments,interest rates,attractiveness of country,expectations of analysisLaws,regulations,rulings concerning taxes,earnings,dividends in both host and home countriesAvailability of human,financial,information,physical resourcesOverall review of socio cultural,political,technological environments,The Importance of Information,Companies need information about their:Marketing environmentCompetitionCustomer needsManagers dont need more information,they need better information.,What is a Marketing Information System(MIS)?,A MIS consists of people,equipment,and procedures to gather,sort,analyze,evaluate and distribute needed,timely,and accurate information to marketing decision makers.The MIS helps managers to:Assess Information Needs,Develop Needed Information,Distribute Information.,Sources of Market Information,Human SourcesSecondhand information from personal sourcesExecutives abroad in company subsidiaries,affiliates,and branches.Friends,acquaintances,professional colleagues,consultants,and prospective new employees.(face-to-face communication),Direct PerceptionFirsthand information from sensory experienceGet the lay of the landDocumentary sourceInternet source,II.Formal market research,Global Marketing Research is the project-specific,systematic gathering of data in the search scanning mode on a global basis,II.Formal market research Environmental Factors Affecting Global Marketing Research,1.The international marketing research differs from the domestic research in four specific environmental aspects p158Researchers must be prepared for new parameters限定条件 of doing business“Cultural mega shock”文化大冲击may occurWith many markets comes many interacting factors.Research may help prevent psychological overload.Research may have to broaden view of competitors,Primary Data Collection,AdvantagesSpecificity-yours,for your purposeConfidentialityFlexibilityBoth quantitative and qualitative data possibleCan be self-administeredDisadvantagesTimeMoney,Secondary Data Collection,AdvantagesCheaperMay not need primary workAvoid re-inventing the wheelStarting point for generating hypothesis/defining objectivesDisadvantagesSpecificity-not yours for your purposeTimeliness Subjects may respond with social desirabilityTranslation may be difficultUse back and parallel translations to ensure accuracy and validity,The Marketing Research Process(Fig.4.2),1.Identifying the problem and research objectives2.Developing the research plan for collecting information3.Implementing the research plan collecting and analyzing the data4.Presenting the findings,Implementing the Research Plan Sampling,A sample is a selected subset of a population that is representative of the entire population.p164Probability samplesNon-probability samples,Implementing the Research Plan Analyzing Data,Demand Pattern Analysis需求模式分析Income Elasticity Measurements收入弹性测量Market Estimation by Analogy市场类推估计Time-series displacement时间序列位移Comparative Analysis比较分析Cluster Analysis聚群分析,Marketing Research Process,Step 1.Interpret the FindingsStep 2.Draw ConclusionsStep 3.Report to management,Global Issues in Marketing Research p168-169,Many country markets must be includedMarkets with low profit potential justifies limited research expendituresData in developing countries may be inflated or deflatedComparability of international statistics varies greatlyLimits created by cultural differences,Enhancing Comparability of Data,Economic analysisEthnographic in natureStudies culture from withinUses cultures own meanings and values,Ethic analysisFrom the outsideDetached perspective that is used in multi-country studiesEnhances comparability but minimizes precision,THE END.Thank you!,


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