,学校:苇沙河中心学校 姓名:辛立英年级:四年级,PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS Book 4 Unit 4 Its warm today,Lets chant,Cool,cool.Its cool in Lhasa.Warm,warm.Its warm in Beijing.Cold,cold.Its cold in Harbin.Hot,hot.Its hot in Hong Kong.,Book 1 Unit 5 Lets eat.,Book 3 Unit 5 What would you like?,Lets sing,Can I wear my coat?Can I wear my coat?No,you cant.Can I wear my shirt?Can I wear my shirt?Yes,you can.,观看并回答问题 1.Whos the woman?2.Can Mike wear his new shirt?,Watch and answer,Watch and answer,观看并回答问题 1.Whos the woman?She s Mike mom.2.Can Mike wear his new shirt?No,he cant.,(听录音找出Mike征求意见和妈妈回答的语句)1.How does Mike ask?2.How does Mikes mom answer?,Listen and find out,Read and circle the difficult words and difficult sentences.(大声读对话,划出有困难的单词和句子)汇报是要说清楚第几行第几个单词。,Help each other.,Lets act,三星级表演:一星级:只要求看课本表演;二星级:学生要有感情的读;三星级:脱离课本,既有感情 的表达,又有协调的动作。,(听音,排序)()No,you cant.Its cold.()Oh,its warm today.You can wear your dress.()But its too hot.Can I wear that new skirt?()Mom,can I wear my yellow dress today?()Yes,you can.()Thank you,Mom.,1,2,3,4,5,6,Listen and order,Read the information and write.1.Its 0 in Changchun.Its_.We can wear_.2.Its 18 in Beijing.Its_.We car wear _.3.Its 10 in Lhasa.Its_.We car wear _.4.Its 27 in Guangzhou.Its_.We car wear _.,cold,cool,warm,hot coat and pants,pants and shirt,jeans and sweater,skirt and short s,cold,coat and pants,warm,pants and shirt,cool,jeans and sweater,hot,skirt and shorts,我选择,我喜欢!,组内每个成员准备一个天气单词和一套服装单词,例如:一人说:Its warm today.其他成员根据天气需求和爱好选择喜欢的衣服说I wear my(服装).,谈收获,学会了知识;学会了学习方法;知道了道理;我今天心情怎样.,Homework,1.听音跟读磁带,模仿语音和语调;2.自己练习表演,加上表情和动作;3.熟练背诵对话,达到运用的目的;学生根据自己的兴趣或需要选择其中一项完成。,Good bye!,临江市苇沙河镇中心学校:辛立英,