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    ,学术英语 理工,Academic English for Science and Engineering,Unit Contents,1 Definition2 Two types of research paper3 Writing an introduction4 Writing the body of a secondary research essay5 Writing the body of a primary research essay6 Writing a discussion or/and conclusion7 Writing an abstract8 Writing a reference list9 Academic writing style10 Proofreading11 Listening,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Task 1Text 15 Genetically Modified FoodsFeed the World?Text 16 Influence of Genetically Modified Soya on the Birth Weight and Survival of Rat PupsText 17 Clinical Risk Assessment of GM FoodsTask 2,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Text 15 is an ordinary essay while text 16 and 17 are research articles.,2 For example,Text 16 and 17 use many previous findings and have their abstracts and reference lists,all of which Text 15 lacks.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 15,1 Definition,1 What does“the genetic is out of the bottle”mean according to the author?,The author means that in fact,genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives.,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 15,2 How can biotech help?,Biotechnologists have developed genetically modified rice that is fortified with beta carotenewhich the body converts into vitamin Aand additional iron,and they are working on other kinds of nutritionally improved crops.Biotech can also improve farming productivity in places where food shortages are caused by crop damage attribution to pests,drought,poor soil,and crop viruses,bacteria or fungi.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 15,3 Why does the author think that biotech is far from the whole answer?,In developing countries,lost crops are only one cause of hunger.Poverty plays the largest role.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 c,10 d,1 b,2 i,3 e,4 f,6 h,7 g,8 a,9 j,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the following expressions or sentences.,1(基因上地)engineering2 advantages(比重要)disadvantages greatly3(基础设施)construction4(统计)analysis5 will soon(解决)all the difficulties6(金融的)institution7(严格的)discipline8(点燃)the flames of revolution9 be in(合作)with your partner10 a(n)(绝望的)cry for help11(改变)the bad habit,genetically,outweigh,infrastructure,statistics,resolve,financial,rigorous,spark,collaboration,desperate,alter,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the following expressions or sentences.,12 resources of(可耕种的)land13(缓和)criticism with reason14(游说以争取)for the funds15 He is at the(领先地位).16 a(n)(一系列)of information17 be(缺乏的)in nutrition18 be(限制)to adults19(没有根据的)suspicions20 Coal can be(使转变)to gas.21 a(n)(毁灭性的)hurricane22(主要的)exports of this country23(转变)dream into reality,cultivable,temper,lobby,leading-edge,array,deficient,restricted,unfounded,converted,devastating,staple,transform,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph.,True,GM foods are(已成为我们生活的一部分),and farmers(迫切地想要)use the biotechnology as(能提高稻谷产量),yet we need a deep philosophical discussion of its implication.We still remember that when pesticides were first introduced,they also were praised as absolutely safe and as a miracle cure for farmers.(尽管这么多保证),decades later the technology revealed its truer lethal implications.Hence,any technology(应该进行严格的测试)before its wide application.,already very much a part of our lives,have a strong incentive to,it can raise overall crop productivity,But for all that promise,subjected to rigorous testing,should be,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,1 特别是在有悠久的农业生产传统和主张环保的游说集团的国家里,转基因食品的主意似乎有悖自然。,2 在富裕的国家里,由于有大量丰富的食品可供选择,而且供应远远超过需求,所以关于生物技术的争论相对缓和一些。,3 生物技术专家已经培育出了含有-胡萝卜素身体可将之转化为维生素A和更多铁元素的转基因水稻,目前正在研究培育其他一些增进营养成分的农作物。,Translate the following sentences from Text 15 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 15 into Chinese.,4转基因的抗病毒作物可以减少这种损失,就像抗干旱种子在耕地面积因缺水而受到限制的地区起到的作用一样。,5 尤其在运输基础设施落后的国家,地理条件对食物供给的限制正如遗传学为食物供给带来的希望一样大。,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 16,What are the three study groups in the investigation of the influence of GM soya on the birthrate and survival of the offspring of Wistar rats?,A group of female rats fed by GM soya flour beforemating and pregnancy;A control group of females fed by traditional soya;A positive control group received feed without any soya.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 16,2 What are the four main sources of hazards of GMO that are discussed by scientists worldwide?,1)those due to the new genes,and gene productsintroduced;2)unintended effects inherent to the technology;3)interactions between foreign genes and host genes;4)those arising from the spread of the introduced genes by ordinary cross-pollination as well as byhorizontal gene transfer.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 16,3 What are the two possible factors that the negative effect of GM soya on the newborn pups could be mediated?,Firstly,it can be the result of transformation,and insertion of the foreign genes,which could enter into the sexual/stem cells,or/and into cells of the fetus,as it was observed by Schubbert et al.(1998).Secondly,negative effect of GM soya could be mediated by the accumulation of Roundup residues in GM soya residues.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 i,10 d,1 f,2 c,3 e,4 a,6 h,7 g,8 j,9 b,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the following expressions or sentences.,1 Fog(限制)visibility.2 The sun rises from the(水平的)line.3 Early detection of cancers is(重要地)important.4 put a coin into the(插入)slot5 failed to(获得)a scholarship6 the(功能)of an adjective7 The magician(改变)the frog into a princess.8 the official(文件)concerning the sale of this land9 the determinate(因素)of our economy10 make a thorough(调查)into the affair,restricts,horizontal,vitally,insertion,obtain,function,transformed,documents,factor,investigation,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the following expressions or sentences.,11(坚持)in ones efforts12 The artwork was a(构成物)of wire and tubes.13 working out a payment(方案)14 Falling rates of child(死亡率)are also significant.15 eat a small(部分)of food16 A(残留物)of the shampoo can build up on the hair.17(承担)a project with significance18 be complained of(性别的)harassment19 have difficulty in becoming(怀孕的),persist,construct,scheme,mortality,portion,residue,undertake,sexual,pregnant,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,20 The demonstrators(分配)leaflets to passers-by.21 the old salary paled in(相比)with the offer22(组织学)involves looking at cells under a microscope.23 I(假定)that an agreement will eventually be reached.24 A(n)(积累)of data will be processed.25 Smoking is(有害的)to health.26 All(途径)to the city were blocked.27 lose the(最佳的)time to defeat the enemy28 a system used to(分配)a scarce commodity,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the following expressions or sentences.,distributed,comparison,Histology,presume,accumulation,detrimental,approaches,optimal,allocate,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,According to our literature review,(早已得到证实)that there are diverse relationships between early life factors and adult health.(以前一些论文认为)that these relationships span a range of health outcomes which,in some instances,manifest several decades later.(论文假定)health outcomes of early biological insults could depend on the subsequent social and biological environment.Our studies prove that adult disease will be more fully understood when account is taken of the combined effects of social and biological risk occurring at different life stages,(正如图表五所显示的).,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph.,it has been well established,It was thought in several previous papers,It was supposed that,as is evident from Table 5,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,1 风险评估文件中提到,被转变植物中的转基因成分与植物中所含的其它基因材料都在人和动物的消化道中一并被摧毁。,2 因此,我们决定进行一项研究来探寻雌性鼠的主要饮食为美联储大豆(一种转基因食品)的情况下,最常见的转基因作物对大鼠幼崽生育率、死亡率和体重增加的影响。,3 众所周知,生大豆含有大量的抗营养素如凝集素,胰蛋白酶抑制剂(普兹泰等人,1998),以及女性激素类物质,因此,有必要将没有补充大豆粉控制对照组的动物与这些数据进行对照研究。,Translate the following sentences from Text 16 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 16 into Chinese.,4更令人吃惊的是,由于幼崽更小,约一半大小,因此会有更多奶提供给单个的幼崽。,5 然而,没有观测到雌性大鼠的死亡率,也没有观察到存活的幼崽的死亡率,尽管它们也开始吃转基因大豆,可以推测,(转基因大豆的)负面影响可能被前面的两个因素中和了。,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 17,1 What are the main concerns about adverse effects of genetically modified foods on health?,The main concerns about adverse effects of genetically modified(GM)foods on health are the transfer of antibiotic resistance,toxicity and allergenicity.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 17,2 What are the four main approaches by which plants are manipulated by genetic“engineering”?,gene insertion using a bacterial vector;(ii)micro ballistic impregnation;(iii)poration(iv)gene neutralisation by means of antisense technology,homologous recombination(gene knock out)and gene replacement.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Additional questions for your understanding of Text 17,3 Compared to which are GM foods a precise and safe manner of genetic alteration in plants?,Traditional plant breeding methods.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 a,10 h,1 c,2 f,3 i,4 g,6 b,7 d,8 j,9 e,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,1(严厉的)safety measures2(操作)the lights to get the desirable effect3(辨别)between right and wrong4(促使)her to renew her insurance5(进步)in ones career6 The(方案)no longer seems unrealistic.7(推论)a conclusion from facts8 close(繁殖)9 a(n)(相反的)decision,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the following expressions or sentences.,stringent,manipulate,distinguish,prompt,advance,scenario,derive,breeding,adverse,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the following expressions or sentences.,10 illness(导致)by overwork11(引起)ones interest12 a great(多样的)of methods13(保持)appearance of youth14(共识)politics15(转移)of wealth from taxpayers to savers16 social(稳定)17 make a few(改变)to the house18(合并)of the organization,induced,provoke,diversity,retain,consensus,transfer,stability,alterations,incorporation,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,19 a(n)(关键的)point in the campaign20 a somewhat haphazard and(断断续续的)schooling21 the(取代)of conventional weapons by nuclear weapons22(修改)a thesis23 loss(估计)24 a TV program(着重反映)the unemployment problem,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the following expressions or sentences.,critical,discontinuous,replacement,revise,assessment,highlighting,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,(有证据表明)the benefits of cloning are limitless.(提供了一种可能)able to create human organs in order to replace faulty ones.(还确保这样一种可能)stem cells that could be used to cure terminal illnesses,cancer,and several other physical anomalies.(尽管这个技术有很多潜在优点),(但出现一些深深的担忧,涉及到)medical and ethical problems.,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph.,There is evidence that,It offers a possibility of being,creating,potential benefits of this technology,serious concerns have been raised concerning both,It also ensure a probability of,Despite,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,(To be continued),Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph.,(主要的担忧是)the frightening possibilities of the creation of“super-humans”with unnatural physical and mental capabilities and idealized“perfect children”for prospective parents.Hence,(我们要谨慎发展)in the future,assessing cloning(在把其运用到实践中之前,考虑其优点和危险性).,The main concerns are,on the basis of its merits and risks prior to applying it into practical use,proceed cautiously,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,we need to,Enhancing your academic language,1 详细的实验结果表明:巴西坚果中2S蛋白是巴西坚果的主要过敏原;转基因大豆中的最新显露的蛋白保持了其过敏性,因此,可能促使对巴西坚果过敏的病人发生临床反应。,2 第二个问题是:由于不清楚为什么有的蛋白过敏,而有的不会,因此更难预测新的转基因是否表达新的过敏原、是否导致再次过敏。,3 但是也存在明显的例外,特别是关于水果过敏原,缺乏这些特征就不能大胆地预测蛋白不引发过敏。,Translate the following sentences from Text 17 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 17 into Chinese.,4不能根据氨基酸序列同源性来预测交叉反应性通常是因为折叠蛋白中出现了不连续(非线性)氨基酸序列组成的构象型抗原。,5 有一致的报道建议:对食物的逐级评价应考虑基因的来源、与已知过敏原进行的氨基酸序列对比、免疫学分析(体外和体内的)以及基因产物的物理化学性质。,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,1 Genetically modified crops are the most successful agricultural innovation in history.Theyre good for the environment because they keep less carbon dioxide going from the soil into the atmosphere and they reduce pesticide use.Whats more,they increase crop yield,thus reducing the use of more agricultural areas and improving soil quality.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,2 The speaker has similar opinion as the writer of Text 15.They have positive attitude towards GM food as it can increase crop yield and solve the problems of starvation and soil.But the writer of Text 16 is very cautious about GM food,whose experiment proves that there are some harmful influence of GM food on the birth-weight and survival of rat pups.The writer of Text 17 is a little more optimistic though there are some adverse effects of GM foods.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,2 Two types of research paper,Two types of research paperTask 1Task 2 Task 3Task 4,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,There are two major kinds of academic paper:,primary research paper:the study of a subject through firsthand investigation,involving presenting original ideas and information on your own-survey-or-experiment-based research secondary research paper:involving gathering and analyzing the research findings from other peoples research-library-or-Internet-based research,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,2 Two types of research paper,1 Text 16 is a primary research essay while Text 17 a secondary research one.,2 Text 16 contains a methods section as it conducts an empirical study.Text 17,however,is an persuasive article based on the analysis of previous and current research findings.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,2 Two types of research paper,1 The first abstract is from the article of primary research,and the second one is form secondary research.According to the abstract,the article carries out a small scale s


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