BR,1.English Song-Saturday Night Special,Listen to the Song,Questions about the Song,2.Airport Security,4.Some Security Measures in Ancient Time,5.Security Situations in the USA,3.Security Systems,Terrorist Attacks on Sep.11,2001,Before Reading,President Bushs Address,American Campus Shooting,BR(LTS),Listen to the Song,BR(QAS),Questions about the Song,1.Who is Mr.Saturday Night Special?,The gun.,2.What is the message of the song?,Its dangerous to have guns.,Airport Security,BR(AS),BR(SSMA),Some Security Measures in Ancient Time,The Great Wall,Castle,BR(TGW 1),The Great Wall,Listen and answer the following questions.,BR(TGW 2),The Great Wall,Listen and answer the following questions.,1.What was the aim of building the Great Wall originally?,To protect Chinas northern border in the 3rd century BC.,2.Where are the ruins of the Great Wall located now?,From Bo Hai in the east to Gansu Province in the west.,BR(Castle),Castle,Castles were built in places where they could be easily defended.A position on high ground provided the defenders with a view of the surrounding countryside,making attacks more difficult.In flat areas,castles were surrounded by a protective moat.,BR(TAS1),Terrorist Attacks on Sept.11,2001,Word Matching,True or False,BR(WM),Match the words in Column A which you will hear in the passage with the correct meanings in Column B.,Column A Column B 1.dominate A.to be in a state of confusion 2.undeniable B.fall down 3.reel C.to control or govern 4.devastation D.severe damage 5.casualties E.people killed or injured in an accident 6.collapse F.unquestionably true,KEY,Terrorist Attacks on Sept.11,2001,BR(tf),Listen and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,Terrorist Attacks on Sept.11,2001,BR(tf2),Listen and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,Terrorist Attacks on Sept.11,2001,BR(ACS1),American Campus Shooting,Click the red arrows!,BR(ACS1.1),American Campus Shooting,Los Angeles:On October 11,1999,five students were fatally wounded in a Jewish community center.Click to return!,Click the red arrows!,BR(ACS1.2),American Campus Shooting,Springfield:On May 21st,1998,a freshman student opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle in a high school cafeteria,killing two students and wounding 22 others.The teenagers parents were later found shot to death in their home.Click to return!,Click the red arrows!,BR(ACS1.3),American Campus Shooting,Littleton:On April 20th,1999,two teenage students opened fire on classmates and teachers in their suburban Denver school,killing 15 people including themselves.Click to return!,Click the red arrows!,BR(ACS1.4),American Campus Shooting,Click the red arrows!,Fayetteville:On May 19th,1998,a high school senior shot and killed another student in the school parking lot at Lincoln County High School.Click to return!,BR(ACS1.5),American Campus Shooting,Click the red arrows!,Pearl:On October 1st,1997,a 16-year-old student in Pearl,Mississippi,is accused of killing his mother,then going to school and shooting nine students.Two of them died.Click to return!,BR(ACS1.6),American Campus Shooting,Click the red arrows!,Detroit:On December 11th,1998,Wayne State University professor was shot and killed while collecting final exams from his engineering students when the gunman stepped into the classroom and opened fire with a rifle.The professor fell wounded to the floor,only to be shot again by the man who took the time to reload.Click to return!,GR,Global Reading,1.Part Division of the Text,2.Further Understanding,For Part 1,For Part 2,True or False,Supporting Facts for the Central Idea,Discussion,Sentence Completion,For Part 3,Questions and Answers,3.Word Scanning,GR(Part),Part Division of the Text,In America,the era of leaving the front door on the latch has drawn to a close.,A new atmosphere of fear and distrust creeps into every aspect of daily life.As a result,security devices,in varied forms,are put to use.,By locking our fears out,we become prisoners of our own making.,GR(SF1),Supporting Facts for the Central Idea,In this part the author uses lots of facts to support his central point of view:America is deteriorating from“the Land of the Free”into“the most insecure nation”.Could you find any more supporting facts in addition to those listed below?,1.,2.,3.,Doors are not left unlocked either in cities or in rural areas.,Dead-bolt locks,security chains,electronic alarm systems and trip wires are widely in use.,Suburban families have steel bars built in sliding glass doors.,GR(SF2),Supporting Facts for the Central Idea,6.,7.,8.,Airport security uses electronic X-ray equipment to guard against terrorism.,Businessmen employ new machines linked up to their telephone to determine whether the caller is telling lies or not.,Suburban housewives wear rape whistles on their key chains.,4.,Small notices warning against burglary are commonly seen pasted on the windows of the most pleasant of homes.,Access cards are required of those who work with medium-to-large-size companies.,5.,GR(D),Discussion,In Line 19 to Line 22,the author mentions a public service advertisement by a large insurance company.Discuss the following questions.,1.What does this ad point out?,The lock is the new symbol of America.,2.What is the authors purpose of using this example?,AR,After Reading,1.Useful Expressions,2.Spot Dictation,3.Mock Debate-Have Gun,Will Shoot,4.Discussion,5.Writing Practice-Cause and Effect Essays,6.Proverbs And Quotations,Introduction,Procedure,Useful Expressions in Cause and Effect Writing,Homework,AR(Useful 1),Useful Expressions,2.带钥匙,3.(暂时)关闭,carry keys,close up,well-patrolled urban streets,the allegedly tranquil areas,6.的时代结束了,the era of is over,7.电子报警系统,electronic alarm systems,8.连接到,hook up to,4.巡逻严密的城区街道,1.(门)关着但没上锁,5.据称很宁静的地区,on the latch,AR(Useful 2),Useful Expressions,9.内置,嵌入,build in,10.处于监控下,11.设置路障,12.保安,13.不让靠近,under surveillance,put up barricades,security guards,hold/keep(sb.)at bay,14.电子搜查器,electronic friskers,15.看都不看一眼,without so much as a sideways glance,16.代表;表示,象征,stand for,AR(Useful 3),Useful Expressions,17.沉浸于,沐浴于,be bathed in,18.误差率很小/大,19.在人类文明的历史上,20.聪明反被聪明误,21.回首(过去),回顾(以往),with/by a small/largemargin of error,in the history of civilized man,outsmart oneself,look back on,22.看不见的恐惧,unseen horrors,AR(md2),Mock Debate-Have Gun,Will Shoot(有枪,就有凶杀),2.In small groups,compare your answers.What are your own ideas on these questions?,1)Do you think having a personal gun is a good idea?Why or why not?2)What would cause you to buy a personal gun?3)Describe the circumstances that would make a gun a necessary part of every home.,AR(md3),Mock Debate-Have Gun,Will Shoot(有枪,就有凶杀),3.Prepare and debate on the following topic.,As is well known,gun control is a highly controversial issue in the United States.Some argue that guns must be placed under control;others maintain that there is no need for strict control of guns.Suppose you are two groups of Americans holding contrary views on gun control and debate the issue.,AR(d1),Discussion,What do you think has led to deterioration in security in the US?2.Is there a similar problem in other parts of the world today?If so,what can be done to better the situation?3.What do you understand by the authors remark“We have become so smart about self-protection that,in the end,we have all outsmarted ourselves”?,AR(id),Introduction,Cause and effect essays are concerned with why things happen(causes)and what happens as a result(effects).Cause and effect is a common method of organizing and discussing ideas.,Proverbs 1,Proverbs and Quotations,1.Weapons bode(breed)peace.,武装预兆和平/有武装就有和平。,2.When guns speak it is too late to argue.,3.It is the man behind the gun that tells.,决定胜负的是枪炮后面的人。,枪炮发言时,争辩已太迟。,Proverbs 2,4.Good order is the foundation of all things.-E.Burke,British statesman,良好的秩序是一切的基础。英国政治家 E.伯克,5.Punishment is justice for the unjust.-Augustine,British writer,惩罚是对正义的伸张。英国作家 奥古斯丁,Proverbs and Quotations,