Mobile-phone survey,Members:Xiaolei Xu Yuan Liu,问卷,大学生手机使用情况的抽样调查 感谢您的合作!祝您元旦快乐!我们将对您以下的信息进行绝对保密性别:年级:专业:您的手机价格:A0700元 B.7001000 C10001500 D1500以上2手机月均使用费用:A25元以下 B2550 C 50100 D100以上3您使用的是什么电话业务A移动动感地带 B 移动其他业务 C联通新势力 D联通其他业务4您的家乡地址A合肥市,包括肥西县,肥东县,长丰县 B,安徽省其他地区 C安徽省外4您有女(男)朋友吗?A有 B没有,但有经常交流的异性朋友 C没有,很少很异性交往5您是否担任学生干部(可多选)A班级学生干部 B院系或校学生会 C社团 D不担任学生干部您对大学生使用手机费用状况的其他看法:问卷设计人:徐小磊刘源,Outline,Background MethodologyResultsComments,Background,Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily lives If we look at our campus,we can see that most of students are using mobile phones,so we want to survey the costs of mobile phones about students,Methodology,Population:students having mobile-phone in sociology and social work major in our universitySample Size:we select 80 students in all In our survey.The element:a student in our university,Results,No.1 the relationship between gender and costsNo.2 the relationship between boyfriends(girlfriends)and costs.No.3 the relationship between leader of students and costsNo.4 the relationship between grades and costs,No.1 the relationship between gender and costs.,1.descriptive statisticsa.gender,b.costs,2.Inferential statistics,From the table,we have not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis,because the p-value is more than 0.05.,No.2 the relationship between boyfriends(girlfriends)and costs.,1.descriptive statistics,costs,2.Inferential statistics,Based the information we conclude that the relationship is statistically significant,because the p-value is 0.038,less than 0.05.,No.3 the relationship between leader of students and costs,1.descriptive statistics,costs,2.Inferential statistics,The p-value is 0.016,so we can reject the null hypothesis.That is to say,the relationship is statistically significant.,No.4 the relationship between grades and costs,1.descriptive statistics grades,costs,2.Inferential statistics,We cant reject the null hypothesis,because the p-value is more than 0.05.,Thank you!,Happy new year!,