Foreign Trade Letters,September,2009,Lecture 1 Introduction,Discussion,1380 out of 1500 colleges offer this course.So,why is this course so?_ _ _ _,Nature/Significant Points,Competition for jobs is expected,but opportunities will be best for those with a college degree,the appropriate technical expertise,and the personal traits necessary for successful selling.Job prospects for sales representatives will be better for those working with essential goods,since the demand for these products do not fluctuate with the economy.Earnings of sales representatives are relatively high and usually are based on a combination of salary and commission.,Certification and advancement,Regardless of educational background,factors such as personality,the ability to sell,and familiarity with brands are essential to being a successful sales representative.High school graduate or less 27 percentSome college,no degree 19Associates degree 9Bachelors degree 38Graduate degree 6,Other qualifications individuals who have the personality and desire to sell be goal oriented,persuasive,and able to work well both independently and as part of a team a pleasant personality and appearancethe ability to communicate well with people,and problem-solving skills are highly valuedpatience and perseverance are also keys to completing a sale also need to be able to work with computers Certificationthe Certified Professional Manufacturers Representative(CPMR)or the Certified Sales Professional(CSP),Job outlook employment projections table in the Handbook introductory chapter on Occupational Information.,Earnings 1,Median annual earnings of wage and salary sales representatives,wholesale and manufacturing technical and scientific products,were$64,440,including commissions,in May 2006.Computer systems design and related services$75,240Wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers$69,510Professional and commercial equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers$67,700Drugs and druggists sundries merchant wholesalers$66,210Electrical and electronic goods merchant wholesalers$61,000,Earnings 2,Median annual earnings of wage and salary sales representatives,wholesale and manufacturing except technical and scientific products,were$49,610,including commission,in May 2006.Wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers$54,900Professional and commercial equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers$49,730Machinery,equipment,and supplies merchant wholesalers$48,620Grocery and related product wholesalers$46,150Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchant wholesalers$42,530,Job prospects from 沪江部落:,沪江小Q/全部问题/实用英语/已解决问题 英语专业什么就业前景好 提问者:clairpanpan-Q籽一级 收藏 悬赏沪元:10 浏览 6742 次 今年我就是大三的学生了,我学的是翻译英语专业!我想在英语方向上再学一个方面,不知兼顾什么方向的英语好!现在英语什么方向比较好!为什么不选择商务英语呢?现在的白领都希望自己的英语好,你是学英语翻译专业的,本来就比别人有优势,现在在读读有关商务方面的课程,将来你一定很吃香的,呵呵回答者:Sapphirekaka-Q苗三级 学外贸吧,现在做出口生意越来越难了,如果自己的外语好,可以省去请中介公司翻译的钱,而且也可以防止在交易中上当受骗.我有一个同学是义乌的,她自己英语很不错,而且又是学外贸的,在那边钱很好赚,而且专业也很对口,你也可以试试!回答者:荞小麦-Q芽二级,Work environment,have large territories and travel considerably may work more than 40 hours per week Dealing with different types of people can be stimulating but demanding,Related occupations,Sales representatives,wholesale and manufacturing,must have sales ability and knowledge of the products they sell.Other occupations that require similar skills include:advertising,marketing,public relations,sales managers;insurance sales agents;purchasing managers,buyers,and purchasing agents;real estate brokers and sales agents;retail salespersons;securities,financial services sales agents,Job prospects(to be specific),The graduates of this specialty will work at overseas economy and trade sectors,foreign-invested enterprises,banks,bonds centers,commodities inspection bureaus,foreign trade companies and governmental organizations to deal with trade affairs,management,investigation and research,publicity designing;comprehensive application,development and management of electronic business.,So,we can:,Increase/multiply wealth/Make moneyRise in social status/(advance,lift)Gain more chances in job marketingBetter career development/promotion salesman,financial manager,secretaryHelp your majors:Yes:No:,Content and Planning,Requirements,Active:papers(A4,blank)Attentive(no phone ringing)Cooperative(parties in trade),GRADING FOR THE COURSE,Exam(s)(70%)Each exam100 pts Overall performance(30%)(30%)=attendance(30%)+discussions(30%)+assignments(40%)Attendance:being late:-5pts/time On leaving:-10pts/time Absence:-20pts/time Discussions:based on the group work performance Assignments:Each assignment100 pts.(Your competence level will be based on the following numeric scale:90 100 pts.=A 80 89 pts.=B 70 79 pts.=C 60 69 pts.=D 0 60=F),Reference,1.马宗贤.外贸英语函电.北京:北京科学技术出版社,1998.32.樊红霞.Foreign Trade Letters.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2007.93.张干周.国际贸易函电.杭州:浙江大学出版社,2006.84.方春祥.外贸函电.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.9(自考)5.蔡惠伟.外经贸函电教程.上海:华东理工大学出版社,2007.26.羡锡彪.商务英语写作.北京:高等教育出版社,2003.3,Websites,Grouping,Group of 2(two parties of the trade)Group of 3(two parties and an observer)Group of 5(total:6 parties),Exercises,1.Please build up your company.2.Name it and create a logo(if necessary),and give exact address including:Street,city,state or province,postal code,and country(if necessary),evenPhone number,fax number,email address or website.3.Make a letterhead for your company.,THANK YOU!,