商务英语入门,-第五章 人力资源管理,本章要点,What is Human Resources ManagementHuman Resource Planning RecruitmentTraining and Developing CompensationThe Four Cs Model for Evaluating Human ResourcesHow to Keep Employees Motivated,What is Human Resources Management?,The HRM process is an ongoing procedure that tries to keep the organization suppliedwith the right people in the right positions.,HRM,Human resource planningRecruitment SelectionSocialization or orientationTraining and developmentPerformance appraisal Promotions,transfers and demotionsSeparationsCompensation,What is Human Resources Management?,Human Resource Planning is designed to ensure that personnel needs will be constantly and appropriately met.,Human Resource Planning,1.Planning for future needs by deciding now how many people with what skills the organization will need.2.Planning for future balance by comparing the number of needed employees with the number of present employees who can be expected to stay with organization.3.Planning for recruiting or laying off employees.4.Planning for the development of employees to ensure the organization has a steady supply of experienced and capable personnel.,Fours basic aspects,Four Basic Aspects of Human resource planning,Two Effective Factors of Human Resource Program,The organizations human resource needs,The economic environment of the future,Recruitment is concerned with developing a pool of job candidates in line with the human resource plan.,Recruitment,Merits of Job Analysis,Job Analysis,Job Analysis,Job Description lists the objectives,responsibilities,main tasks of the job,the conditions under which the job is to be done,and its relationship to other jobs.,Hiring Specification defines the specific skills,education,experience,and qualifications that an individual must have in order to perform effectively in the position.,Educational InstitutionsEmployment AgenciesJob AdvertisementsBusiness Rivals,Hiring from outside,优点:1、针对性强2、选择面大3、选择层次是立体的4、适宜进行战略性人才选择和储备部分优秀人才,校园招聘的优缺点,校园招聘的优缺点,缺点:1、企业对应聘者今后可能的表现和绩效缺少充分的把握。2、企业投入的培训成本高。3、由于学生眼高手低,对工作期望值过高,因此一年内跳槽的概率高,造成招聘成本高。4、如果培养、任用不当,学生可能会不认同企业文化和价值观,影响企业团队的建设。,1、招聘观念的误区:企业把招聘会当成收集简历的场所,使学生无法真正了解企业。2、筛选材料的误区:企业过多的淘汰申请者,很可能会和优秀的大学生失之交臂。3、笔试的误区:很多企业把笔试成绩单独作为筛选的依据。在学生有精心准备的前提下,无法真正衡量人才的含金量。,校园招聘的误区,Hiring from Within,1.Promotion2.Transfer,Advantages:1.Those people are already familiar with the organization and its member.2.This policy fosters loyalty and inspires greater effort among organization members.3.It is less expensive than to hire from outside the organization.,Hiring from within,Hiring from within,Disadvantages:1.It limits the pool of available talent.2.It reduces the chance that fresh viewpoints will enter the organization.3.The quality of the decisions depends heavily on the ability and the integrity of the managers.,工匠型:技术专家、渴望发明创造、搞出新成果。对行政性事务和职务无兴趣,对人际关系不敏感。斗士型:领袖欲很强,渴望权利,干劲十足,敢冒险,有魄力,但不能容忍别人和他们分享权利。企业人型:忠实可靠,循规蹈矩,兢兢业业,只求稳妥,但保守怕变,革新性和进取心不强。赛手型:视人生为竞赛,渴望成为其中的优胜者。但他们不同于斗士。他们不醉心于个人主宰。他们善于团结和鼓舞别人,乐于提携部下,有强烈进取心和成就欲。,以职业风格为基础的个性分类,引入期:技术开发能力属关键因素,项目组的领导岗位宜配备兼具工匠和斗士特点的员工,或以斗士为正职,以工匠为副手,搭配使用。,动态人才使用论,动态人才使用论,成长期:此阶段产品基本定型,主要的任务是以大量的低成本产品投入市场,以免被别人跟进仿制。因此,工匠留任已属浪费,应调去充实其他正在科研开发新产品的项目组,留下斗士去冲锋陷阵,强占市场份额。,动态人才使用论,成熟期:此时市场渐趋饱和,无须再投资扩产,只须守稳江山,稳收利润。便应将斗士们调去领导其他项目组,再创新业,改让企业人来守业,稳妥可靠。,动态人才使用论,衰退期:原产品进入衰退阶段,项目急需关、停、并、转,此时在让企业人让位给斗士,以便在转让的谈判中讨价还价,或大刀阔斧去收拾残局。,至于赛手型的人物,稀缺难得,只宜委以特别重要项目的领导重任,着眼于栽培锻炼,使其成为未来的统帅,不宜轻率使用,浪费人力。,动态人才使用论,职业风格调查,1 2 3 4 5 6 7,完全不符 我的情况,有点符合我的情况,大致符合我的情况,非常符合我的情况,记分表,Traditional Interview Questions,1.Tell me about yourself-Do not launch into an autobiography.-State the things about yourself that you want the interviewer to know.Give specifics to prove each of your strengths.,2.What do you think youre qualified to work for us?Or,Im interviewing 120 people for two jobs.Why should I hire you?-This question may feel like an attack.-Use it as an opportunity to state your strong point.Tell them the things that separate you from other applicants.,Traditional Interview Questions,Traditional Interview Questions,3.What two or three accomplishments have given you the greatestsatisfaction?-Pick accomplishment that youre proud of to create the image you want to project.-Focus not just on the end of result,but on the problem-solving and thinking skills that made the achievement possible.,Traditional Interview Questions,4.Why do you want to work for us?What is your ideal job?-Preferably two or three reasons youd like to work for that company.-If you are interested in this company,do some research so that what you ask for is in the general ballpark of the kind of work the company offers,Traditional Interview Questions,5.What college subjects did you like best and least?why?-This question may be an icebreaker!It may designed to discover the kind of applicant theyre looking for.-If your favorite class was something outside your major,prepare an answer that shows that you have qualities that can help you in the job youre applying for.,Traditional Interview Questions,6.What is your grade point?Why are your grades so low?-If your grades are not great,be ready with a nondefensive explanation.-If possible,show that the cause of low grades now has been solved or isnt relevant to the job youre applying for.-“Im not good at multiple-choice tests.But you need someone who can work with people,not someone who can take tests.,Traditional Interview Questions,7.What have you read recently?What movies have you seen recently?-These question may also be icebreakers!-They may be designed to probe your intellectual depth.-The term youre interviewing,read at least one book or magazine and see at least one movie that you could discuss at an interview.,8.Show me some samples of your writing.-Many jobs require the ability to write well.-Prepare an good case report if possible.,Traditional Interview Questions,9.Where do you see yourself in five years?-Employers ask this questions to find out if you are a self-starter or if you passively respond to what happens.-You may want to have several scenarios for five years from now to use in different kinds of interviews.-“Well,my goals may change as opportunities arise.But right now,I want to.,Traditional Interview Questions,10.What are your interests outside work?-It is desirable to be well-rounded,naming 10 interests is a mistake-The interviewer may wonder when you will have time to work.,Traditional Interview Questions,Traditional Interview Questions,11.What have you done to learn about this company?-An employer may ask this to see what you already know about the company.-The question may also be used to see how active a role you are taking in the job search process and how interested you are in this job.,Traditional Interview Questions,12.What adjectives would you use t describe yourself?-Use only positive ones.-Be ready to illustrate each with a specific examples of something youve done.,Traditional Interview Questions,13.What is your greatest strength?-Employers ask this question to give you a chance to sell yourself and to learn something about your values.-Pick a strength related to work,school or activities.-“Im good at working with people.”“I really can sell things.“I learn quickly.”“Im reliable.When I say Ill do something,I do it.”,Traditional Interview Questions,14.What is your greatest weakness?-Interviewers wont let you get away with a“weakness”like having any experience.-Discuss a weakness that you are working to improve.-“In the past,I was not a good writer.But last term I took a course in business writing that taught me how to organize my ideas and how to revise.Im a lot more confident that I can write effective reports and memos.,Traditional Interview Questions,15.Why are you looking for another job?-Stress what you are looking for is a new job,not why you want to get away from your old one.-It was not a good match.Add what you now know you need in a job,and ask what the employer can offer in this area.-You and your supervisor had a personality conflict.-You make mistakes,but you have learned from them and are now ready to work well.,16.What questions do you have?-This question gives you a chance to cover things the interviewer hasnt brought up.-Dont focus on salary or fringe benefits.-“What would I be doing on a day to day basis?”-“What kind of training program do you have?”-“How do you evaluate employees?How often do you review them?”-“How would you describe the companys culture?”-“This sound like a great job.What are the drawbacks?”,Training and Developing,Determine the training need,PerformanceAppraisal,OrganizationalAnalysis,Analysis of JobRequirements,EmployeeSurvey,How to Initiate the Appropriate Training Effort,On-the-job Method,Off-the-job Method,Management Development Programs,Training Method,On-the-job Method代理性学习,由别人传递的第二手的间接性的经验、阅历和结论。,ManagementDevelopment Programs管理发展项目,通过自己亲身的、直接的经验学习。,为形成阶梯型的人才打下基础,也是个人职业生涯规划不可缺少的部分。,Off-the-job Method亲验性学习,Compensation,Wages and Salaries,Incentive Programs,Fringe Benefits,马论 机遇理论红叶子理论 开发自己的亮点烧开水理论 证明自己存在需要过程绣花理论 奉献中求发展,马论是把人生的机遇比作一匹飞奔而来的马,任何人要获得机遇,均须有识马的眼力、跃马的勇气和驭马的水平,才能在激烈竞争的职场上,得到机遇的帮助,最终获得职业的成功。一匹飞奔而来的马犹如一次机遇,他将带给你成功,抓住机遇有三要素:识马、跃马、驭马。识马靠知识,靠见识,靠眼光;跃马靠勇敢,靠魄力,靠技巧;驭马靠学习,靠借势,靠能力 知识、技巧、能力三者均须学习,均须积累,只有不断地学习、积累,不断地探索、研究,不断地锻造自己的见识、能力、你才能抓住机遇的马,让飞奔的马送你到达辉煌的顶点。,马论的三要素,识马你能否识马?跃马你有勇气上马吗?驭马你有能力驾驭这匹马吗?,一匹飞奔而来的马是机遇 识马要具备三个条件:1、自我发展的愿望高期望值的人容易获得成功你是否在自己身上安置了发动机?一流人才?你是否身后有发动机?二流人才?你是否对发动机没有反应?不是人才?,识马,有跃马的勇敢和魄力有承受落马痛苦的能力有跃马的技术,跃马,有驭好马的决心不要半途而废有驭马的本领马信任你审时度势不要在马背上乱跳善于学习要继续积累让马与你和谐相处马爱护你,驭马,我们把一个人的优点比作一棵树上的红叶子,把一个人的缺点比作一棵树上的绿叶子。红叶子理论认为:一个人职业的成功不在于红叶子数目的多少,而在于他是否具备一片特别硕大的红叶子。这片特别硕大,特别红艳的红叶子成为引起社会和人们特别关注的人力资本。这片能引起社会特别关注的红叶子,就是你的亮点,就是你个人最有价值的人力资本,也是最能帮助你职业成功的红叶子。,识别红叶子 发展红叶子 缩小绿叶子,红叶子理论的三要素,识别红叶子,最具潜力的红叶子最有价值的红叶子最能取胜的红叶子,发展红叶子,百折不挠的意志健康的心理素质逆境中的奋斗智慧与技巧,绿叶子会遮掉红叶子 绿叶子不剪除,会长大 绿叶子会蚕食红叶子 红叶子与绿叶子此消彼长,缩小绿叶子,烧开水理论把人生从奋斗伊始到略有成就的过程比喻成烧开水的过程。把冷水烧成开水必须经历三个过程:不间断地添柴加火、耐心等待和终于沸腾。人生要获得成功,也必须经历不断积累知识、默默无闻地努力工作和最终获得成功三个过程。这个过程的三步曲就是证明自己存在的过程。,烧开水的三要素,不断添柴努力学习和积累。不要掀锅盖防止热量的散发。水开了别让火熄灭谦虚谨慎,不要过分张扬。,1、掀锅盖会散发热量,减缓水开2、不开的水也会冒气,“冒气”会使人预期过高,这种预期会使人摘下了不熟的青苹果3、沉得住气是一种修养4、寂寞也是人生一味5、寂寞也是一种锻造,不要急于掀锅盖,烧开水理论提出了追求职业发展的三个要素,即添柴加火、耐心等待和服务大众。在服务大众的过程中仍要继续添柴加火,同时要虚怀若谷,不骄不躁,不要急于表现自己。,关于“烧开水理论”的小结,“绣花理论”是指当一个人的职业生涯开始时,或者是职业生涯处于低谷时,他都必须努力借助他人的“资源”并主动义务或只取比市场更低的价格去为提供资源的人工作,在这个工作过程中,完成自己技能、关系、资金(或其他资源)的积累,求得个人人力资本质的飞跃,以获取职业发展的成功。,邻居老大娘家贫,买不起针、线和布十年义务替人绣花积累了技术、关系,丰富多样的图纸和品牌老大娘终于可以自食其力了,“绣花理论”的由来,1、义务为他人作嫁衣裳。2、打别人的工,学自己的艺。3、品牌效应。,义务为他人作嫁衣裳,完成职业的三大积累:技能、名气和资源,职业的飞跃:品牌效应,“绣花理论”的要素,1、学艺要先学会吃亏,获得资源要付出更多的劳动 2、学艺要肯下苦功 3、做他人的嫁衣裳,学自己的绣花艺,完成职业能力的三大积累,职业发展必须有三大积累,失去机会与获得机会一样多心理健康是成功的基础执着、坚韧是成功的条件目标和信心是成功的指明灯,关于职业成功的小结,The Four Cs Model for Evaluating Human Resources,Four Cs Model,Motivation,How to Keep Employees Motivated,Balance,Requirements,Employees,+A Good Salary,+Safe Working Conditions,+Job Security,+Learning,+Self-realization,+Growth,+Promotion,+Job Enrichment,+Job Enlargement,Group Activities,Exercises,Case Study 1:Helping a Skilled Workforce Thrive at RBS,Case Study 2:Human Relations at Sony,