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    ,Parents,Unit One,CONTENTS,5 Short Conversations,2.2 Passages from Part B,3.A Long Conversation,1.A.Remind Cathy about the time of the next meeting.B.Remind Cathy not to be late for every meeting.C.Tell Cathy about the agenda of the next meeting.D.Tell Cathy about a ring.,Tips:Im going to meet my uncle at 10:15.Its five minutes to ten by my watch.,W:Cathy has the habit of keeping us waiting for over 30 minutes.Maybe either you or I should give her a ring before each meeting.M:Thats really a nuisance,but I ll do it if you want.Q:What will the man probably do?,5 Short ConversationsIdentify the Major Events in a Conversation,2.A.She will turn off her recorder.B.She is not responsible for the noise.C.She will do something about the noise.D.She wants the man to use earphones.,Tips:What time is it now?Its 6:15.There are ten minutes left.,M:Could you keep the noise down,Mary?Im trying to listen to the recording.W:Sorry,its not me.Theres a party downstairs.Q:What does the woman imply?,3.A.Jane is not so forgetful.B.Jane used to have a good memory.C.Jane shouldnt be so nervous.D.Jane should not try to memorize the whole script.,Tips:Can I come to see you at 10 why not come half an hour later?,W:Mr.Brown,I try to memorize the script,but I keep forgetting the lines.M:Look,Jane,youll be fine if you stop putting so much pressure on yourself.Q:What does the man mean?,4.A.She doesnt have time to go outside.B.Shell consider the mans advice.C.She knows how to relieve her stress.D.She will feel more stressful if she gets behind in her lessons.,Tips:50 had planned to,but not everyone showed up.we had 25 from the Middle East and 15 from Latin America.,M:You spent too much time doing course work,Sally.Dont you think you should go out and get some fresh air?W:Thanks for the advice,but this is how I relieve my stress.Id rather not get too far behind.Q:What can you infer from the womans response?,5.A.The man shouldnt buy so many discs.B.The man should stop buying discs.C.The man shouldnt worry too much.D.The man should go shopping less.,M:Im having trouble making ends meet.It looks like I have to make another phone call to my parents.W:I dont think it would be a problem if you cut down on the discs you buy.Q:What does the woman mean?,Part B Dating with My Mother(Part One),date:v.go out with a member of the opposite sex,esp.regularly 与异性朋友的约会 n.an occasion of dating 约会 suspicious:a.feeling that you do not trust sb.or that there is sth.wrong 猜疑的 driveway:n.a private road that connects a private house to a street 私人车道 curl:v.to make into coils 使(头发)卷曲 get around to:find time for 找时间做,Word Bank,Part B Dating with My Mother(Part One),1.What would make the speaker closer to his wife Peggy?A.Never dating another woman B.Asking his mother to living with his family.C.Seeing more of his mother.D.Taking his wife and children to dinner and a movie.2.What do you know about the speakers mother?A.She has lived a lonely life for many years.B.She has got three children.C.She does not get on well with her daughter-in-law.D.She often goes out with her lady friends.3.Which of the following adjectives best describes Peggy?A.understandable B.caring C.sympathetic D.friendly.,Listen to the recording once and choose the right answers to the questions.,Dating with My Mother(Part One)After 22 years of marriage,I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife,Peggy.I started dating with another woman.It was Peggys idea.One day she said to me,Life is too short,you need to spend time with the people you love.You probably wont believe me,but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together,it will make us closer.The other woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother,a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago.Right after his death,I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career.When I moved back near my hometown six years ago,I promised myself that I would spend more time with mom.But with the demands of my job and three kids,I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays.Mom was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie.Whats wrong?she asked.I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you,I said.Just the two of us.I would like that a lot,she said.When I pulled into her driveway,she was waiting by the door with her coat on.Her hair was curled,and she was smiling.I told my lady friends I was going out with my son,and they were all impressed.They cant wait to hear about our evening,Mother said.,Part B Dating with My Mother(Part Two),fancy:a.not ordinary;fashionable 高档的豪华的 trail:n.path 走过的路程 brag:v.talk too proudly about sth.or sb.夸耀 catch up on:spend time doing what has been missed 补上 dropoff:allowto get out of a vehicle 让下车 fill sb.in on sth.:to supply sb.with details about sth.为提供有关的消息,Word Bank,Part B Dating with My Mother(Part Two),1.What does the story mainly tell us?A.Learning about ones family history is more important than work.B.One should spend time catching up on missing links in ones family history.C.Spending time with ones aged mother is a rewarding experience.D.Life will be more meaningful if you can balance work and family.2.Which of the following is true?A.The speaker finds his dates with his mother as rewarding as he had expected.B.The speaker cares little about his family history.C.The speaker knows nothing about his parents past.D.The speaker is proud of his wife and children.3.What can you learn from the story?A.The speakers marriage is in crisis.B.The speaker must be a workaholic.C.The speakers mother wont have to worry about her future any more.D.The speakers family life becomes happier after his regular outings with his mother.,Listen to the recording once and choose the right answers to the questions.,We didnt go anywhere fancy,just a neighborhood place where we could talk.Since her eyes now see only large shapes and shadows,I had to read the menu for both of us.I used to be the reader when you were little,she said.Then it is time for you to relax and let me return the favor,I said.We had a nice talk over dinner,just catching up on each others lives.We talked for so long that we missed the movie.Ill go out with you again,my mother said as I dropped her off,but only if you let me buy dinner next time.I agreed.How was your date?my wife asked when I got home that evening.Nice.nicer than I thought it would be,I said.Mom and I get out for dinner a couple of times a month.Sometimes we take in a movie,but mostly we talk.I tell her about my trails at work and brag about the kids and Peggy.Mom fills me in on family gossip and tells me about her past.Now I know what it was like for her to work in a factory during the Second World War.I know how she met my father there,and know how they went through the difficult times.I cant get enough of these stories.They are important to me,a part of my history.We also talk about the future.Because of health problems,my mother worries about the days ahead.Spending time with my mom has taught me the importance of slowing down.Peggy was right.Dating another woman has helped my marriage.,Dating with My Mother(Part Two),Long Conversation1.A.He prefers the smaller evening classes.B.He has signed up for a day course.C.He has to work during the day.D.He finds the evening course cheaper.2.A.Learn a computer language.B.Learn data processing.C.Buy some computer software.D.Buy a few course books.3.A.Thursday evening,from 7:00 to 9:45.B.From September 1 to New Years eve.C.Every Monday,lasting for 12 weeks.D.Three hours a week,45 hours in total.4.A.What to bring for registration.B.Where to attend the class.C.How he can get to Frost Hall.D.Whether he can use a check.,W:Hello,Cartson College,may I help you?M:Yes.Im looking for information on courses in computer programming.I would need it for the fall semester.W:Do you want a day or evening course?M:Well,it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.W:Aha.Have you taken any courses in data processing?M:No.W:Oh!Well,data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming.M:Oh,I see.Well,when is it given?I hope it is not on Thursdays.W:Well,theres a class that meets on Monday evenings at 7.M:Just once a week?W:Yes.But thats almost 3 hours from 7 to 9:45.M:Oh!Well,thats all right,I could manage that.How many weeks does the course last?W:Mm,let me see.12 weeks.You start the first weekends September and finishOh.just before Christmas,December 21st.M:And how much is the course?W:Thats 300 dollars including the necessary computer time.M:Ah-hum.Okay,Eh,where do I go to register?W:Registration is on the second and third of September between 6 and 9 in Frost Hall.M:Is that the round building behind the parking lot?W:Yes,thats the one.M:Oh,I know how to get there.Is there anything that I should bring with me?W:No,just your check book.M:Well,thank you so much.W:Youre very welcome.Bye!M:Bye!,See you next time!,


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